Spider-Man 2.1

Discussion in 'General' started by Chanchai, May 1, 2007.

  1. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Being as nuts as I was (and still am) for Spider-Man 2, I threw my $15 towards getting 2.1 (hey, many of us would spend $60 on VF5's next system update).

    Well, overall 2.1 was good, though theatrical version flows better. But There's a scene in 2.1 that just simply had me rolling in tears laughing on the floor. And despite my $15, I'll show it all to you for free here.

    Don't watch this if you do plan on getting or watching 2.1. Let's just say it adds to a love-hate dynamic (as if there weren't enough of those in Spider-Man 2).

    Best Addition to Spider-Man 2.1

    BTW, they add a few moments of dramatic dialogue (fleshing out some character dynamics), they add segments to the major fights, they entirely change the Hal Sparks elevator scene (it's funny, but totally different tone than original), there's more conversation with the doctor (you'll have to guess which doctor I'm talking about), and a few altered extra shots here and there such as the pizzaria and a moment on campus.

    The original 2 is better, but some of these bonus moments were worth it. Especially the one linked above...
  2. PurpGuy

    PurpGuy Well-Known Member

    A few years ago for Christmas my brother got me the DvD box set for the Terminator. The version of Terminator 2 it had was the director's cut, which meant it had 17 minutes of additional footage.

    Sometimes, probably almost all the time, those cuts are for good reason, and they certainly were for good reason in T2. As incredible as it may sound, those extra 17 minutes totally ruined the entire movie.
  3. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    I liked the Director's Cut of T2 was pretty good. The tough part for me is that I sort of spoiled those "added scenes" early on for myself.

    Basically... as a kid... I had this weird tendency to read the novels based on movies that I liked. At around 7 or 8, this would include Ghost Busters 2 (sigh..), Back to the Future sequels, Total Recall, and then eventually Terminator 2.

    The book for T2 actually described in detail the sequences that were in the director's cut, including the ending.

    In fact, when T2 came out on Pay-Per-View, they ran an ad and they showed a scene that was supposedly "unseen" before. They didn't advertise that shot as such, and it wasn't even in the Pay-Per-View showing (I saw it). I'll just say it was Sarah Conner with a hammer, and I somehow thought I saw that scene in the movie since I knew what happened. But of course, I didn't see the scene in the theater, just remembered it from the book.

    And yeah, remembered the little girl's line at the end "Tie me, grandma."

    Anyways... I didn't think the 17 minutes added in the director's cut ruined T2 for me. But it certainly ruins T3, but let's face it, that is not a bad thing :p

    But the theatrical cut of T2 did have more of a shout out to the original Terminator in the way it ended. Felt almost episodic.

    In further director's cut discussion...

    Blade Runner - I think I like both the theatrical and the director's cut equally. But I only vaguely remember the original because I saw it when I was a kid. I clearly remember the ending though. I wish they would release the theatrical cut of that.

    Dune - I have the 6 or 8 hour "director's cut" but still haven't seen it. And there is no real director's cut. Just insanely long cuts as well as made for TV cuts. While I enjoy this movie on some levels, and I hear it makes way more sense if you were really into the novel, I do think it's one of David Lynch's worst movies. Still enjoy it on some levels, but hard to recommend. Though some friends that have been fans of the novel said the movie actually does some things pretty well (that the mini-series on TV did not). Lynch is one of my favorite directors btw. That hasn't changed in many years.

    Apocalypse Now Redux - This movie will always have its place in history. It's not even a director's cut, it's a director and editor's remake. Wonderful collaborative project from Coppola and Murch.

    Audition - Hehe, that little bit of an extra makes some impact /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif Doesn't change anything except a visual impression during one moment.

    Lord of The Rings Extended versions - Wow, I really liked these. Even if it meant you needed some sort of intermission going on at some point. I'm sure the studio loved these too, free money (it's not like the extended versions had the theatrical versions attached to them until years later).

    Daredevil - Haven't seen the director's cut. Theatrical movie was bad, but I've heard from many that if I watch the Director's cut, I might actually like this movie. Or at least find it decent.

    Brazil Hollywood Version - Now this is awesome. Creating a version that would have represented a conformity to what the studio wanted and showing off how a movie could be absolutely ruined. Don't want that to be standard practice, but I think it's cool. And Brazil rocks, btw.

    U.S. vs. International versions - If a movie is going to cut itself for the US market... I wish they'd just slap on a bonus disc or something with the original international release. Even on movies with bad stories, I'd like this. Shall We Dance (in which the story is more complete in the international release), Ong Bak (story is slightly more comprehensible, but still incomprehensible overall), etc...

    Unrated Editions - Look... I'm glad these releases exist, but not as something that comes out two months after the DVD release of a movie. Wedding Crashers Uncorked, 40-Year Old Virgin Unrated, Harold & Kumar, American Pie. Grats on finding a way to milk the consumer in every way, but... come on, there are special features on DVDs for a reason...

    Back to Spider-Man 2.1. It's decent as a rental. If you don't have Spider-Man 2, I'd recommend buying the theatrical version, but borrowing or checking out 2.1 if you liked 2 a lot.

    And I am pretty sure Sam Raimi HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH Spider-Man 2.1. I think it was a move by Sony and some people in the company. Maybe even the editor. But I don't think it has anything to do with Raimi, it's not like Peter Jackson spending overtime on the DVD extended cuts for Lord of the Rings.
  4. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Daredevil Director's Cut was a MUCH better movie than the theatrical release.

    Things made sense in the DC ver wherelse the theatrical version was a guy in a monkey suit jumping around looking...'cool'.

    The interviews in the DC ver showed a stark contrast in the vision between the editor n the director, with the director wanting to show how he originally envisioned the movie (in a way, proclaiming his innocence)...and the editor insisting that 'it's a summer movie, action etc etc etc...I insist the theatrical cut is better'.....RRRRRIIIGGGHHHTTT!
  5. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the added support. I am sort of tempted to rent the director's cut of Daredevil if I find it /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  6. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    There's at least (from memory anyway), 30 mins of additional changes to it, allowing the DC to have a court case as a subplot (totally removed from theatrical version).

    IMO, it was very worth it. I was lucky enough to wait on the DC edition to be released b4 I made my purchase, didn't regret it.

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