Save/Reload for balloons & item tourny = cheating?

Discussion in 'General' started by LemmyIsTheGame, Jan 12, 2008.

  1. LemmyIsTheGame

    LemmyIsTheGame Well-Known Member

    What is the point of cheating? I have never quit early, or loaded the game whenever I am losing. Every win and loss I have is legit. I once loaded one of my characters and lost an item tournament on my first match, I still didn't re-load my data file as my win record would then be meaningless. So sorry, I'm not going to use these cheats to rack up items quickly, I'll just play it properly and it's just bad luck if I don't see any balloons.

    Once you quit out of a losing match once or load your game back up after losing, you will ALWAYS do it. You will never care about winning ever again as you can just load the game and retry. It gets scary when you absolutely must win in the final of a tournament for example (I have the game set on expert which makes it worse), but this is what makes the game fun. If there is no fear of losing, there is no point in playing the game. No one would enjoy playing ranked online matches if they could set their energy bar on infinite.

    I'm not getting at Franz and RedSonRising personally - I know a lot of people will do this, but I'm just pointing out that you are missing out on the game by exploiting these cheats.
  2. Franz

    Franz Well-Known Member

    Why are you trying to pick a "fight" with so many people on this forum?

    The point in this "supposed" cheating is:

    1 - You want to get the items
    2 - The items come randomly and it takes a long time to get them all
    3 - Days have only 24 hours, weeks only 7 days, my life has business other than Virtua Fighter

    Sum it up and anything that allows you to cut time on that is welcome.
  3. Franz

    Franz Well-Known Member

    I doubt anybody other than you would accuse any balloon trick user of cheating. And if you didn't mean it, than nobody else will.

    The freaking point is that the whole quest mode is against the AI, not real people. I just don't have enough time. The fact that I might quit on a losing match that belongs to one of the ten guaranteed-item matches you get after a balloon it's just to save up time. I obviously wouldn't pull out a losing match on Xbox Live. also, the percentage and rank I have on quest mode will never be seen by anybody other than me.
  4. LemmyIsTheGame

    LemmyIsTheGame Well-Known Member

    The first paragraph didn't make any sense - Were you asking if I meant what I said? Yes I did, getting false wins/losses, pulling out of a game early and loading your game until you get what you want is chaeting.

    The quest mode is a good way of judging how good you are with each character. My Jeffry is at about 93% win ratio while my Brad was only at around 70% due to some losses while I was learning more about the character - this was a good guide to tell me to practice with him more and I've since gotten him up to around 84% - even though I am fighting the higher ranked players, I am now winning them more often than not and the win ratio was a good way of knowing which of your characters needs practice. Cheating the game and getting wins and losses just to try the balloon trick would have fucked my win ratio up beyond recognition and would be meaningless (like yours will be).

    The bottom line is - there is no point in playing games if you're going to cheat. If you don't have time to play the quest mode, then don't have the items - leave them for the people that have actually earned them. That's the point of them...

    Sega will have tried to design the game so that you have to play to earn the items, but because of the save system, there is no way of stopping people exploiting the game.

    Besides, it's not just VF. It's any game where you can just load the game to disregard any losses. Almost every gamer I know does it and it's stupid. It's like an infinite supply of spare darts ready for whenever you miss the treble 20. All gamers ever want to do is cheat - they spend their entire time looking for some dirty trick that defeats the essence of the whole game just so they can get an upper hand - whether it's quiting out the game early for infinite retries or people bouncing off of rival cars to get around corners quicker in racing games.

    For some reason - Gamers=cheating bastards.
  5. Franz

    Franz Well-Known Member

    That's ridicolous. Seriously. I repeat, I would never dream of pulling out an Xbox Live match. I don't think it's a problem to use the balloon trick to get items. The method was even explained and endorsed by some of the most experienced/users of this forum, go figure. I do decide what is the point of playing the game for me.
    If developers left the trick in the game it means they are happy with it. Period. Some games don't have cheats at all, not even during development. It's not the case with VF5. If the balloon trick is there, there is a reason for it.

