Schedule and Event Types

Discussion in 'VF Circuit' started by akai, Sep 14, 2012.

  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Content Manager Pai Bronze Supporter

    Season 1 Tentative Schedule (biweekly)

    Event                                         Dates (PS3)        Date (360)
    Round Robin #1                                Aug-05-2012        Jul-28-2012
    Round Robin #2                                Aug-19-2012        Aug-12-2012
    Round Robin #3                                Sep-10-2012        Aug-27-2012
    September Major                               Sep-15-2012        Sep-16-2012
    Round Robin #4                                Sep-30-2012        Sep-29-2012
    October Major                                 Oct-21-2012        Oct-20-2012
    Round Robin #5                                TBD                TBD
    November Major                                Nov-17-2012        Nov-18-2012
    Round Robin #6                                TBD                TBD
    December Major                                Dec-16-2012        Dec-15-2012
    Events are classified as either a Special Event or a Major Event (see below). For each scheduled event there is a date for Playstation 3 League and another day for Xbox 360 League. For the major events – the dates are already set at the beginning of the season (exact time is still under consideration). Dates for the special events (which generally will be of smaller scale) will be announced during the regular season.

    Special Events (Round Robins)
    - 1 point is given to each player participating in these events. These events will usually be smaller in size than the major events (This allows scheduling events during the weekdays).
    - Event rules are flexible for each event (This gives variety to the season).
    - Regions are variable and flexible. Player pool does not have to be within the same Division.

    Major Events
    - Number of Points given to each player depends on number of players.
    - Event rules – No Character Switching / First Portion: Round Robin / Final Portion: Single elimination, 2 out of 3.
    - Regions are defined and constant. Player pool is only within the same Division.

    Placement Points for Major Events (Tentative)
    Placement                  01-05    06-15    16-31    32-63      64
    1st Place                    3        4        5        6        7
    2nd Place                    2        3        4        5        6
    Semifinalists (3rd-4th)      1        2        3        4        5
    Participants (5th-8th)       1        1        2        3        4
    Participants (9th-16th)      -        -        1        2        3
    Participants (17th-32th)     -        -        1        1        2
    Participants (33th-64th)     -        -        -        1        1
    Note: Points gained from PS3 League events are separated from points gained from Xbox 360 League events.

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    Placement Points for Major Events (Tentative)
    08-15 16-31 32-63 64[/SIZE] [/SIZE]
    so akai how does this work whats it mean 3 points per 15 participants or what can u explain more clearly
  3. Craigbot

    Craigbot Well-Known Member

    I'll keep a lookout for the next event. The Major yesterday was great, I had fun doing it.
  4. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Content Manager Pai Bronze Supporter

    Update first post to have the dates for Round Robin #4. Remember that for the non-major events, players with schedule conflict with the time/date of events can go on a standby list of alternative dates (see the sign-up threads).
  5. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Content Manager Pai Bronze Supporter

    Updated the first post with info about points for the majors (has always been posted in the VF Circuit Blog version).

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