Summary of Kage's Stance Transitions in VF5 REVO

Discussion in 'Kage' started by VolcanoShed, Dec 14, 2024.

  1. VolcanoShed

    VolcanoShed Well-Known Member

    Summary of Kage's Stance Transitions and How to Mix Them Up + Some Other Interesting Information

    Kage's stances have been buffed overall in VF5 REVO. Several of his stance transitions, particularly those that go into Shippujin, have had their frame data improved.

    • [6][P](hold) to Jumonji: -2 on block, +2 on NH, +9 on CH/crouch hit, +1 on side block, +3 on side NH/RH, +12 on side CH/crouch hit
    • After 6P(hold) is blocked (-2), JU P (12F) will interrupt frame 15 or slower standing attacks
    • You can beat their 2P/low attacks with JU K+G, and beat their jab/elbow with JU P+K
    • Side CH or side crouch hit 6P(hold) is +12 which guarantees JU PK. Before REVO side crouch hit 6P(hold) was only +11 so this is a really nice buff
    • You can mix this up with not going into stance after 6P, this lets you defend with evade, block, or fuzzy guard if your 6P was blocked or evaded.
    • [6][P][P][+][K][+][G] to Shippujin: -3 on block, +1 on NH, +8 on CH/crouch hit, +0 on side block, +4 on side NH/RH, +11 on side CH/crouch hit
    • After 6PP+K+G is blocked (-3), SH P (11F) will interrupt frame 15 or slower standing attacks
    • Side CH or side crouch hit 6PP+K+G is +11 which guarantees SH PP or SH PK.
    • To discourage them from pressing after blocking or evading 6PP+K+G, you can mix up with 6P(hold) into Jumonji which is +1 on side block and has various defensive options (JU K+G to beat 2P, JU P+K to beat high or mid punch/elbow/hand attacks, JU P+K+G to beat mid kicks).
    • You can mix this up with not going into stance after 6P, this lets you defend with evade, block, or fuzzy guard if your 6P was blocked or evaded.
    • [4][P](hold)/[P][P][4][P](hold) to Jumonji: +1 on block, +3 on NH, +7 on CH, +4 on side block, +6 on side NH/RH, +10 on side CH
    • To discourage them from pressing 2P or crouching under PP4P, you can mix in PP1P which hits mid.
    • To discourage them from pressing a button after blocking PP4P/4P, you can mix in delaying the last hit PP4PK/4PK which hits mid and knocks down. Since PP4P/4P is +1 on block you can frame trap their 2P with your 2P.
    • If blocked on the side 4P(hold) will be +4 so you can frame trap the opponent's 2P with JU 6P. JU 6P is +19 on side CH meaning Kage's 6K+G becomes unblockable and unevadable and you can get a big combo.
    • [4][P][P][+][K][+][G]/[P][P][4][P][P][+][K][+][G] to Shippujin: +2 on block, +4 on NH, +8 on CH, +5 on side block, +7 on side NH, +11 on side CH
    • To discourage them from pressing 2P or crouching under PP4P, you can mix in PP1P which hits mid.
    • To discourage them from pressing a button after blocking PP4P/4P, you can mix in delaying the last hit PP4PK/4PK which hits mid and knocks down. Since PP4P/4P is +1 on block you can frame trap their 2P with your 2P.
    • If blocked on the side 4PP+K+G will be +5 so you can frame trap the opponent's 2P with SH 3P which launches on any hit.
    • [P][K][P][+][K][+][G]/[1][P][K][P][+][K][+][G] to Shippujin: +1 on block, +7 on NH/RH, +4 on side block, +10 on side NH/RH
    • PKP+K+G/1PKP+K+G is now +7 on NH, up from +5 in VF5FS, allowing you to frame trap the opponent's 2P with SH 6P after punishing with PK/1PK
    • If PKP+K+G gets blocked, you can make the opponent's 2P whiff by walking back and whiff punish with Shippujin 3P. This will also beat them trying to jab/high attack
    • If PKP+K+G/1PKP+K+G gets blocked on the side (+4), you can beat the opponent's 2P with SH 3P (16F).
    • 1PK also jails on block so they can't 2P or crouch under the second hit of the string (guaranteed Shippujin stance entry if they block the first hit)
    • What's the advantage of PKP+K+G vs PP4PP+K+G on the side? Side hit PKP+K+G leaves Kage at +10, meaning:
    • SH P (11F) becomes unblockable/unevadable (they need to crouch or hit a crouching button to beat this), SH PP will combo and leave you +3 on the side, or SH PK will give you a knockdown.
    • SH K (20F) will be blocked on the side. SH K is normally +3 on block but on side block it becomes +9, and since it's an EX high attack it can frame trap the opponent's 2P and lead to a combo
    • SH K+G (21F) will be blocked on the side and SH K+GK will only be -10 on side block instead of -13. Also, at +8 or more on the side, SH K+G will beat ECD: even if the opponent cancels their evade as fast as possible with a crouch dash or dashblock, SH K+G will still hit them. Also, hit confirming SH K+GK becomes easier on side CH, you have a longer window to combo into the second hit
    • SH 2K (22F) will be blocked on the side and also frame trap the opponent's 2P. SH 2KK will only be -19 on block instead of -21. Still very punishable, but lets you avoid getting punished by 20F or 21F launchers like Lau's 3P+K.
    • [K][P][P][+][K][+][G] to Shippujin: -2 on block, +8 on CH
    • If KPP+K+G gets blocked, you can make the opponent's 2P whiff by walking back and whiff punish with Shippujin 3P. This will also beat them trying to jab/high attack
    • To beat elbow/14F or slower mids after KPP+K+G gets blocked (-2), you can do immediate Shippujin P (frame 11)
    • You can also delay the last hit of the string KPK to discourage them from pressing after blocking KP
    • [4][K](hold) to Backturned Jumonji: -5 on block, +3 on NH/crouch hit, +7 on CH, -2 on side block, +6 on side NH/crouch hit, +10 on side CH
    • Nerfed from VF5FS (used to be only -3 on block)
    • 4K(hold) blocked (-5 on block) -> BT JU P (frame 10) will beat any frame 16 or slower standing attacks
    • 4K(hold) side CH guarantees BT JU PK
    • Mix this up with 4KK to discourage them from pressing after blocking or evading 4K
    • [4][K][P][+][K][+][G] to Backturned Shippujin: -4 on block, +1 on NH/crouch hit, +5 on CH
    • No way to steal your turn if the opponent presses a fast mid or low attack immediately after blocking 4PP+K+G, so condition them with 4KK before using this, or use it on okizeme, for example ending a wall combo with 4KP+K+G.
    • [3][K][+][G](hold) and [2][P][+][K][K](hold) to Backturned Jumonji: mainly used for backturned jumonji okizeme after ending combos in 3K+G or 2P+KK.

