TGIVF 4/19

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Akira Taniguchi, Apr 18, 2002.

  1. Akira Taniguchi

    Akira Taniguchi Well-Known Member

    Hey VFers in the Bay Area, we're going to have a TGIVF gathering @ SVGL. Actually it's more like VF/PF/Beatmania gathering. Whoever is interested in showing up we will be there around 6pm until close. Last meeting we had siLEpai, Jacky Bro, Tragic, Don and myself in the group. We're more of a nonserious group but we'll have good food to eat and have a friendly competition in VF. Maybe we can have a beatmania competition too if we can get people to play. Anyways if you're in the area and want to join the fun just show up.
  2. siLEpai

    siLEpai Well-Known Member

    Whoo-hoo! Thank goodness it's virtua fri-ghter! Fudd & games! In NE case, I'll be at UCSF on Friday, so anybody in SF who needs a lift down to SVGL that evening let me know. I can fit 4 in Boo-boo safely assuming no white Nissan pickup clunkers decide to hit and run away from us =| Man, after all my friends' help in recording the license plate info, the police say it's not worth following-up a hit & run simply because I'm not injured and Boo-boo's spare tire took 95% of the impact *sigh*.

    Man, I didn't get to eat my corn dogs last time! Hey, we should try mini-golf happy gilmore style one of these TGIVFs =0
  3. tragic

    tragic Well-Known Member


    I'll be there! Later on in the evening I'm gonna go see a movie (maybe after GL closes... or like 10:30 or so...). I'll be there early tho, around 6:00pm.

  4. jackybrothas

    jackybrothas Well-Known Member

    i might go depending if nothing sudden comes up.. hehe well yea hopefully to see all of you there and we should also have some DDR (dance dance revolution) competitions or that one thing that's like beatmania but with the piano keys hehe.. ah well just like my bro always says, "whatever's clever"

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