    Bottom line is: who the heck are you to come and judge me or other users, calling me or others cheaters or bastards? Just mind your own business, everybody does whatever they want with the game and the console they paid especially when they are playing on their own. Until the day in which I will boast about my OFFLINE ranking/items, you have absolutely no right to criticise me or anyother balloon trick user. And since I'll never do that, you might as well shut up forever with regard to the whole thing.
  6. Frunkis

    Frunkis Member

    Yeah I'm sure the devs accidentally implemented a save system and accidentally made the balloon trick and accidentally made it controllable rather than entirely randomized.
  7. Franz

    Franz Well-Known Member

    How do you mean?
  8. RedSonRising

    RedSonRising Well-Known Member

    lets not lie to each other and pretend looking down your nose at other ppl is acceptable or unintentional, ok?.. now, for argument's sake, lets analyze LemmyIsTheGame 's high horse for a minute..

    im already 800+ fights into quest mode, what am i missing? im glad the GAME DESIGNERS didnt think there was the only way to play the game.. i like to be rewarded for the effort i put into a game.. i use resources like forums, instruction manuals and strategy guides to play efficiently and learn effectively..

    by Lemmy's logic i shouldnt have ranked up by fighting the 'right' opponents instead of random AI.. the balloon trick is definitely off limits too.. and i guess i should just fight random AI until the last one shows up so i can finish the arcades sometime next year..

    but here's the clincher.. They gave me a choice!!! theres no way a balloon floats across my screen bearing gifts of silver and gold item battles is an accident!!

    the A2M game designers let me control the when item battles appear using the balloon trick.. they showed me how to rank up faster by fighting similarly ranked opponents instead of random AI.. they let me clear arcades faster by loading arcades until the last of over 100 opponents finally loads.. i probably shouldnt have watched the dojo demo videos to help beat time attack mode, thats cheating right?

    he was being sarcastic Franz..

    Lemmy doesnt have all the items for any character yet!! i earned all of the items grinding in arcades for 700+ wins.. My Vane has a high quest win percentage (89%) and the highest quest mode rank (Conquerer).. She's beaten every tournament, collected all of the items, finished 2 arcades + the special arcade list and finished quest mode.

    the examples ive used are not exploits or cheats.. they are CHOICES the GAME DESIGNERS put in the game so we can get the most out of our gaming experience..

    the balloon trick is not marijuana.. quiting the 11th item battle to continue collecting item battles is not the gateway drug to quitting XBL ranked matches.. that is a weak parallel that fails to bolster a shallow argument about cheating that doesnt apply here..

    if we are cheating bastards then you're a lazy, uppity snob.. stop trolling and get to work then maybe youll actually earn the items you're jealous other ppl have already..

    (and for the record the real gateway drugs are alcohol and tobacco products, not marijuana)
  9. LemmyIsTheGame

    LemmyIsTheGame Well-Known Member

    I wonder why? If I chose only one character I would have earned everything possible within the first week. You want to try playing as every character equally and see how long it takes you to earn 100% items. I have played for around 200-300 matches for all 17 characters - that adds up to around 4000 matches.

    By the way:
    /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/n.gifQuiting because you have already beaten an opponent: not cheating
    /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/n.gifWaiting until your wins match and checking if a balloon appears: not cheating
    /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/n.gifPlaying against similar ranked opponents to rank up: not cheating

    /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/n.gifFucking up your win ratio to try and earn the balloon: cheating
    /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/n.gifSaving your game and reloading it to change what happened: cheating
    /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/n.gifQuiting a match when it looks like you might lose: cheating

    I notice the 360 version of VF5 shows hints on loading screens - Here are my suggestions to Sega for useful hints:
    "If you lose a match you didn't want to, reload your data file and pretend it never happened".
    "If an item balloon doesn't appear, either keep loading the game until it does, or lose on purpose and wait for another balloon".

    These are exploits of the game and are certainly things Sega didn't want players to do.

    Anyway, the Quest Mode is excellent fun on expert difficulty and exploiting the game ruins any sense of challenge and defeats the object of playing at all. Playing on Normal is the worst 'cheat' of all, you can /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif the hell out of almost all opponents, or back-up to the ring's edge and throw them out everytime (on Normal, the AI is useless). Like I said before; trying to win an item tournament on expert difficulty is a scary yet highly enjoyable experience - and if losing didn't matter, I would have gotten bored with it long since.

  10. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    Quest Mode is a single player mode. Who exactly are you cheating? What are you gaining by playing "fair"?

