Some Swedish fights...

Discussion in 'VF.TV' started by KiwE, Sep 5, 2003.

  1. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Recently, a few of us had a mini tourney here in Sweden... and I do mean mini /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif

    The backdrop was that alot of us VF junkies in Sweden hang out in the irc channel <font color="brown">#vfse @quakenet </font> and we thought it would be fun to meet some of the guys irl.

    Suprise suprise; Nybec and Fsvo came down to where I and Mysterio and Az1d reside in the south of Sweden. As I and Myst are rather new at VF (didn't start to play it really HC 'till Evo was released in Sweden) needless to say, we were nervous - specially since neither of us knew what to expect from a Pai or Aoi player really as no one here (in the south of Sweden) plays those characters and we had heard that both Fsvo and Nybec were good. After abit of semi 'tarded mixup at the train station we were finally on the way...

    So anyways, we played and had fun on our double tv hookup with our newly found friends from up North - to bad Az1d couldn't make it to Mysterio's house (were we all were) on the Saturday as that was when it all "went down".

    We had played casually up to that Saturday night but when it all started you could hear a needle drop and the nerv level went up faster than f*** and everybody went all manner (isn't that kinda boring?) - you know the drill /versus/images/graemlins/blush.gif

    We had already gotten pre-instructions from Lau.Vf (some would say he is the "father" of all Swedish vf players as his site and the irc channel is kinda the gathering point) to write a session rapport and try to capture vidcaps of the matches.

    I went thru hell to actually make those vidcaps a reality (had to walk with my ps2 in a bag in rain home for a couple of kilometers at 4am in the morning amongst other things), but that's another story... (Oh well, got to have an intresting debate about EMU with an alcoholic who had shite in his pants).

    So what I'm basicly trying to say *drumroll* is as it might not be the best gameplay you've seen it's honest, you can really sense the tension and it took alot of effort to make it a reality. It's really wonderful to play against new people in VF sessions and really ignites the flame for the game once again...

    Qualifiers 5
    ThirdplaceMatch2(They forgot to save first)
    Match after finals1
    Match after finals2

    HF, Merry Christmas / Happy Easter and all of that.
  2. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    I'm downloading now, so no comments on the movies, tho I think it's cool you took the time and effort to record and put some up.

    I'm replying to ask if you guys play quakeworld at all /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
    I know the swedish OWN quake completely and I want some hot competition.
  3. Raider

    Raider Well-Known Member

    Thanks man, it was a nice surprise that you guys made a gathering\tournament even though it was a small one.

    Hopefully we all can get together and make the biggest VF tournament in Nordic soon. /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  4. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Haha Creed... I've seen you talk about QW as soon as you hear the word Sweden before aswell /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    But true; QW truelly was great. I'd give anything for someone making a FPS game which was that fast / action packed again... If you look at Quake 3 (which I love though) it's more strategy you know? Quake 1 was all about reaction and QUICK adaption, not long time planning - you didn't have the time. I remember when Q1 was released and alot of us skipped classes to play the shareware version in the schools computer room; mad FFA's on E1M2.... those were the times. Then we upped the full version and hid it on the media server with different filenames and transfered it over prior to playing.

    I don't know any hc QW players....Az1d, my mate (who also hangs on this board) was before he stopped playing HC top 10 in Sweden in quake 3 though. I have another friend (Prozpect) who probably was about the same. So sad to say; I can't kill the myth about all Swedes knowing Quake with other words. But CS is, as in most countries, much bigger ofc here aswell. I believe Sweden is such a good gaming nation (and specially before) due to a strong connection between universities and online connections. The universites and their campuses really early put in alot of money to get all students fast internet connections and alot of banks and so on have special student packages which gives you a fast computer at a great price and so on.

    Btw; if anyone should have trouble with the vids (think Empnova had) they use the Xvid codec.

    Peace out.
  5. Xint

    Xint Member

    CreeD, you could check out at quakenet. I know some swedish qw-players still hang around there.
  6. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    [ QUOTE ]
    Raider said:
    Hopefully we all can get together and make the biggest VF tournament in Nordic soon. /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Remember to invite us finns as well /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    - ManjiMaru
  7. Xint

    Xint Member

    ManjiMaru: How big is the VF-community in Finland? Never heard much about finns playing /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  8. Raider

    Raider Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    ManjiMaru said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Raider said:
    Hopefully we all can get together and make the biggest VF tournament in Nordic soon. /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Remember to invite us finns as well /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    - ManjiMaru

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That would be cool if you guys could make it.
    Actually I’m 50 % Finish myself; I speak the language and have been to Finland several times to visit my Family in Tampere.

    TAPPARA HOCKEY POWER!!! /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif

    Although my Finish is “rusty†I could probably understand what you guys were saying, if you speak slowly. /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

    *hehe* /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  9. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Well, it's small, but hardcore.. /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
    Currently there's 5-6 guys in Helsinki who have recently started gathering to my place once per month to play VF.. Most of us have arcade background. There's a couple of interested people in places like Lappeenranta, Tampere, but we have only communicated via net so far.

    By the way, the arcade scene is practically dying in Finland.. all the pelikaani arcades have been closed in Helsinki. There's only one VF4 arcade machine left in Helsinki and nobody's playing it. Now it's practically PS2 or no.

    However, the VF-community (as you call it) has experienced a bit of resurrection in Finland just this summer..
    Mostly because of a Tekken meeting called "rautanyrkki", which was held in Helsinki at the start of July, brought together about 30 people. It was originally meant for just Tekkenists but people brought VF4Evo, GGX2 etc games in there and just played a weekend straight.. This sort of gathering was a first to my recollection and fired up discussion in the forums among other things.

    Here's a finnish forum for fighting games if you're interested, I'm not sure there are others but I hang around here.
    If you happen to be visiting Finland you could post in that forum, especially if you want advice, directions etc. I'm sure most everybody understands english in there.

    EDIT: Forgot to say there's a thread here as well we (usually just me and Gazza) have been discussing stuff. You can find it in the versus city international forum and it's usually on the top /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    - ManjiMaru
  10. Rulakir

    Rulakir Well-Known Member

    Took some time out from studying to look at some of the media that I downloaded. Didn't get to go thru everything here yet, but I do need someone to explain to me something curious though.....

    In the Final2 matchup between KiWe's Brad and Nybec's Aoi, somewhere around 1:15, what the happened for Brad to get that [2]+[K]+[G] in after back slipping ? I'm not sure how the dodging properties of the backslip functioned here, so could someone explain please ?

    On hindsight, I don't think I ever wanna play with Nybec's Aoi... /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif Good grief man, the things that he does would probably drive me crazy ! /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif
  11. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Looks to me like Brad reversed Aoi's mid rising kick with d/b+P+K.

    What's so scary abt Nybec's Aoi?

    - ManjiMaru
  12. Nybec

    Nybec Well-Known Member

    In the finals my Aoi wasn't very good. I blame all that tension /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif. But atleast I lost to KiwE fair and square.
  13. Rulakir

    Rulakir Well-Known Member

    Well... for one thing, its awfully frustrating to play against someone who just seems to be able to get outta range by that tinsy wee bit, and then attrition away your lifebar to hell....

    I think I would probably tear my hair out against such an opponent, since I'm more of the close in melee type...

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