The interview of the British VF player in Japan

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by .shin, Feb 19, 2002.

  1. .shin

    .shin Member

  2. RandomHajile

    RandomHajile Well-Known Member

    all i could under stand is hatim saying hes uk champ, an summing abou tthe child is.... haha
    gotta lov the last picture, reminds me of snes sf2 end pic
  3. chucky

    chucky Well-Known Member

    Im saying that the only one really stading a chance of theese guys are ryan.
  4. .shin

    .shin Member

    The world convention of summer (3on3)

    To everybody in the world!!

    If the world convention of summer is realized.......

    Pass a primary and get the ticket to Japan!!

    Ryan hatim and Mo
    Don't lose!! ha ha ha
  5. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

    Re: The world convention of summer (3on3)

    how to pass a primary in the US??? no tourneys as of yet....
  6. .shin

    .shin Member

    Re: The world convention of summer (3on3)

    If a world convention is held truly
    probably primary will become after spring.

    So let's wait for the detailed comment from Sega!!
  7. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

    Re: The world convention of summer (3on3)

    if something like this goes down, i would LOVE to make the trip, even just to see the competition........
  8. ken

    ken Well-Known Member

    Anyone care to make a rough summary of wtf was mentioned in the interview?

    ??????son ??? red cedar wood ??? huh
  9. RandomHajile

    RandomHajile Well-Known Member

    summing about some husband that lost his red sandal wood kid for rank 1
  10. .shin

    .shin Member

    HOU OU(Phoenix)

    For PS2

    Master code
    ec878318 1456e79b

    Phoenix(HOU OU) and others grade
    3c1264c4 1456e75d

    All items acquisition
    7c1264cc 1453e7a6
    ef6a8023 1456e7a5
  11. LittleWild

    LittleWild Well-Known Member

    Re: HOU OU(Phoenix)

    Gameshark codes?
  12. nycat

    nycat Well-Known Member

    Re: The world convention of summer is a fix

    To everybody in the world!!
    I doubt their will be any primary contests in USA or Canada.
    Frankly, their are several players in NYC and Toronto that would whip the best of Japan into tears. Sega will not allow their VF4 champs to look like chumps so they will ignore US best VF4 players to preserve the smoke and mirrors fantasy. It would be totally shattered if US players were permitted to participate.
    If the world convention of summer is realized.......
    It will ignore the best and focus instead on the Yamata illusion.
    {i}Pass a primary and get the ticket to Japan!! {/i}/versus/images/icons/wink.gif
    This is funny! No New York , Toronto or Boston players will be included!
    Japanese players that visit NYC have found time and again world class competition.
    Come On!
  13. 3of19

    3of19 Well-Known Member

    Re: The world convention of summer (3on3)

    Cool thing.
    Guess I'll have to train a lot then...
    I might be in Japan anyway during the convention (4 weeks studies from end of june). I won't stand a chance, but it sure would be fun to try /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif
  14. RandomHajile

    RandomHajile Well-Known Member

    Re: The world convention of summer is a fix

    are yanks that good really? hell i though uk players was better then yanks, your arcade stick an buttion lay out speaks 4 its self!
  15. nycat

    nycat Well-Known Member

    Re: The world convention of summer is a fix

    are yanks that good really? hell i though uk players was better then yanks, your arcade stick an buttion lay out speaks 4 its self!
    Whatever gave you that idea?
    excellent button array. Japanese players often visit NYC arcade on vacation
    and routinely get <font color=orange>waxed</font color=orange>. res ipso loquitor
  16. RandomHajile

    RandomHajile Well-Known Member

    Re: The world convention of summer is a fix

    hell i went to NY in may99 and aprill 2000 an went to some big arcade near times sq where u can only play with those card things an i battered every one there at VF3, hell i only got beat once at TTT, an i dont even really dig that game! and usa buttions that are spaced out sux! vf is not mortal kombat, ohh so what if jap players get done, did u ask what dan they were???
  17. 3of19

    3of19 Well-Known Member

    Re: The world convention of summer is a fix

    I think Random means that they gaet waxed due to the sucky sticks and button layout /versus/images/icons/wink.gif
    But then again, I've never been to that arcade, so I don't know how the stick/buttons are there.
  18. nycat

    nycat Well-Known Member

    Re: The world convention of summer is a fix

    hell i went to NY in may99 and aprill 2000 an went to some big arcade near times sq where u can only play with those card things an i battered every one there at VF3, hell i only got beat once at TTT, an i dont even really dig that game! and usa buttions that are spaced out sux! vf is not mortal kombat, ohh so what if jap players get done, did u ask what dan they were??? X/L or something like tourist decent VF players went there after the first week or so.... I was there for the TTT contest and that was the single day where there was <font color=white>excellent competition</font color=white>. Other than the few times I mentioned above it was totally crap arcade. sorry, you went to the wrong arcade for VF3tb....duh. I used to enjoy the TTT and Soul Calibur scene there as well as the exotic beer they served upstairs but it deteriorated rapidly after the young woman was raped in the ladies room... it was torn down and is an empty hole in the ground today. for half the price we played at Leisure Time where we had two VF3tb side by side....<font color=white>Shang</font color=white><font color=red>*</font color=red>, <font color=yellow>UMass Pete</font color=yellow>
    and <font color=red>Rich</font color=red> visited as well as <font color=green>Omaha Jeffry</font color=green>...I don't think I had the pleasure of playing dodi but we had a blast when <font color=blue>ice-9</font color=blue> visited...long story lots of fun and the seeds were planted for this site as we walked and talked ( I just listened) VF and was just a twinkle in the eye.
    <font color=red>*</font color=red>when the hecj is Shang going to write a VF4 Wolf FAQ??(cough)
    no offense intended to the visiting players ...they with rare exception did'nt mind getting their butts kicked because NY players do it with style. same is true in Boston and Toronto. dude when are you coming back to NYC? need to feel the pain.
  19. nycat

    nycat Well-Known Member

    Re: The world convention of summer is a fix

    haha/versus/images/icons/smile.gifUndskyld. I am without question a nogenlunde VF4 player! /versus/images/icons/wink.gif
  20. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

    Re: The world convention of summer is a fix

    i think the placing of the buttons in rockies replay- orlando sucks horribly. they're about 1/3 of an inch apart and horizontal. the sticks are ok, but the place where the sticks and buttons are is shaped weird. kinda rounded which puts you at an angle when playing.

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