The Rebirth of the Jackey thread (introduction to a new VF/Tk player)

Discussion in 'Jacky' started by Bryan_Master, Nov 24, 2002.

  1. Bryan_Master

    Bryan_Master Member

    Sup guys, I'm new here as u can see. My most frequent name is as it states next to my post and is also my tekken zaibatsu name where I frequent , for anyone that may remember me.

    Anyway straight to the poit now. I'm new with Jackey and altho there is another Jackey thread out there I wanted to start a fresh sort of beginers thread where I can ask some questions and sorts like;

    *Jackey's best wiff punishers
    *CH gaurenteed strings
    * best poking strings
    *Most reliable juggles
    *How do you perforem juggles such as (f+k, k,p, d/b+p+k,k,k, d/f+k)
    *most reliable Launchers
    *Good setups
    *is the frame adv from b+p,k ood enough to setup back turned moves
    * and where can I get some good Jackey vids for mainy Ver.C PS2.

    So VF vets start posting please, your help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. /versus/images/icons/cool.gif
  2. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    hi, i respect the tekken series, it is a journey of mastery (as is VF)

    i'm sorry i can't answer any jacky questions, but most likely your questions have already been answered here

    and your request for good jacky movies should be found here, for the best strats n stuff, watch ShinZ's jacky movies on this page, he's an extremely respectable korean player who won the international championship title for VF2 & 3 (formerly known as AkiraKid)

    c ya around.
  3. Bryan_Master

    Bryan_Master Member

    Re: The Rebirth of the Jackey thread (introduction to a new VF/Tk play

    Thanks, dude. Do u play tekken also?

    Anyway I still need to find some good setups to use ofter the b+p,k that leaves u BT.
  4. Valiance

    Valiance Well-Known Member

    Re: The Rebirth of the Jackey thread (introduction to a new VF/Tk play

    Also try the Search feature. You can learn about most of what you want to learn from previous threads. If we started a new thread every time a beginner wanted to learn about a character (not surprisingly Jacky), it would get pretty messy. Jacky's name is also spelled without an e.
  5. ghostdog

    ghostdog Well-Known Member

    I don't play Jacky, so I don't have any advice or answers to your questions. But if you go to the Jacky character section, you may be able to find what you're looking for. The link is located on VFDC's home page (look to the column on the left and click "Jacky"). The character pages contain movelists, story (if you're into that sort of thing), documents, and just about every post made about Jacky. It makes it a little easier than using the search function, as it's more specific.
  6. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    Re: The Rebirth of the Jackey thread (introduction to a new VF/Tk play

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
    Thanks, dude. Do u play tekken also?

    Anyway I still need to find some good setups to use ofter the b+p,k that leaves u BT.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    lol, i would'nt call my performance "playing tekken" /versus/images/icons/wink.gif heck if i were to take the time to pratice like i generally do VF, then i'd be decent.. but nah, i love to observe high class UK players like anil crawford, sackey, ryan heart, starscream (dunno if they sound familiar) it's just somewhat rewarding to watch.

    as for your querey about jacky's b+p, k, as far as i know, there are no guarenteed setups (to what i understand on what you mean by this) the only things i'd do in that situtation is either:

    a) back dash (u'll have to buffer it) ~ low sweep whilst the opponent tech rolls / quick rises, it's probably something which goes without saying, but it can catch out opponents when their expecting to block high or throw escape.

    b) back dash ~ p+k, if your near a wall, it can stagger them, if you are blocked, you still have frame advantage to block, just get ready to throw escape ~ guard.

    just the basic desicions really, but hey, i'm not exactly the best when it comes to jacky knowlege.. *waits for blonde_one to dive through the wall*
  7. Bryan_Master

    Bryan_Master Member

    Re: The Rebirth of the Jackey thread (introduction to a new VF/Tk play

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
    as for your querey about jacky's b+p, k, as far as i know, there are no guarenteed setups (to what i understand on what you mean by this) the only things i'd do in that situtation is either:

