shot knee

Discussion in 'The Vault' started by AlexMD, Jul 9, 2000.

  1. AlexMD

    AlexMD Well-Known Member

    I frequently use jacky's shot knee in flow charts after a low punch to pop up crouchers but recently when I've done it I get low punched before I can continue my assault.Isn't it my initiative?.If the japanese use this in flow charts than it must be good what am I doing wrong?.Any body know of any lightning kick combos?
  2. sta783

    sta783 Well-Known Member

    Isn't it my initiative?.

    Depends on how your low-P hits. If whiffed or blocked, you DON'T have the initiative. If hit on MC, you DO have the initiative. Normal hit is fuzzy...condition further depends on whether your low-P was executed standing or crouching. I honestly do not remember all the details.

    If the japanese use this in flow charts than it must be good what am I doing wrong?.

    Speaking for the people here, they Japanese make a lot of mistakes too. *grin* Besides these "techniques" also go obsolete, and further research reveals an option something better.

    In fact, "flowchart" sort of disappeared in competitive VF scene in Japan. A lot of players play in such way to defy "yomi" all together. They play much safer, with back-dashes and fuzzy-blocking, etc. ....I actually find myself more comfortable playing this way too, eliminating as much paper-rock-scissors aspect from the match.
  3. AlexMD

    AlexMD Well-Known Member

    When I said If the japanese use the shot knee it must be good I was refering to the skilled players in japan not the entire japanese population so I apologize for that incedibly broad statement.Hey at least it was complimentary :)
  4. sta783

    sta783 Well-Known Member

    I was refering to the skilled players in japan not the entire japanese population

    I understood what you meant. In fact, I too am Japanese for your information.

    As for Jacky's low-P > shot-knee flowchart, I know Gamest used to put it in their magazines and all. But over time, people discovered better options and abandoned what they initially thought to be good.

    It really is not a bad option anyway, it's good for a change of pace.

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