Some info at Weekly AM2

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by akiralove, Apr 19, 2001.

  1. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    I noticed at the AM 2 site that in the "weekly AM 2" column there's 3 or 4 questions about VF4 sent in by fans and answered by an AM 2 staffer. The questions involve the loss of the E button, damage for reversals, tag/team battle, endings etc.
    I can't really read enough to translate, maybe someone who does could check it out.

    Seems interesting.

  2. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Here's the e~lingo translation (interpret at your own risk):

    ¡Mail introduction & verification to ÂÂeVF4' of pickled radish Vol. 02
    [It] wants to introduce the opinion and the question mail to '(*barchafaitar*) 4'at this time, and verify it. The reason why Vol.02 can be done is that the demand of "It is desirous" of everybody occupies about 90 percent. I really appreciate it.

    –It is the one, that is, the lie quiet which is verified and dusted.

    ¡Mail No.03¡ÂÂq game system ÂÂr
    It is what ‚à‚ñ‚Å‚µ‚傤‚© . which can run freely with (*escapbotan*) pushing it + stick though is welcome when it can be ‚®‚ç‚¢‚É‚µ.

    ¡Escape button problem¡
    Escape button recommendation sect multi ‚¢‚Å‚·‚Ë after all. You though the inclusion<(> )
    The appearance of escape button impact certainly. I felt play overwhelming wide. It had come to seemed not to be too a problem for the thing that there was no escape button this time though I was a recommended sect.
    It is possible to ensure it though the action of escape is natural though the one a little developing was going to be played as the first reason (I'm sorry in the perquisite). ÂÂiLast timeAs toldLever operation‚Å‚Å‚«‚Ü‚·. ÂÂj
    There must not be thing of degenerating because the number of buttons decreased to it. The reason is to be seemed that the development staff builds in the action of escape with there no escape button, and tries and errs and invented the operation system refined in addition. And, the opinion of everybody will be reflected and [it] be refined further.
    It is a thing that the second reason is an evolution type of '(*barchafaitar*) 2'that '(*barchafaitar*) 4'is different from '(*barchafaitar*) 3'Will you think that [it] wants to catch the evolution?All, and if [it] wants the escape button, be the signature might still collect, and ‚Âǂ¤ of demand ‚·‚é‚ÃÂ‚Ä doing as for '(*barchafaitar*) 4'([It] (*escapbotan*)s and exist)?

    ¡Mail No.04¡ÂÂq game system + story ÂÂr
    Is there team battle in VF4?Though it it is-is personally thought that the tag battle such as fists and DOA is good. When it was told to disregard it putting the ending, ‚·‚©‚Ë.

    ¡The ages are plural still battle. ?¡
    It is so. It is good like '(*barchafaitar*) 3tb'when there is team battle. Please recall it thoroughly ‚Å‚à‚Å‚·‚Ë. '(*barchafaitar*) 3'was couple 1. Are not you having become team battle by '(*barchafaitar*) 3tb'afterwards?It is this. Aren't it glad for the version to improve by the same title and to go out another times?[It] changed and the technique was added at '(*barchafaitar*) 3tb'Therefore, I hope for the thing separately put out another times in '(*barchafaitar*) 4tb'or such shape. How does everybody seem?

    Is it ending or ÂÂc [It] wants it. I get mail "'(*barcha*)' As for the series, the story is not understood easily". Please consider the development staff it, and about there very. My best regards.

    ¡Mail No.05¡ÂÂq game system ÂÂr
    How does the return technique (knockdown blow?) become [it] in four?It was felt for a long time that the obtained damage was a little then in three though the attack of the other party was read. How do [it] become in four, and it is anxious very. ‚Ü‚·.

    ¡Damage of return technique¡
    Is it a doubt to the damage of the return technique?[It] thinks of the damage relation while still adjusting it because [it] is developing, and give the opinion, please like this. I think your opinion to be reflected if there is something of which "Certainty" and the development staff think.
    By the way, how does everybody think of the damage of the knockdown blow?Please send it from the form below if it is good.
    By the way, I think that the damage of the return technique is enough like '(*barchafaitar*) 3tb'The risk might be too large when certainly thinking about damage. However, I must be glad, and to <<‚»‚¤‚¾‚©‚炱‚»> Œˆ> Žž . [It] thinks. Isn't the shock when the technique of the Salt system of summer is suddenly returned terrible?Feelings were the highest with " ‚¨‚ç‚Ÿ" if [it] decided it for me, and [it] was done obediently to "‚®‚Ÿ ‚â‚ç‚ꂽ‚Ÿ" though [it] was done. . [It] floats and I will wait for the opinion of everybody which is not ÂÂ[.

