Should Dural become a toned competitive character?

Discussion in 'General' started by jinxhand, Oct 4, 2010.

  1. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    There are alot of games that have boss characters that are playable, all the way from ST, KoF, NGBC, and even KI. Some of them still keep their overpowered status (KoFMI minus Duke's counter super but still op, SC4, CvS2), and others are toned down so that they become playable, and are even accepted in tournaments (SF4, NGBC except Goodman, KoFNW).

    I believe VF is the only game that has kept their boss "playable", but still unaccessable except on console once unlocked, and even then, she's not an "acceptable" character in tournaments due to her being "perfect" as in op... Seeing as VF5FS has alot of changes both in its appearance and system, would it be a good actual addition if Dural was an actual playable character like Seth in SF4??? I personally wish she was as accessible as other playable boss characters are, except obviously tone her down so that she can be used without feeling "cheap" for lack of a better word... Even having 2 different versions of Dural with one being a character that someone can use competitively would be kinda cool... It would also be interesting to see how she would do if she were placed in say somewhere between B and C tier, as "most" boss characters in other games I've played are in that tier range (except Goodman, Krauser, Omega Rugal, Shin Gouki, Bai-Fu, and a few others)...

    Again, I am aware that anyone can play her in arcade and vs mode once unlocked, but it would be interesting to see what items she would have in quest mode, and see how many people would actually pick her up in competitive play... Any thoughts/ideas??? I apologize in advance if this has already been discussed in a previous thread...
  2. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    The only way the could make a usable Dural fair is to depower her to the point of not being Dural anymore. Have you used Dural? You go through the moves list and develop some combos and you quickly realise how ridiculous she is. Her Elbow string alone is pretty game breaking.

    She also has the best throws and is the heaviest character, being near impossible to combo properly. You'd have to take that all away and change her attacks. As she already has the shortest moveslist you wouldn't be left with much and after you've replaced everything, would it still be Dural?

    That said, I don't think it's a bad idea to have the boss playable. Dural is pretty bland as bosses go though, both visually and her lack of a distinct style, so i'm not sure how popular she'd be without the crazy moves.
  3. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    I have played Dural in all VFs and I already know how crazy she is, that's why I was saying having a "toned down" version of her would be a great addition... I would like to see some different moves from her that make her stand out... She should also have some of those "mimic" moves toned down... The way I see it, she doesn't have to be a Mokujin to be Dural... At the same time, Dural doesn't always have to be broken in every VF... Her not having certain things doesn't make her less of a boss character or a VF character for that matter... Jeffry doesn't have a stand-alone Splash Mountain anymore, but he's still Jeffry... Kage was known for his TFT and the fact that he's a ninja, and TFT was modified so much that setups for that move changed, but he's still Kage... Character change isn't always a bad thing... It worked out for Iori in KOFXII, and he's even better in KOFXIII...

    Seth has some of the best SF moves, and he has some of his own that make him stand out as his own character... If Dural had somewhat of an expanded movelist with a few "mimic" moves with toned down properties and damage, and a bunch of her very own moves, she could stand out. She could still be the heaviest character, but change the damage scaling on her (like Gouki/Seth). That way, there's still a chance to do damage and win, even though she's a heavy female character...
  4. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    Imho Dural is a challenge. She has to stay like she is right now a broken character.
    But make her a playble character will change vf and make it more similar to Tekken series. If you wanna play a robot, there's gun jack, bryan, yoshimitsu, alisa waiting for you :p
    Actually i think VF needs to keep his identity as Beat Em Up with only human and real tecniques.
  5. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry, a bunch of Kage's moves aren't real techniques, especially the new moves they gave him... And heavy pounces that allow you to jump 10+ feet in the air is not real...

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">But make her a playble character will change vf and make it more similar to Tekken series. If you wanna play a robot, there's gun jack, bryan, yoshimitsu, alisa waiting for you :p

    VF is already like Tekken. They share similar stuns and bounds as well as air juggles and wall combos... VF has better defensive options and allows the player to turn the tides without the need of a rage mode... Kage has a cybernetic outfit and Jeffry has Custom Robo-esque items with a cannon... That's just as close as a robot... Plus Dural is already available in arcade and vs modes, so its more like "if you want to play a 'balanced' or 'low tier' robot, then play Tekken"...
  6. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    I don't think it could work the same. Jeff is still Jeff when you take something away or change something, but the most distinctive thing about Dural is the lack of anything distinctive. Just lots of very strong moves and a bland, if shiny look.

