Sega Consumer Press Conference 2009

Discussion in 'General' started by Reno, Apr 14, 2009.

  1. Reno

    Reno Well-Known Member

    Ctrl+F, Search for "Virtua"

    Nothing. It's over. 5R ain't coming ever.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">It appears that Sega is holding a big press conference today in Akihabara. According to Inside Games and Gemaga, Sega will be showing off Puyo Puyo 7, Bayonetta and End of Eternity among other titles. Additionally, Puyo Puyo 7 will get its promotion character announced.

    The conference just kicked off at 13:00. I'll post second hand updates from the above two live blogs as I see them, so be sure and check back frequently!

    14:03: Here's a pic of the End of Eternity part from Gemaga. I think I'm going to stop updating here.

    Microsoft's press conference next week will hopefully be more eventful.

    14:01: OH MAN! THE PRESS CONFERENCE ENDED! Inside Games says people can try out some of the games in the event space. They didn't say which ones, though. I'm gonna guess End of Eternity isn't one of them.

    13:58: Sega showed off a video of its upcoming lineup. Oh man... there'd better be more! Where's my Puyo Puyo girl! How in the world will Sega top Ebi-chan, the Puyo Puyo Fever girl?

    13:57: Here's a pic of the End of Eternity part from

    13:55: Gotanda said that tri-Ace is trying to achieve an interesting battle system, where players can enjoy intense gun battles. It will be a new RPG that can only be done on consoles.

    13:54: tri-Ace CEO Yoshiharu Gotanda took the stage and shared the world premier trailer for the game, saying that it's just a glimpse at the game.

    13:52: Miyazaki described the game as "in a word, a super huge title." Sega hopes to make it into a representative title for the company. He's a personal fan of tri-Ace and thinks its neat that his company gets to work on the developer's next title.

    13:51: Next, End of Eternity. Sega's Hiroyuki Miyazaki took the stage.

    13:50: I'm pretty sure this was widely expected, but the Bayonetta presentation closed off with the announcement that the recently announced Fall 2009 release is a worldwide one. The game will be released simultaneously throughout the world.

    13:48: Here's a pic of the Bayonetta presentation at

    13:40: Here's a pic of the Puyo Puyo part at Gemaga.

    13:32: Platinum Games' Hashimoto Yusuke took the stage and introduced the concept of "Infinite Climax Action," which lets you experience a climax in any situation (if only it were that easy!).

    He then showed off game footage. Inside Games says this is the first ever game footage of the game, although I'm certain yesterday's trailer (at the official site... see below) had lots of gameplay.

    13:29: I just realized I'm live blogging a live blog. I feel so dirty.

    13:26: Bayonetta just got a big official site update yesterday, by the way. See details here. The site listed a release period of Fall 2009, which I think may have been new.

    13:25: Next up, Bayonetta.

    13:17: They're introducing Puyo Puyo 7, touching upon the concepts of "Henshin," or transformation, and "Anshin," or safety. The safety part is apparently supposed to refer to the fact that the game includes all the rules that have been included in past Puyo Puyo games and the fact that it has a huge tutorial.

    13:15: Famitsu is also live blogging, it seems. See here.

    13:11: Sega CS division head Takayuki Kawagoe kicked things off with some business talk, noting that it was a year of hills and valleys for the company.</div></div>
  2. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Not this R, no.

    "Jesus will come! F@$% you!" /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  3. Truesonic2k

    Truesonic2k Well-Known Member

    Maybe it's not over they didn't talk about the new Shining Force game not to mention I think we got a glimpse of hope when AM2 acknowledged they had listened to the VF fans over the online lobby system as seen in this article.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">2. The team is making use of the experience and user feedback from their work on the 360 version of VF5.

    Regarding this later area, Murayama shared a few specifics on the game's online system.

    Apparently, there were some complaints about VF5 regarding the lobby system. Responding to this, the team has completely redone the system for VOOT. </div></div>

    If they were listening like they said there then maybe they have heard our pleas for VF5R or perhaps they are waiting for the next big revision after R? I'm just trying to stay positive "The glass if half full" sort of thing ya know?
  4. Xzyx987X

    Xzyx987X Well-Known Member

    Relax, nothing is over. As long as VF5R is still a hot commodity at the arcades, Sega has a good reason not to release it on consoles. I actually wouldn't expect an announcement about a home release until 5R's arcade lifecycle is close to being over. Now if we still don't have an announcement within 6 months of 5R's arcade successor being announced, then it's time to worry.
  5. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    Tekken 6, came out November of 07. Tekken 6BR-Dec of 08. Console version, Oct. of 09. Look at that wait. Hopefully, is nothing like this for VF5R.....But whatever, I could wait.
  6. InstantOverhead

    InstantOverhead Well-Known Member

    I'm sick of the 'arcade will hurt if a console release happens' argument. Didn't VF4/VF4EVO remain 1 or 2 in the arcades the months that the same versions on consoles overlapped the current arcade release?