    ¡Mail No.06¡ÂÂq this article ÂÂr
    This plan. [It] <(*mechamecha*)> wants it. However, if it is a part of one which does not come ofthe stance as the outside person It is to our regret meaningless, and it is unnecessary.

    ¡I agree with you. ¡
    [It] thinks as saying it. I do not think that there is a so much meaning which exists as purposely one article only by verifying it bringing past information together as it is. I want always to go in kooky ‚í. My best regards assistance ‚¨‚Ë‚ª‚¢.

    Moreover, it is only a character. All were read, and the tiredness externals really. Thank you very much. [It] made or there is a bur. Please send the impression of either from the following forms by all means to reading here. When "Please stop it" exceeds 50%, [it] resigns. By the way, "Please stop it" mail which had come at this time was one. [It] felt relieved. <(> )

  3. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    Hehe...this translation is more confusing than the original Japanese! :)

    <font color=red>Jyunen hayaindayo!</font color=red>

    <font color=white>adam</font color=white><font color=red>YUKI</font color=red>
  4. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    naturally, but it was the best I could do/versus/images/icons/tongue.gif

    Interpreting scripted translations is an art/versus/images/icons/smile.gif

  5. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    Affter my post, I got a suprise visit from my friend Go, who played a little vf2 back in the day and is japanese. I tried to get him to help out, but it was confusing to him as he doesn't really understand about the whole E button discussion, not having played 3.

    With his input and chanchai's translation soft, it's becoming clear (although we really need a japanese speaking Vf fan to read it) what's being said.

    The E button info is actually pretty extensive, with a link to a response from last coulmn. Go tried to explain, but I didn't really get it, other than:
    as it is now, dashing forward with F,F then attacking has a slightly different timing than before (?)
    players can escape up and down with no problem just using the stick
    if enough players "signatures" feel they want the E button, it will come back (the whole purpose of the e-mail function on the VF4 site is for feedback). again vf4 is a continuation from 2, not 3.

    will vf4 have tag battle like DOA2?

    VF3 had only one on one; then TB introduced team battle, and new moves/techniques. This style allows palyers to enjoy 2 versions of the game (or an update that adds new elements to enjoy). Isn't this style more fun? Maybe there will be a VF4tb.

    What is the damage of reversals (return attacks)- i feel this was asked in reference to DOA's high damage reversals.

    Go said that the response was he didn't know the answer, and would ask the staff; but chanchai's robot says:

    he feels the damage is good as it is, and that while the damage is small relative to the risk, it's more for "shock" effect to the opponent when you guess correctly, such as the shock you feel having your flipkick reversed.

    I don't understand the last bit.

  6. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    spotlite, chan is using something everyone can use for free to translate text:

    <A target="_blank" HREF=></A>

    fuck spelling!
  7. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    <blockquote><font size=1>In reply to:</font><hr>

    if enough players "signatures" feel they want the E button, it will come back (the whole purpose of the e-mail function on the VF4 site is for feedback).


    I'm sure I can adjust to a DD/UU w/ free movement system, but I still think that using an E button is the best way to go in the long run. I'm sure the system has much room to expand over VF3's implementation, so "evolution" is not a question on my mind. The possibilities are greater with the extra button and it was definitely not useless in VF3.

    Maybe it won't have much effect, but if you support the E button or have any other concerns, couldn't hurt to write a short message regarding it to whoever receives those messages, could it?

    <A target="_blank" HREF=>Offical VF4 website</A>
    Go to the bottom of the page. Click on ENGLISH.

  8. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    <blockquote><font size=1>In reply to:</font><hr>

    What is the damage of reversals (return attacks)- i feel this was asked in reference to DOA's high damage reversals.

    Go said that the response was he didn't know the answer, and would ask the staff; but chanchai's robot says:

    he feels the damage is good as it is, and that while the damage is small relative to the risk, it's more for "shock" effect to the opponent when you guess correctly, such as the shock you feel having your flipkick reversed.

    I don't understand the last bit


    I think that last bit was the only part I understood. I have a feeling that reversal damage will follow the same-ish formula as VF3, which is directly related to the damage of the attack you're reversing.

    The "shock" effect refers to the psychological damage you inflict when you reverse your opponent's attack. There's no reason at all to increase reversal damage to DoA proportions simply because the games are so different -- reversals aren't an integral part of the core strategy in VF, but they are in DoA.

    While it was a stupid question to ask (IMO), I'm somewhat relieved at the answer that was given.
  9. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    The E button can still come back! Yesss!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think they should keep the E button, seriously.

    To move around freely in 3 dimensional space can be easily pulled off with hold E and using the stick. I really think using the UU/DD system would slow things down, but who knows.
  10. CIN

    CIN Well-Known Member


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