short wolf combo vid

Discussion in 'VF.TV' started by BK__, May 20, 2002.

  1. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    here's a couple of wolf combos i put together, i had a lot more, but i had to cut down to reduce file size, if geocities plays up again and takes down the page temporarily, simply try again later.

    it also has a short clip of ECDing if ppl are interested.

    <a target="_blank" href=>short wolf clip</a>

  2. Akebono

    Akebono Well-Known Member

    Cool moves.
  3. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    heh, i managed to overcome 50 wins in kumite with just the b,df+p(opp blocK) ~ f+p (crumble)~low throw which is my fav guarenteed combination..

    if ppl want, i'll do akira or jeff next?
  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I appreciated the clip, some interesting looking stuff thats for sure. Thanks very much.
  5. HighKing

    HighKing Well-Known Member

    I'd like to see AKIRA please!!!
  6. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

    the last combo with the hit throw is nice.....
  7. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    gwaah!... i just realized i kept the audio in the vid before i exported it!..... no wonder it was quite big for it's size.. (sorry, it was on mute while i was editing ^_^)

    meh, no matter... thanks for the feedback, i might get some akira customized stepping vids (reverse CD ~ d+k<g> ~ reverse CD ~ d+k<g>)
  8. mindelixir

    mindelixir Well-Known Member

    A Jeff video would be greatly appreciated.
  9. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

    what do you use for video editing/recording??
  10. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    for the love of god dont use quicktime! /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    MPEG is the way..
  11. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    I noticed you're using the PAL version. Why don't you use the 60hz option? Watching the game run at 50hz is painful.

    You have a nice stepping technique, but does it warrant making another movie? Most have seen the Japanese and ShinZ do all kinds of stepping, months ago, in the heat of battle, which is far more impressive (as impressive as stepping gets anyway) IMO. Watching you make movies of your stepping seems to say nothing else but, "Hey, look, I can do it too!". However, I'm not stopping you from making whatever movies you want, but just giving you an honest opinion. Have fun!
  12. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    "I noticed you're using the PAL version. Why don't you use the 60hz option? Watching the game run at 50hz is painful."

    yeah, playing the game in 50Hz is painful too!

    the reason is that scummy sony of europe made the UK PS2 to support an NTSC 60Hz instead of PAL, this means that in order to run 60Hz in colour, i would need an RGB scart, or PAL converter (NTSC signal to PAL).. the thing is that my one does not run through my VHS because it does not support an NTSC signal all together, so it's either 50Hz with colour, or 60Hz black & white (if you'd perfer that?)

    "You have a nice stepping technique, but does it warrant making another movie? Most have seen the Japanese and ShinZ do all kinds of stepping, months ago, in the heat of battle, which is far more impressive (as impressive as stepping gets anyway) IMO. Watching you make movies of your stepping seems to say nothing else but, "Hey, look, I can do it too!". However, I'm not stopping you from making whatever movies you want, but just giving you an honest opinion. Have fun!"

    your totally right, however, i didn't dedicate my movie to stepping, it's just my warm up really, i was just showing some of the guarenteed combos which are avaliable to wolf, if i made an akira vid, i'd do the same thing, but include a couple of extras for bonus(though i probably don't have the time anywayz).. i appriciate the honest oppinion anyhow, if i were looking from your point of view, i would have thought the same thing.

    (in reply to gaishou)

    "what do you use for video editing/recording??"

    just basic Adobe Premiere, if i want a quick n' easy job i use iMOVIE

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