Side Topic from "Awkward situations you hate"

Discussion in 'General' started by Hazzerone, Mar 18, 2010.

  1. Hazzerone

    Hazzerone Well-Known Member

    Tell me how a Sarah player in FL stance can guess wrong and still be in an advantaged situation?

    3K from FL, along with her 270 catch throw are really the only 2 damaging options Sarah has out of Flamingo (also her P+K sabaki, but if you get caught by this you realllllllllllllly deserved it)

    3K in flamingo is 17frames. It only gives good damage (stomach crumple) on a CH. This means if you want even from a -4 situation (i.e. blocking Sarah's 4K) you can still 2P and beat both of her damaging options with abare.

    Also, if you block the kick she is absolutely fooked. -5 in a stance where you can't move or fuzzy means that she is completely vurnerably to any mids you may throw at her. She can 4P+K+G backflip out of FL but in the process she can actually take even BIGGER damage doing this as it's not got invincible frames towards the end of the animation. 1 backflip punishment which springs to mind is SPOD.

    Let's say 3K hits you on NH. Right, you are at 0. Sarah cannot 2P in her FL stance meaning you can 2P and beat absolutely anything of hers except for her P+K sabaki.

    Sarah flamingo really is not as strong as you think it is. I can elaborate further upon this if you want me to.
  2. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Well the thread title says it all Hazz, it's his personal opinion [​IMG]

    I can't think of much that I really hate, Eileen's flip on oki is one situation that I have no clue how to deal with. She has good options from that and after recovering from being grounded there's little time to react to it.
  3. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Yeah, I agree with you. Eileen's flip fucks me off in general.

    I've been to dojo and turned it to level 5 and can smack her out of that shit like 3/5 times on reaction yet I can barely do it online at all.

    I've found that if I tech and she flips I can OMK for a side or back stagger unless she goes down for that sweep.
  4. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member


    I appreciate your enthusiasm, but serious this is what I was talking about in my original post. Please stay on what the topic of this thread is about. If you want to open up a discussion with Lucky about why he feels that way then please feel free to make a thread about it in the Sarah section or PM him for an answer.

    It's only the second post and already we are going off on a tangent.
  5. Lucky_GT

    Lucky_GT Well-Known Member

    Flamingo startups...

    But assuming I'm talking about whatever it is you think I said. Sarah does get guesses after a wrong flamingo guess (which is not what I was talking about to begin with and most chars can force a guess on you in disadvantage). I block 3K and she's at -5, she can still backflip away, 2K+G (beats all of your quick attacking options), 9frame P, low punch sabaki, side step kick thing (don't know the command : P)she is not "fooked".

    Also telling people to 2P against flamingo like you are is just bad advice. She has jumping moves in flamingo which will also screw you over against a wall as well as low punch sabaki.

    I never said flamingo was strong nor do I really think it is. I don't think you understand Sarah as well as you apparently think you do.
  6. Hazzerone

    Hazzerone Well-Known Member

    What? 2Ping versus FL stance is absolutely fine as long as you don't solely rely upon it. From a +2 or more situation Sarah can use FL K to beat 2P as it is special high.

    2K+G may actually go under mids I'm not really very sure. Everytime my 3K had been blocked I would go for 4P+K+G as I did not want to abare, thereby putting myself in an even greater disadvantage.

    I don't think her 8P+K or 2P+K (the evasive mid kicks you were speaking of) actually evade around stuff from a -5 situation.

    I'm going to look into this actually next time I am online on VF and if someone is willing to do a little bit of sparring with me.

    EDIT: Enlighten me by what you mean by "She has jumping moves in flamingo which will also screw you over against a wall."

    If memory serves then all she has is 8K kickflip (which you don't get a bounce off of even on a wall splat) 1K low kick which will randomly go over lows. I don't see how either of these options will "screw you over against a wall." If you know otherwise then please say so.

    EDIT2: Manji said it shoutbox that 4K in FL goes over lows aswell (completely forgot about this move!)

    Time to dojo then maybe another edit.

    EDIT3: Right so just spent a minute on dojo. I had Akira block my 3K then mid me on block. I could not do anything to abare out of the situation. 2K+G is too slow and actually resorted in me getting staggered. 8/2P+K as I thought is much too slow in it's evasive properties to beat out elbow. So that tells us that Sarah cannot actually do anything to make you think twice vs a 14f mid. I would like to practice vs KNEE/youhou but dojo doesn't allow it.

    What was interesting was when I had the CPU block 3K then go for 2P I actually DID have options. 4K would beat the 2P, as would 1K (but only gave a NH effect so no CH leg crumble :() of course the P+K sabaki worked also but ALSO 8/2P+K evaded around the 2P! (Note that the kick actually did not connect but you could always do 8/2P+K, G to cancel the kick and simply evade).

