Soul Calibur 4 for PS3 or 360?

Discussion in 'General' started by MystD, Jul 30, 2008.

  1. MystD

    MystD Well-Known Member

    I just can't decide. The PS3 has free online, sharper graphics, my TV can only do 1366 x 768 and from what I've read the lag seems to be same. I've got a stick for both and I don't care about downloadble content trophies and the starwars chars. So I prefer the PS3 version but I'm still not shure. So which version are you guys getting?
  2. Jorjo

    Jorjo Active Member

    Re: Soul Calibur for PS3 or 360?

    I assume you are talking about SC4...I don't know who told you SC4 is nicer on PS3, but it isn't...Graphics are sharper on 360 mate besides PS3 version has uber aliasing.

    And oh I forgot about the Online, PS3 version is just lagtastic even with full 5 green bar (free online got a "price" though...)
  3. DaBadSeed

    DaBadSeed Well-Known Member

    Re: Soul Calibur for PS3 or 360?

    i have the same problem.. i may get ps3 cuz i have so few games for that dam system..
  4. MystD

    MystD Well-Known Member

    Re: Soul Calibur for PS3 or 360?

    If the PS3 version laggs then it's a nogo.

    @jorjo did u test it yourself?

    Most ppl seem to buy the PS3 version though:
  5. shaka_zulu

    shaka_zulu Well-Known Member

    shaka zulu 1
    Re: Soul Calibur for PS3 or 360?

    Got the ps3 version runs decent online.It runs better than tekken dr online did
  6. Jorjo

    Jorjo Active Member

    Re: Soul Calibur for PS3 or 360?

    Well yeah, my best friend had the PS3 version a week ago, and we played on full HD...we didn't notice anything...(no online yet there)
    Then I bought SC4 360 this monday, we played on the same full HD tv, and 360 version is nicer and less aliased no doubt about that...

    Then we tested the Online feature, and it seems (atleast for now) PS3 version is just lagfest, don't know if it's gonna get better...

    Online with 360 at 5 bars is just almost lagfree, and sometime 4 bars is lagfree aswell
  7. MystD

    MystD Well-Known Member

    Re: Soul Calibur for PS3 or 360?

    K then I just have to wait.
  8. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    Re: Soul Calibur for PS3 or 360?

    No lag for me on the PS3, and I'm stealing connection. Both games LOOK the same. I've got my units using HDMI cables(Full HDMI option ON, the PS3)The only difference is, the PS3 has darker Hues. While the 360 has that "Glow". If your a Pad player, PS3 all the way fam.
  9. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Re: Soul Calibur for PS3 or 360?

    XBOX graphics are slightly better, brighter, if you look at them side by side...

    I only played 2 matches online cause I SUCK but it was lagging bad. I didn't see the green bar (I didn't even know there was one...) so I assume it wasn't green at all... I can play this person online in VF5 however so not sure what's up...

    The game seems pretty good but it isn't in the same galaxy as VF5, maybe not even the same galaxy cluster... It still seems like a good game, I haven't played enough to say anything with merit though.

    I was using Raphael and he seemed like a cool character. I think part of the problem is I don't understand how the defense works yet, if there is any defense in this game. I know you can tap 6/3+G to deflect attacks but I'm not getting how the sidesteps work. They don't seem to have as reproducible effects as VF5's steps. Sometimes you step and it avoids an attack, sometimes it doesn't...

    I will play a lot more soon and get a real feel for the game but it just doesn't have the same polish or depth as VF5. I think the graphics are much better in VF5. All those sparks and light-trails are basically just used for cheap flash and to hide bad hit-boxes in my mind. I will admit there are some neat moves in there that made me smile. Some cool shield bashes or one where Nightmare slaps the shit out of someone with the broad, flat side of his huge-ass sword.

    I'm giving it a tentative 7/10 for now... I may change this score later, but for now, that's my opinion on Soul Calibur IV...
  10. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    So what was the point of this thread? It seems to me like you were hell bent on buying the PS3 version no matter what. Based on the reviews I read from this thread it seems like the 360 version is the way to go. The only exception to the PS3 version is just 2 things. 1) online is free... but it seems like you have both systems and if you do then you most likely already have a LIVE subscription so that should make this reason pretty pointless as playing online should be a big issue and if you are going to get a better service from MS then you should go with MS. 2) if you are a pad player then PS3 is the way to go... You have a stick for both systems so playing with a pad is not you your alley. So again based on reason #1 and the rest of the reviews it looks like the 360 version is the way to go.

    Sorry if I am coming off as an ass, it's just that everyone supplied you with the answers you were looking for and then you turn around and say ' i'll wait! '

    I'm confused!
  11. MystD

    MystD Well-Known Member

    Well couldn't wait any longer and since all good VF players I know have the 360 version I bought it too.

    - I wanted to wait to see if the PS3 gets a patch or something to improve the lagg.
  12. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    I'll get the game for the PS3 this weekend and I'll tell you how bad the lag is for me.
  13. Tsobanian

    Tsobanian Well-Known Member

    Get the PS3 version. It's the superior one.
  14. PompousKristina

    PompousKristina Well-Known Member

    I have Soul Calibur 4 for Xbox 360. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  15. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Re: Soul Calibur for PS3 or 360?

    Wrong, and wrong lol.
  16. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    I've got the ps3 version. Looks good. The character modification allows you to control brightness on the character anyway. So any graphics differences will be so minor that its not really worth worrying about. The single player and VS mode should help you make your decision, not online play. Unless
    you do online for just casual type of play.

    I think online gets way too much credit in fighting games. Real competition is gonna be in VS mode or at some arcade somewhere.

    I'll prefer a high quality AI system vs online play anyday.

    Now that I've played SC IV, Tekken DR and their online, they both
    still fall short of VF. I don't think we're gonna "permanently"[/size] loose any players to SC IV.
  17. 001

    001 Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    Re: Soul Calibur for PS3 or 360?

    unless you use a stick or pad with r3 button you can't reset position in training mode which basically makes my vshg and all my other sticks with a pelican adapter useless. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif

    i've heard it is the right thumbstick button with 360 as well but i don't have the 360 version to test.

    so for ps3, unless you are using a pad with analog sticks or stick with an r3 button like hrap3 then training mode sucks.
  18. Outfoxd

    Outfoxd Well-Known Member

    Re: Soul Calibur for PS3 or 360?

    I got 360.

    Yeah, Po, that'd be nice in a perfect world, but for people like me who have no arcades closer than an hour drive away from them, have no kind of community for the game, and can't afford to buy a machine or something, online's a godsend.
  19. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Re: Soul Calibur for PS3 or 360?

    ^So True^
  20. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    No nigga Don't run from me lol! Maxi is coming to get you. Did'nt i tell you all Multi-platfrom game the nod goes to 360?

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