Shun stats

Discussion in 'Shun' started by Shadowdean, Jun 10, 2003.

  1. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Are there any complete stats for Shun out there? Jun finally convinced me to draw out a flow chart for Shun for his moves, but I need some frame referance.
  2. Chill

    Chill +40 DP Content Manager Shun Gold Supporter

    Chill PKG

    This is a link to the Shun part of 1/60th site. Because it's horrible to navigate, I did a bit of altavista translation and have listed the number of each important column, and what value that column represents:

    Column 6: Damage
    Column 7: Command (The notation used is numbers representing each direction. [8] = 8, [4] = 4, [2] = 2, [6] = 6 etc. Look at your number pad and it is layed out for you. An example is 2+P which is equal to [2]+[P]. All series moves will have a number in brackets between the two moves, i.e: P(23)P(27)P or [P],[P],[P]. These numbers in brackets represent the amount of frames beteen the two moves when you can enter the second move. For example 'P(23)P' means that after the first P is executed, you have 23 frames to execute the second P, or the series ends)
    Column 8: Drinks (Notice that if the information is there it will have in that column: 0~8, 9~16, 17~24 etc. These are the different ranges of DPs. For instance in the 9~16 range of DPs a move may do 1 point more damage than in the 0~8 range of DPs. There are other notes in this column but you will have to translate them.)
    Column 9: Execution time.
    (The columns 10-13 couldn't get a sensible translation for, and don't understand otherwise what they are used for, so they have been omitted.)
    Column 14: Standing guard - amount of frames lost/gained if your opponent blocks your attack in a standing position.
    Column 15: Crouching guard - amount of frames lost/gained if your opponent blocks your attack in a crouching position.
    Column 16: Normal hit - amount of frames gained/lost when your opponent gets hit by your attack.
    Column 17: Crouching normal hit - amount of frames gained/lost when yout opponent gets hit by your attack while in a crouching position.
    Column 18: Counter hit - amount of frames gained/lost when you hit your opponent with a counter hit.
    Column 19: Minor counter (not sure about this but I think it's correct)

    That's pretty much the info you need to know. In addition if the column has a "-" in it, then it means it's N/A, a "D" in it it means float/crumble/flop etc.
  3. BMF

    BMF Well-Known Member

    Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution Version B
    Frame rates for Shun from 1/60 sec

    P |12 |0 |+5 |+8
    P,P |12,10 |-4 |-1 |+3
    P,P,P |12,10,19 |-11 |down |down
    P,K |16 |-6 |-1 |down
    P,K,b |16 |-5 |0 |down
    d+P |12 |-5 |+2 |+4
    d,d/f,f+P |15 |-2 |down |down
    d,d/f,f+P,P |15,15 |-6 |-6 |-1
    b+P |17 |-2 |+1 |+9 (+5 on mC)
    b,d/f+P |16 |-13 |down |down
    d/f+P |15 |-5 |-2 |+5 (+1 on mC)
    d/f+P,P |15,16 |-13 |-10 |-5 (-7 on mC)
    d/f+P,P,K,P+K+G |15,16,24 |-10 |-4 |?
    K |14 |-11 |down |down
    K(hold K) |14 |-8 |down |down
    K,K |14,13 |-11 |down |down
    K,K,P |14,13,18 |-3 |0 |+4 (+1 on mC)
    K,K,d+P |14,13,19 |-16 |-11 |-7 (-10 on mC)
    d+K |14 |-16 |-10 |-6 (-9 on mC)
    D,b+K |18 |-12 |stagger |stagger
    u+K (u+K+G) |17 |-13 |down |down
    d/f+K |17 |-6 |-1 |+7 (-3 on mC)
    P+K |15 |-6 |-3 |-4
    P+K,K,P+K+G |15,24 |-10 to -24(delay) |-4 to -24(delay) |stagger
    b+P+K |32 |-10 |down |down
    d/f+P+K |23 |-6 |+1 |+5
    K+G |17 |-6 |-1 |+3
    K+G(hold K+G) |17 |-7 |-2 |+1
    K+G,P |17,45 |-3 |+3 |+7
    d|u,P+K+G |20,? |-14 |down |down
    d|u+P+K+G |50 |- |- |-
    d|u+P+K+G,P |50,23 |-6 |0 |+6
    d|u+P+K+G,P,P |50,23,20 |-29 |down |down
    b,b+P |14 |-2 |+2 |+6
    b,b+K |20 |-9 |0 |+9 (+4 on mC)
    Drunken Stance
    u or d |42 |- |- |-
    b |29 |- |- |-
    f |24 |- |- |-
    P |17 |+1 |+4 |+9
    K |17 |0 |+8 |down
    K+G |26 |-18 |down |down
    P+K |15 |-6 |0 |+4
    P+K,K |15,24 |-22 |stagger |stagger
    P+K,K,P |15,24,26 |stagger |down |down
    P+K,K,K |15,24,24 |- |- |down
    f+P+K+G,P |10(after f+P+K+G) |-6 |down |down
    f+P+K+G,K |21(after f+P+K+G) |-25 |down |down
    P |11 |-7 |-4 |+1(-1 on mC)
    P+K |13 |-9 |-4 |-2
    P+K,K |34 |- |down |down
    K |15 |-9 |down |down
    d+P |16 |-14 |-8 |-4
    d+K |19 |-12 |down |down
    K+G |15,26 |-6 |down |down
    P+K+G |15 |+1 |+5 |+8
    P+K+G,P |15,13 |-1 |+3 |+6
    P+K+G,P,P |15,13,14 |-19 |-13 (<10DP) |-11 (<10DP)

    I got these about two months ago so 1/60th might've added/updated since then.

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