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Again I should ave been more specific. I meant on a blocked b+p,k . With the frame adv gained the sweep and backhand souldn't be interuptable right?? Or would anyfollowup after this(blocked) be interuptable. I know it should be SS'ale tho.
  8. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    Re: The Rebirth of the Jackey thread (introduction to a new VF/Tk play

    hmm, to try to answer your question accuratley, no, there is no guaranteed follow up to take advantage of the opp's recovery time when blocked, most people do one of two things in the situation:

    a) pk ~ b (punch ~ round house ~ step back ~ anything else). the first punch should gain frame advantage over any retaliation the opponent does next wether it be a throw or an attack, the other two moves are to push the opponent away a little and step back giving you abit of space, mabye even come in with a step-back variation attack or your choice.

    b) p+k. it has a wide hit window, as before, i don't think that an opponent can do much to gain move priority, but i'm pretty sure it can be blocked. for those who duck after your b+p,k, they will be punished serverly /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif
  9. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Hey, everyone else has given you the "use the search" answer so I'll give you some basic answers.

    *Jackey's best wiff punishers

    By far P+K, P, K. You only have to smack two buttons and the rest is pretty much automatic. Resist the urge to go into the kick if your P+K,P doesn't hit. P+K,P is sort of safe, but doing the K is not unless your opponent is airborne.

    another good whiff punisher is ff+K, but you have to be predicting the whiff. For example if someone is knocked down, you bait the opponent into a rising kick, then back dash, then ff+K as their rising attack whiffs... it's got massive range and if it hits it's a nice chunk of damage + stagger.

    *CH gaurenteed strings

    df+P,P,P -> u+P. A fast one, but it hits high.
    P+K, P, K. The old favorite.

    * best poking strings
    f+P,P - your basic safe 2-hit poke, until you face opponents smart enough to know to crouch under the second punch and then throw jacky.
    Notice that they CANNOT just mash d+P after an elbow and beat the second hit. The second punch is a 'special high' attack, meaning it will beat low attacks but you can duck under it.

    Also, I dunno if you could call it a poke really, but P+K,K is kind of safe... if your second hit is blocked, press [4] on the stick and jacky will skip away to safety. But a smart opponent with good reflexes will duck the K and then can catch him before he gets away.

    *Most reliable juggles

    P+K,P,K is as reliable as the day is long. But if you want variety, you can gamble on jacky's knee... which is a nice all purpose combo starter.

    The absolute best knee combo which works against everyone except wolf and jeffry is knee -> b+P+K,P -> f+P+K -> ground kick. That's a knee, a dodging left-right punch, then the big overhead smash that slams them to the floor.

    If you're facing inexperienced players, or people who just suck at struggling, you can get away with u+P at the end instead of a ground kick.

    *How do you perforem juggles such as (f+k, k,p, d/b+p+k,k,k, d/f+k)

    It seems to only work with a wall, just get the right distance from the wall so that you land K,P, then immediately after they bounce off the wall do the rest.
    If you're going to use the wall this way, it's also possible to do knee, K,K, then let them slam into the wall and end with db+P+K,P,K. Add the ground kick and the total damage is 104 pts.

    Without a wall, it's possible to do knee, f+P,P -> db+P+K,K,K -> ground kick. That's pretty much the same as your combo except you use elbow-backfist instead of kick-backfist.

    *most reliable Launchers


    ....Also, it's not a launcher, but b+K+G starts a lot of combos... and if you can't do the combos, just do b+K+G -> u+P for a really damaging 2 hit.

    *Good setups

    The basic VF setup is -> P (blocked) then do either throw or jacky's elbow (f+P). The elbow by itself isn't much, but if you get an elbow while they try to low punch, it staggers them and from the stagger you can try for a throw (or if they throw escape consistently, do P+K,P,K).

    You also should be aware of one of the best tricks in the game, low punch --> throw. If someone's poking at you with lots of quick attacks, do low punch to interrupt their strings then immediately throw. It's not guaranteed but they will fall for it unless they have inhuman reflexes.

    A similar technique, but more easily avoided by ppl with good reflexes, is to do jacky's f+P, and if it interrupts their attack immediately do a throw.