    • [3][K][P][P][+][K][+][G] to Shippujin: -2 on block, +0 on 3K crouch hit, +4 on 3KP CH
    • If 3KPP+K+G gets blocked, you can make the opponent's 2P whiff by walking back and whiff punish with Shippujin 3P. This will also beat them trying to jab/high attack
    • To beat elbow/14F or slower mids after 3KPP+K+G gets blocked (-2), you can do immediate Shippujin P (frame 11)
    • You can also delay the last hit of the string 3KPP to discourage them from pressing after blocking 3KP
    • [4][6][P][+][K][P][+][K][+][G] to Shippujin: +0 on block, +1 on block if done from a backdash, +2 on NH/crouch hit, +7 on CH, +8 on CH if you caught the opponent's backdash
    • You can delay the second hit 46P+KP, which combos on CH, to discourage them from pressing after blocking or evading 46P+K
    • After 46P+K is blocked, SH P (11F) will interrupt 12F or slower standing attacks, but Kage has no way to beat the opponent hitting 2P here. To beat 2P mashing, use 46P+KP
    • [2][P][+][K][P][+][K][+][G] to Shippujjin: -3 on block, -1 on NH, stagger on CH or crouch hit
    • After 2P+KP+K+G is blocked (-3), SH P (11F) will interrupt 15F or slower standing attacks)
    • If 2P+KP+K+G gets blocked, you can make the opponent's 2P whiff by walking back and whiff punish with Shippujin 3P. This will also beat them trying to jab/high attack
    • 2P+K now staggers on CH or crouch hit in REVO. The stagger is short so you won't have time to get anything guaranteed really if you went into Shippujin, so just go for a Shippujin mixup
    • Jumonji [P][K][P][+][K][+][G] to Shippujin: -3 on block, +3 on NH/RH, +7 on NH, stagger on JU PK crouch hit, +0 on side block, +6 on side NH/RH
    • You can threaten the last hit JU PKK, which combos on hit, to discourage them from pressing after blocking JU PK
    • JU PKP+K+G has a lot of pushback so you can make the opponent's attacks whiff by walking back and delaying your attack
    • If the opponent tries to hit a longer range button to catch you, you can interrupt them with JU PKP+K+G (-3) > immediate SH P (11F) which will beat out any frame 15 or slower standing attack.
    • Backturned [P][+][K][P][+][K][+][G] to Shippujin: -6 on block, -3 on NH, -2 on crouch hit, +4 on CH
    • You can threaten the second hit BT P+KK, which combos on hit, to discourage them from pressing after blocking or evading BT P+K
    • In REVO, Kage can now act more quickly after raw Shippujin stance entry [4][P][+][K][+][G]
    • When you're in Jumonji you can go to Shippujin with 4P+K+G which also reels Kage backwards so it can be another spacing option in neutral.
    • Raw Jumonji stance entry ([P][+][K][+][G]) is still slow but it can be useful on reaction against Lei Fei charging up a Hai P+K dash punch in neutral (the Jumonji punch reversal beats this)

    • [4][4][P][+][K][+][G](hold) lets you back up and enter Jumonji, [4][4][P][+][K][+][G][P][+][K][+][G] lets you back up and enter Shippujin. Stance entry from 44P+K+G was sped up in REVO.

    Thanks for reading, if anyone has any feedback or additional interesting information let me know and I can update the post​
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2025 at 10:24 PM
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