    To take the Seth/Akuma example, I still think she'd be too strong doing 50% damage and taking double. She's pretty much broken head to toe, rather than it being an aspect of the character. As i said, it'd have to be a completely different character simply dressed up as Dural.

    You can't keep the weight, it's broken. Moves are broken so those need to go as well. So all that's left is the look. At that point i'm starting to think i'd prefer an entirely new character with a new fully realised martial art.
  7. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    I say make a new character.
  8. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    TBH i dont even know why they let that guy in the vid play dural more than once. its stupid. its a con.

    dural should be kept as it is, and win or lose you just need to see her once.

    besides... a cheating AI would need no broken moves. it would escape every throw and fuzzy everything. and do max damage without who cares about that?
  9. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    fuzzy everything?

    What about delayed moves?

    if it chose the "correct" course of action at every turn it would be really easy to beat.
  10. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    There is no choice which beats every other, but if the cpu was reading and reacting to your inputs as I think Matt is suggesting, it would be very hard to beat and not much fun to play.
  11. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Even if they had to make another "version" or a "somewhat defective" Dural it would be kinda cool... I mean Duke in KOFMI has 2 versions, with the playable one being toned down. All of the bosses in NGBC have 2 versions also. You can change the weight and the appearance or whatever else needed... Hell, you can even change the name slightly...

    I mean what good is having a character in a game where you can only play with them in casuals and nothing else??? You can't practice with them, nor can you go in a forum and discuss matchups and setups, because they're too broken to even be considered playable (so with that said, VF can't be really considered a balanced game, per sé)...

    People like boss characters. Think about all of the bosses in the MK series and how they all eventually became playable, even if it took a few versions for it to happen, it still did... A bunch of Capcom games have playable bosses. Even Fighting Vipers had a playable boss... Bowser and Ganondorf are playable in Smash Bros... Dio and Shadow Dio were playable in JJBA and they both weren't nowhere near Petshop's broken status, and Petshop wasn't even a boss, nor needed unlocking to play him!!!
  12. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Yes, but balance is very important in VF and no character is that much strong than others. How would you go about balancing Dural without Dural becoming a completely different character?

    Dural is comparatively to the rest of the cast; stronger than 90% of bosses in fighting games. When you get to that level of sheer teefness, bosses tend to not be selectable and if they are they're banned from tournaments/competitive play anyway.

    So that said, we've got to make an entirely new Dural. Wouldn't it be better to just introduce a new character with new style to VF?
  13. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Even if Dural kept the best moves, she can still have less damage as a start to balancing her...

    I guess Sega could make another character, but they don't do enough of that... They've got alot of characters they could work with storywise in both the game, and the anime. Sega already owes us at least 1 new character imo. I don't count returnees as new characters...

    And as far as being stronger than 90% of bosses, I'm not too sure of that... Maybe 70-80%, but nothing more than that... Algol (before the patch) gave a whole new meaning to the word "boss"... But that's just my opinion...
  14. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Goro and Kintaro never became playable.
  15. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    In MK Trilogy they were, and in MK Armageddon, both also were playable.
  16. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    I stand by my 90% comparatison. In relation to the rest of the cast in their own game, Dural is Teef. Far better than every other character in every way. She's seriously up there with SNK bosses in that if the CPU plays correctly you can't win. If you win it's because the CPU let you. Always.

    If Dural keeps her best moves and you reduce her to 50% damage, she'd still be Teef.
  17. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    Gill(SF3) is playable on console and no one ever bothers to pick him unless to show him in combo videos. [​IMG]

    Dural doesn't need to be taken seriously imo.
  18. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Dural is more Teef than Gill. Gill is also banned in competitive play isn't he?

    Storyline wise, there is a case for multiple Durals, some of which could be balanced and selectable. I'd prefer proper characters though. [​IMG]
  19. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Oh consoles, gotcha only console fighters I played were post vf5,I say new character or bust. I always found dural to be bland anyway
  20. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    They would have to completely change her moves. She could still do cool stuff but on paper it shouldn't be amazing.

    If I can customize her to have just a huge afro, I'm good. Just a humongous afro.

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