    A little something people just WANT to fall for... for no good reason...--> dodge attack, throw.

    A bastard jacky pattern that can keep someone guessing wrong for the whole round: ff+K (butt stumbles) -> dash forward and do another f,f+K or throw. It's pretty much a 50/50 guessing game. Nothing is guaranteed but if they attack at all, ff+K wins. If they dodge or guard, throw wins. I've gotten people to eat three f,f+K's in a row before they were convinced to guard, then switched up to a f,b+P+G throw. Advanced players know of a trick that allows you to avoid both options, but this will work at the intermediate level.

    *is the frame adv from b+p,k ood enough to setup back turned moves

    Not sure, but almost all of jacky's turnaway kicks (like after b+P,K or whatever) seem to set up a nice guessing game. P+K, or d+K. Or turn around and do something mean.
    Still, if you like to fool with b+P, I recommend using b+P by itself, no kick afterwards. If the b+P interrupts their attack, they crumple to the floor. You can then get a guaranteed b+K+G -> u+P for about half their life.

    and where can I get some good Jackey vids for mainy Ver.C PS2.

    If you go to the media board, there's tons and tons of movie posts. But a lot of sites take the movies down after a while. If you can find your way onto IRC I can send you some.
  10. Bryan_Master

    Bryan_Master Member

    Re: The Rebirth of the Jackey thread (introduction to a new VF/Tk play

    thank guys specially creed. you guys coverd most my queries. I'll try some of these things tomorow. the low punch to throw sounds nasty and I remember too that the VF throw system is evil /versus/images/icons/grin.gif . Thanks fo the wall combo tips as well. I'll experiment with some of those.

    1 more questin. The p,p,u+P isn't gaurenteed also? /versus/images/icons/confused.gif . And I'm not sure what IRC is. I remember hereing it around in Tekken zaibatsu but I never really came around to asking. I hope It's not a Japaneese site cause I suck at that /versus/images/icons/frown.gif .
  11. Bryan_Master

    Bryan_Master Member

    Re: The Rebirth of the Jackey thread (introduction to a new VF/Tk play

    Oh yeah. Why hasn't anybody made a good indebt Jackey FAQ. I know he's considerd the Paul of the game and alot of peeps don't like him but come on. /versus/images/icons/confused.gif
  12. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Re: The Rebirth of the Jackey thread (introduction to a new VF/Tk play

    PPu+P isn't a combo, but people sometimes fall for the third punch. But yeah, that'd be too lame if it were a true combo. A better trick is PPf+P,K. The last two parts will hit if they duck after PP.

    About the jacky faq.... jacky is pretty easy to learn so I guess people haven't bothered with a faq. The little bit I wrote's all I've found.
    I probably shouldn't try to get into advanced jacky strategy, but I can at least give you some combos. First I'll list the basic combos all jacky players should be able to use any time. Then I'll list the max damage combos. These are the best damage you can get against each character after certain moves, but they have very strict requirements, like you have to watch jacky's stance or be a certain distance from the enemy.

    A quick note that will save you a lot of hassle:
    when people say f+P, they usually mean [6][P], i.e. an elbow.
    If they cay F+P, that means hold forward and punch, [6_][P]. By holding forward you get a normal high punch, but with much longer range than a plain old [P].

    JACKY BRYANT combos you can use any time:
    >> f+K -> b+P+K,P -> f+P+K -> df+K (ground attack) [89 pts]
    [ALL, omit first punch vs. HW]

    >> P+K,P -> f+P+K -> df+K (ground kick) [68]
    [MW up to lau, vs. heavies end in canned K]

    >> b+P -> b+K+G, u+P (pounce) [88 pts]