    Why should someone burden themselves with spending more time in Quest Mode then necessary if they don't want to? Maybe they just want the custom items and be done with it and start playing the real game?
  11. LemmyIsTheGame

    LemmyIsTheGame Well-Known Member

    You get a good fun game. Playing on normal and doing nothing but bashing away at the punch button is perhaps the worst fun you could ever have. Playing the game 'properly' and learning the AIs patterns is good fun and a great alternative to human/human vs play. Just because this game has a versus mode that is the main feature is irrelevant - gamers will do cheats like this on any single player game, and try to unlock things as quickly as possible by exploiting cheats (using the best car only, choosing easy difficulty, continuing when they lose, exploiting bugs that might exist etc etc). Gamers are always cheating and I don't understand what they get out of games if they remove all challenge. I'm playing Quest Mode as I would any other single player game, just because versus is the main thing, I still realise that it is one of the best single player games out there (a million times better than Halo 3 campaign for example). If you take out the challenge, there is no game.
    If you don't want to spend time playing it, then don't have the items. If all you care about is "the real game", then you shouldn't care about making your character look pretty. I feel satisfaction and prestige for earning and wearing hard to get items, which is the whole point of the items in the first place. You may have well as just downloaded a save file.
  12. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    Actually it's a pisspoor alternative to human vs human play. And you can't really play the game properly since the AI have no brain

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">If you don't want to spend time playing it, then don't have the items. If all you care about is "the real game", then you shouldn't care about making your character look pretty. I feel satisfaction and prestige for earning and wearing hard to get items, which is the whole point of the items in the first place. You may have well as just downloaded a save file. </div></div>Maybe I care about customisation and the real game but don't care about Quest Mode?

    And the whole point of items "in the first place" have nothing to do with Quest Mode or single player modes. In the arcades you earn items by playing against other human opponents.

    And if there was a way to download a save file with all the items readily available on them, I would have.
  13. LemmyIsTheGame

    LemmyIsTheGame Well-Known Member

    How would you know if you didn't even play it properly? I've added more points in the previous post. The single player game is awesome - not as good as versus play but it's still probably the best game out there. If you played to win against the expert AI then you wouldn't be saying it was pisspoor.
  14. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    Really, now. How do you play "properly"?

    I play to win. Period. End of story. Winning against the AI is simple, since it has so many exploitable holes and never ever ever learn.

    It IS pisspoor compared to human players. It just is. Not even arguable, it's a fact.
  15. LemmyIsTheGame

    LemmyIsTheGame Well-Known Member

    Yes it does have patterns that can be exploited, yet it also has tactics that can be hard to overcome. And I am not talking about the game on normal or hard as I have never touched it - try it on expert and see if you can beat it every single time. Playing high ranked opponents on expert is difficult and can actually help you learn more about the game. If you don't play on expert - you don't have any valid opinion on how good the AI is.

    I know the AI is shit and not realistic, but it's not "simple to beat". Some opponents can be incredibly tough (or almost impossible in some cases).
  16. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    Of course I can't. It reads my controller.

    It's not that it's EASY. Anyone can do a challenging fighting game AI. Fact is, there is nothing easier then doing so. That doesn't mean it's a GOOD fighting game AI, it just means that it wins.

    AI is a pisspoor replacement to real versus play. The end.
  17. biggz316

    biggz316 Well-Known Member

    ammm okay....LemmyIsTheGame u gat issues dude...who da fuk are you Hiroshi Kataoka?..people can play quest mode how ever da fuk dey want....cheating against da cpu...r u kiddin let me get dis right...exmple: item match final round...i lose it?...yur telling me dat if i exit quest mode, go bak 2 option and load my data i saved right b4 entering da tournament am cheatin?...cheatin who!!!...myself? da fuk!!...da cpu is lame by da way dude..i easily man handle da cpu wid wolf...all u have 2 play is a distance game...anywayz take chill pill dude..VF5 version is about human vs human...find sum friends or play online dude
  18. LemmyIsTheGame

    LemmyIsTheGame Well-Known Member

    I'm not playing it "as a replacement". I play Quest Mode in addition to playing real people and it is still a fantastic game. If it was so awful, I wouldn't have spent so long playing it. It is by far the best way to learn characters and tactics.
  19. LemmyIsTheGame

    LemmyIsTheGame Well-Known Member

    First of all, you can't write sentences that make sense.
    Second of all, yes you are cheating. You fucking lost - accept it.
    Third of all, I didn't know Ali G played Virtua Fighter.
  20. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    How fun for you, but the point is that you seem to think that everyone should fall in line to YOUR standards on how games should be played, instead of doing what brings THEM the most enjoyment. For many of us, playing Quest to get items is a chore rather then entertainment, therefore we try to find shortcuts.

    This is what we think is more "fun"

    Get it?

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