    Third Strike has been on consoles for years, and you can just download a ROM and emulator for free on the internet anyways, yet the game despite being ten years old and available for free anyways is still played regularly in Japan.

    Something we should pay close attention to is how far Tekken 6BR drops off at the arcade after it is released on consoles to see how sound this argument truly is. Also, according to many at SRK, the Japanese have hardly been playing SFIV on consoles and primarily play the arcade version still despite the console version adding a whole slew of new characters. If T6BR literally dies at the arcade this fall I'll stop pestering Sega as much for 5R, but if it remains in first place my head will literally explode from Sega's bullshit.
  7. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    Same here, just wait, and in the meantime have fun with VF5.
    Also, ver. B will hit arcades soon, right? Why would they release 5R for consoles now? That'd be pointless...
  8. Xzyx987X

    Xzyx987X Well-Known Member

    It's not just about the potential for a dropoff in the arcade market though. Sega may also want to hold out until they are sure they have a definitive, balanced arcade version before starting a home console port. Also, the timing may be a bit bad now, as it seems the team responsible for the console port of VF5 is busy on other things.

    The biggest reason why I say the deadline is around the announcement of 5R's successor is because that's about the deadline of the relevancy window. If they wait too long after that, they might as well just save their energy and marketing dollars on a port of the new game.
  9. DarkVincent

    DarkVincent Well-Known Member

    Yep. People may argue that they could release patches for every new version that came out in the arcades, but it's not like patches are 0 cost for them to make and release. They have to afford every single bit that's downloaded off the net, doing so 2~3 times for a game that doesn't even sell that much sounds pretty stupid. And no, releasing balance changes as paid dlc isn't a good idea, only people who don't value their money will pay for something like that.

    Relax people, seriously. The interview didn't mention any Sonic game or Phantasy Star game either, I guess there won't be a new Sonic or Phantasy Star ever anymore then? =P
  10. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Where is En-Vogue? Never gunna get it, never gunna get it....
  11. combo2008

    combo2008 Well-Known Member

    Hey i could wait. Its so many fighting games coming out.
  12. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    The Japs don't seem to mind....

    Maybe it's just people who are tight with their money that wouldn't pay for something like that?
  13. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Lol paying for balance patches is 1 very small step away from paying for bug fix patches.
  14. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Good point captain.

    There's a subscription fee for in japan though right? I'm guessing this fee helps cover stuff like the updated revisions and bug fixes. Just like all those MMO games, so yeah people already pay for bug fixes and balance revisions /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    I wouldn't mind seeing something like this implemented into console versions of VF, or at least paying a small fee to download the updated revisions.
  15. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

  16. DarkVincent

    DarkVincent Well-Known Member

    Dude you gotta be one of the biggest idiots I've met in any forum. Have you ever played a MMO game? I guess not. Well, I have, a LOT. We don't pay monthly fees for bug fixes and balance revisions. We pay for the SERVERS (just like VF.Net) and to have the game continually updated with new content (no, we don't pay for "KAWAII EXTRA COSTUMES TEE HEE ^_^" that some here would be so happy to afford without thinking twice). Balance changes and bug fixes just happen to be NECESSARY to keep the players interested in the game and continually supporting it. Since we are maintaining the servers, the devs are free to release as many patches as needed be. We come to expect it. Don't do it, and you won't remain in the market for long.

    In console VF's case they don't have to spend any money with maintaining a server (it's MS and Sony), but they have to pay Microsoft and Sony for every bit that's downloaded off them in case of a patch or new content because it uses their servers. Even demos! Therefore they have to make it so they spend the least amount of money possible with rebalances and patches on consoles. Otherwise it's an unnecessary expense.
  17. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Woah, relax DV...
  18. Xzyx987X

    Xzyx987X Well-Known Member

    I personally, would be happy to pay for more KAWAII COSTUMES (^o^). Anyway, since when does Sony pay for servers? I thought their whole free online gaming model kind of put game companies on their own for providing servers.
  19. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira


    You seriously think not even one bit of the money from the monthly fees goes towards the cost of developing the revisions and patches? The money only goes towards the cost of running the servers eh? ... and i'm the idiot /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/crazy.gif

    Yep and you ever wondered why games that don't sell well or make much money have barely any post release support, like these bug fixes, updates & revisions?

    Go on make a guess...
  20. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member


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