    High damage combos that have lots of requirements:
    f+K followups
    >> f+P,P -> f+P+K -> df+K (ground attack) [97 pts]
    [LW, either stance, may need max range interrupt in closed]
    >> f+P,P -> db+PK,K,K -> df+K (ground attack) [95 pts]
    [MW up to lau, closed stance]
    >> K,P,K [93 pts]
    [MW up to lau, can substitute d+K at the end to be safe]
    >> b+P+K,P -> f+P+K -> df+K (ground attack) [89 pts]
    >> f+P,P,K [88 pts]
    [HW, closed stance. It is possible to land a miracle K,P,d+K sometimes vs. HW in closed stance. This does 89 pts if you pull it off]
    >> F+P -> f+P+K [83 pts]
    [HW, open stance]

    P+K, P followups
    >> F+P -> f+P+K -> df+K (ground kick) [73]
    [MW up to shun, unreliable in open stance vs. Vanessa. Misses in closed vs. lei fei or
    >> f+P+K -> df+K (ground kick) [68]
    [MW up to lau. more reliable than above in closed stance]
    >> F+P -> db+P+K,K,K -> df+K (ground kick) [71 pts]
    [Lau, open stance]
    >> F+P -> f,f+K [67 pts]
    [Akira, open stance]
    >> ub+K [69 pts]
    [Akira, closed stance]
    >> db+P+K,K,K -> df+K (ground kick) [65 pts]
    [HW, open stance]
    >> FC,DF+P [61 pts]
    [HW, closed stance]

    FC,df+P followups
    >> f+P,P,K [84 pts]
    [ALL, tough to struggle]
    >> f+P,P -> db+P+K,K,K -> df+K [90 pts]
    [MW up to Kage, closed stance, tough to struggle]
    >> P+K,P,K [82 pts]
    [ALL, somewhat tough to struggle]
    >> b+K+G [varies]
    [ALL, easy to struggle. See b+K+G combos below]

    b+K+G followups
    >> F+P -> d+K+G, K [83 pts]
    [LW (up to lei/lion, but not pai), easier in closed stance vs. lightest,
    vs. others requires max range open stance]
    >> F+P -> F+K,K [83 pts]
    [LW up to Kage, max range open stance]
    >> F+P -> b+K+G [81 pts]
    [Pai, requires max range in open stance]
    >> F+P -> f+P+K -> df+K (ground attack) [80 pts]
    [MW, easier in closed stance vs. lightest, vs. others requires max range open stance]
    for 79 pts, same conditions vs. Vanessa]
    >> F+P -> b+K -> df+K (ground attack) [80 pts]
    [LW, easier in closed stance vs. lightest, vs. others requires max range open stance]
    >> F+P -> F+P -> df+K+G [79 pts]
    [AOI, requires max range max range MC in open stance]
    >> d+P -> f+P+K -> df+K (ground attack) [78 pts]
    [LW, open stance. Alternative comboS: d+P, df+K,K or db+P+K,K,K,K,d+K for 77 pts, same
    conditions up to vanessa]
    >> F+P -> ub+K [81 pts]
    [Varies... vs. Lion in either stance, close range. Vs. Aoi and Lei closed stance, close range.
    Vs. Kage closed stance, long range. Vs Jacky open stance, long range]
    >> u+P (pounce) [70 pts]

    b+P followups
    >> b+K+G, u+P (pounce) [88 pts]
  13. Bryan_Master

    Bryan_Master Member

    Re: The Rebirth of the Jackey thread (introduction to a new VF/Tk play

    Good stuf, good stuf /versus/images/icons/wink.gif . Keep It commin, I'l try to remember all this.

    But wait, I still don't know what IRC is, I'm guessin It's a 'Ranking council' Right.
  14. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    Re: The Rebirth of the Jackey thread (introduction to a new VF/Tk play

    IRC is Internet Relay Chat. There are a number of programs that allow you to login to various IRC servers. Check out for a common application for IRCing.

    On the EFnet servers, we all gather at a channel called #vfhome to theoretically discuss VF and idle quite a bit /versus/images/icons/smile.gif But it's a good place to find many of the veteran VFers that you'll find here at VFDC.

  15. Bryan_Master

    Bryan_Master Member

    Re: The Rebirth of the Jackey thread (introduction to a new VF/Tk play

    Thanks. /versus/images/icons/grin.gif

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