Starting a Tournament Scene in NorCal/South OR

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by DemonRabbit, Mar 12, 2012.

  1. DemonRabbit

    DemonRabbit New Member

    I am located in Myrtle Creek, OR. just off the I-5 on exit 112. I have a big venue, and I am on the fence about creating a tournament scene here, there are a lot of colleges/ Jr colleges in the area, so it may be worth while.

    If i do this will there be a lot of people in Oregon that would appreciate me hosting it? if so does anyone know the fighting game players that live here?
  2. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

  3. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    I hope you can get it going!

    I would like to drive down, but I don't think I would be able to make the time these days to spend time in Southern Oregon.

    I would like to help you though and I think a scene and a couple of regular events in your area greatly benefits the region and can even bridge the Northern California scene with the Pacific Northwest Scenes while your scene is building.

    However, my advice is to be persistent and keep working to find people. I have always been able to find people wherever I was living, but it isn't always easy. But it was always worth it!

    My advice:

    * Keep in touch with the other scenes that are relatively nearby (even if they're not really that close). I'm guessing all of the Northern California, Northern Oregon, Central Oregon, and even Nevada scenes are worth building good rapport with.

    * You are in position to be included in the Pacific Northwest scene and the Northern California scenes. I think there is opportunity here but it can be tough with timing and it will require some active community management to create a "big just about everyone comes here" seasonal or annual event at your venue. This isn't your base of regulars in your area, but it would be a reason to show off what you do have and get the other regions to at least namedrop you regularly and point others in your direction.

    * Specifically, I would openly and kindly keep tabs here, the Northwest VF thread I post from time to time here, the Northwest (BC, Washington, Oregon, Idaho) Regional SRK forums, and the Pacific North Regional (Northern California) SRK forums.

    * There are other communities and some have moved to Facebook. On Facebook we have a Northwest Street Fighter as well as Best Bout Gaming community pages. I am certain that Washington's Game Clucks has a community page as well. And there must be some great ones for Northern California for various games and what not. Whether you post as a community or in person is up to you--people will be open to both but probably easiest to start it out in person.

    * This type of community management, especially in areas that are not yet established, can be very slow but also rewarding. I would say because it is starting out small, then it takes a commitment of reading up, following, and reaching out to the communities twice a week. Only about 2-3 hours a week of your time at first until a very active community is born.

    Hope this helps and I a wishing the best for you. I am sure there is a lot you can do, but it'll probably take time and patience only because the scene isn't yet as organized as the larger clusters. But I believe something very special can happen.

    Let me know if there is a good way to send people your way and I will happily do that!
  4. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    More Communities to Reach Out:

    Mid Willamette FGC
    I have fond memories of my college life in the Willamette area and it looks like someone has taken up the call to rebuild the scene in the area. I think it is a good opportunity to help this scene out and they are among the closest to your area.

    Northwest Street Fighter
    We don't do much event posting here, mostly casual discussion and ranting, but this is a great community hub for the Northwest and you might build some valuable bonds here.

    Best Bout Gaming
    My friends run this venue and they are doing a wonderful job. It didn't start as a business, it started as a way to create a public venue (what a community really needs) and establish a name for the Portland/Vancouver community. They've done a wonderful job, they also get some Willamette Valley players and they have carried out a mission that I had my hand in helping myself (I used to run a venue, myself). They would be a good connection to have and you can meet a lot of great people here!

    Another tip: this will sound corny but it's true... if your heart is in it, open up a bit and let yourself shine. Let people see how authentic your intentions are and that you really want this. People will respond well to this as long as it is respectful to them and yourself ^_^

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