The Future Of Offline Content in 3D FGs???

Discussion in 'General' started by masterpo, May 30, 2021.

  1. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    There is Online Support for Tournament Modes, Ranked Modes, etc in the 3D fighters. Like Tekken, SC VI, DOA 6 and now VF5US.

    But where's the love for the local scene and offline tournaments and offline gameplay:oops: Do we now have to hold the tournament online and have multiple consoles to host a local offline tourney? Why should we introduce lag, and have to support multiple online connections to host local tournaments and ranked matches?

    Team Battles in VS modes have been taken out of all of the 3D fighting games.
    Tournament Mode for VS local play are not in most of the 3D fighting games.
    Room Matches in VS modes would support local game play where people are waiting their turn.

    Has Offline Support been abandoned in favor of Online Only Features:cry:

    Or does only supporting online just make the game cheaper to produce:confused: Is dropping offline content all about cutting costs and maximizing profit:cautious:

    Offline Support in 3D Fighting Games used to include:

    • Team Battle Modes
    • Survival Modes
    • Quality, Diverse AI Opponents
    • Personalized Player Profiles

    For the most part these are no longer implemented in offline modes, and the game publishers are focusing primarily and in some cases exclusively on online play. So what is the future of offline modes in fighting games?

    Is the offline local scene now just the online scene with all the players in the same room and multiple Internet connections?

    Hell, is Single Player content even a thing:unsure:

    The latest installment of VF: Virtua Fighter eSPORTS is just that. Its primarily only for the online rendition of VF competition. The idea of a local scene with no Internet connection has been given very little attention. And Single player appears to have been given even less than that.

    Is it all becoming about the nickel and the dime:mad: Of course it costs money to have PSPLUS so to play anyone online on PSN money is being spent. Local Tourneys that want to take advantage of VF5US Tournament Mode will need at least 2 playstations (Sony is happier) And the game developer didn't have to worry about implementing Team Battle, or Survival modes, let alone coming up with diverse, plausible, playable AI. Adopting a primarily online feature set with micro-transactions coming seems to be just what the doctor ordered.

    BTW did I see a small shopping cart icon on the main menu of VF5US:eek:
  2. Emptyeyes

    Emptyeyes Well-Known Member

    For offline mode, me personally, Versus Mode is all. MadeMan's topic of reviving this ambitious scene has my motivation intensifying. To a certain degree, you people as well.

    Being pandemic fatigued has taught me to get involved with the offline FGC once more. I haven't attended a Virtua Fighter Tournament, but only 2d old school fighters, and the earlier Tekken games.

    I can't wait to take it a step further. Such an anxious individual I am. ^_^
    Last edited: May 30, 2021
  3. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I will agree, that alot of fighting games are stripped down, when it comes to modes and content. But I will admit, it was always strange that team battle mode, was removed from alot of fighting games. Online team battle would be such a cool thing.

    PS: Also, I'm kinda curious as to why the heck, is Sony targeting sega and VF fans all of a sudden? There are sega and VF fans out there, who find this a bit suspicious. It even makes me wonder if this is a marketing strategy to use all of us, to promote Evo which they recently acquired, and sell playstation 4 consoles, since there is alot of odd wackyness, going on with PS5 sales, that even I will admit, doesn't make sense.
    Last edited: May 31, 2021

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