Standing up to Guard (and You!)

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by Chanchai, Jul 23, 2012.

  1. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    I don't think this is "ground-breaking" information and I'm sure it's been posted about in the small corners of other topics--especially where low throw is involved. However, I thought it was worth bringing to the front of the Dojo as a new thread anyways.

    Standing to Guard (from Crouch)
    From the crouching position, it takes about 6 frames (my best guess) to stand up and Guard without assistance (the keywords being, without assistance).

    Understanding the implications of this is very helpful in Final Showdown because normal high throws and low throws are now 10 frames.

    So what common situations should I worry about?
    The most common situation where this can screw you up (if you don't understand the situation) is when your low punch is blocked (leaving you at -5 frames). The reason being, it is normal (and even good) to do a high block after your low punch is blocked--it is even normal to fuzzy in this situation.

    What will probably nail you, if you try to just stand and Guard (including Guard-Throw-Escape) or even Fuzzy Guard is a low throw will nail you if this is all that you do.

    If after your low punch is blocked, you just hold Guard and Neutral, you will get low thrown if your opponent goes for a low throw. You will not stand up in time to avoid the low throw.

    Remember, in Final Showdown, normal high and low throws are now 10 frames, they are faster than in VF5 Vanilla.

    So what can I do to beat the Low Throw?
    You will stand up quicker if you forward dash. You can also cancel the forward dash with a Guard very quickly if you want to blow an incomming mid attack.

    If your opponent shows that they like to go for Low Throw after blocking your low punch, then one of many decent options is to forward-dash and then cancel the dash with a Guard-Throw-Escape. This is not the only option, but it's one of many things you can do in this case.

    Of course, if you read your opponent's tendency to throw (high or low throw), you can always go for an attack and combo them. I personally recommend people do this when throwing tendencies are read, but guessing is a perfectly fine approach in this game of mindgames ^_^

    Wait, so what happens if my opponent does a high throw after blocking my low punch? Isn't that a guessing game?

    Yes, mid/throw is a guessing game and it is a guessing game here. However, if your opponent buffers the high throw before he has recovered from blocking your low punch, he will actually whiff the high throw.

    But my opponent has high thrown me (with a standard 10 frame high throw) after blocking my low punch!

    Well, whether it was intentional or unintentional, his throw was delayed and was not at the fastest input. Maybe he knew, maybe he didn't, but if he was even a frame late, then the high throw can nail you for standing and guarding. However, had he buffered in that 10 frame high throw, it would have whiffed.

    That explains some of those situations where I was wondering why my high throw whiffed for "no reason..."

  2. Cnul

    Cnul Well-Known Member

    I really like the way you presented those informations. Like that i really want to ask you more questions or go in the training mode to find new stuff like that ! Good Job

    The game and players are so focus about fuzzy guard that we have completely erase what is going on when you are crouch and how to deal with low throw, etc

    Fuzzy Guard matter only when you are standing and it's good to see someone point that.

    You should rename your thread something like "About the dark brother of fuzzy guard" [​IMG]
  3. Lucky_GT

    Lucky_GT Well-Known Member

    Ay! Stop stealing my catch phrases...
  4. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Sorry, I wasn't quite the gentleman... thief...

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