    This is all well and good that Sarah can beat 2P from a -5 situation and all, but really, 2P is not the thing which frightens me when I'm -5 in FL - it's the mids which frighten me. Vs Akira's elbow Sarah could not do anyting except backflip out of the situation (also a risk) as I said I would like to see what Sarah can abare with to beat a launcher.
  7. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    * sigh *

    It's hopeless around here. Threads are always doomed before they start.

    Peace ya'll! I won't start another one for a while.
  8. Lucky_GT

    Lucky_GT Well-Known Member

    : ( I'll shut up! I promise.
  9. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    This is the correct answer to the Zenk flip. You OMK the right way and you get a stagger regardless of what i do, including the sweep(unless i do nothing and block, then you're screwed [​IMG] ).

    I hate those damned if you do and damned if you don't situations. Perfect example of this is when a giant swing throw escape will see your character roll out of the ring like an idiot. I suppose in those situations i should have simply positioned myself better and thought faster.
  10. Hazzerone

    Hazzerone Well-Known Member

    Sorry Rod that you started a thread about people disliking certain situations then getting all pissy when I say that it's really not that bad and a few ways to prevent it/punish.

    Next time then I'll just leave you in your puddle of tears when you can't figure out how to beat situations.

    Sorry for helping guys, I believe I have failed you.
  11. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    You forget to mention that Lau is able to throw u after his 66P+K [​IMG] Based on my experience, I would either do ETEG
    to make myself save or just block and wait for his 2ppk, because the last kick is high and it's the chance u can hit him by your 2P CH. If I block Lau's 66P+K, I would do throw first to see his reaction.

    I have trouble on stagger, but the best way to avoid Lau's 8kk is back crouching dash(as long as the distance is good for me). Most situation you are able to crouch his second k but Lau can use another 8k+g instead.

    I totally agree with u that Lau's options are really good, sometimes I think there are too good.
  12. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    I was being serious actually, but I deleted my post seeing that it upset you.

    I don't understand what you were after this time, as this is VF and theres always something you can do in a situation dependant on frames.. I dont know of any situation that I particularly dislike being on. If its a guessing game, its a guessing game. If its guaranteed, its guaranteed. The problems I have tend to not be dependant on frames. Its outside the box where I have trouble.
  13. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Hazzerone: I don't need the help with most of these situations. Scrubs like you do! Obviously you didn't read the very first post which specifically asked you to stay on topic. If you want to go off on a tangent then do it in the shout box where it can eventually evaporate into the I don't give a shit what you have to say land.

    Lucky GT: I don't hold you responsible. Hazzerone just can't help himself. If you look at his post record all he does is try to piss on everything any way. Seriously, like many others the guy is just not helpful at all. Sometimes I wish VFDC had sections where it was severely policed by the mods. Really take a look at any thread that gets open and I guaranty you that by page 2 or in most cases way before that the thread is usually hijacked by an idiot.

    Feck: Read the first post man... just answer the questions! Is it really that hard? And I'm not upset! Maybe a little annoyed, but far from upset.

    Anyway I'll take my tears elsewhere. I'm done!
  14. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Sorry Rod, I hastily made a post trying to get it back on track after Hazz's off topic ranting. I did plan on making a proper post after i'd gave it some thought.

    Anyways, i'm with you on the the Dojo forums being moderated more heavily. Threads turning to shit in here has been a problem for ages.
  15. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    All of which are evadable to Laus back. But I guess this thread is not for giving advice.
  16. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

    i think ur refering to lei 3/9 p+kp i can help u in this situation u can block the first mid and if lei doesnt do anything he is -10. if he does the second part (also delayable) and u guard it he is -12. The second attack looks like a shoulder but it is actually an elbow attack, u have several options guard both and attack use a 11f p quickly or back away and reset the situation.i m sure the backdash option would definitely frustrate any lei players.
  17. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    I hope the original thread will stay on topic by itself....Feels very much like a déjà vu moment...

    With that stated, for certain sections needing to be more heavily moderated....

    I think the good thing about VFDC, for the most part, is that people are free to voice their opinion. The bad thing that comes from that freedom, is a lot of noise. I am more than happy to moderate posts but that might also mean less freedom to people to voice their opinions.

    There is a notify button below each post where you can let mods know of posts you feel should be moderated. Or if you really want...I can defnitely be a nazi mod [​IMG].

    Edit: If there are some posts in this side topic that should be moved back to the original, you can PMed me about it.

    Edit #2: If people really want to go off topic from the original thread, you can do what Rodnutz suggest and PMed the person you are replying. Or you can quote it and talk about it in this side topic.
  18. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    You need to learn a lil bit more about Sarah, and the guessing games from flamingo before you complain about certain things she may or may not have.

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