The Secret Society of Virtua Fighters

Discussion in 'General' started by masterpo, Feb 24, 2016.

  1. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    From time to time I am asked the question is Virtua Fighter dead? Or where is all the VF action?
    Are all the real players in Japan arcades? Will I get more matches if I switch to PSN or Xbox live. And recently I bumped into this thread on VFDC:

    But all these questions miss the true nature of the Virtua Fighter phenomenon. Beyond the original introduction of VF to the gaming scene its never really been a game for the masses. Its never really been the most popular fighting game. Although It has always been respected for its superior quality. But other 3D fighters, e.g Tekken or Soul Calibur would have more players, higher sales, more tournaments, etc. In essence VF is typically represented by a small minority of elite players. For at least a decade now it has had what amounts to a cult following. And that's all you will see as an outsider.

    But the true essence of VF is that it's players seek the ultimate in experience in a fighting game. The most staunch stalwarts of the game realize that VF is its own form of martial art, and these players dedicate the time and effort to master that martial art. Many have reached the level of VF master and with effort these VF masters can be found all over the world. Most have a few nemeses that they train with, battle against, compete with, and commune with. So that at any given time and location there are only a few active VF masters and that's been the case for quite some time now.

    Today if you are new to the game and you've caught the VF fever and the game starts to boil in your blood, you will have to seek out the true VF players. You might have have to travel to other cities or other countries. But the quest is a worthy one, because when you find a VF master, you have found a rare jewel. Typically you have found a new friend, someone that has incredible skills and knowledge when it comes to fighting games in general. There are private VF clans all over the globe, there are unpublicized societies of players where you have to know someone b4 you get an invite. That's just how it is. And then there are a few VF monks scattered across the planet that know the art and science of VF that will take on students if one proves themselves to be truly interested.

    But the road to entering the ranks of a true Virtua Fighter begins with single player modes, the dojo , the command list, Quest mode, License Challenges, Sparring Modes, and the 3 button stick. VFDC is an awesome resource to learn all things Virtua Fighter. If you are persistent ,patient, and diligent (the mark of a true martial artist) you will find the secret societies of Virtua Fighters that are out there. You will find worthy competition. You will find your nemesis that will help you keep your skills sharp and help you develop your VF fighting style. And TBH all you need is one.

    Once you truly understand Virtua Fighter, you will realize its not about finding hundreds, or even dozens of other players, its about connecting with a dedicated one or two. And even these will be hard to find, but once found; you will have a fighting game experience like none other. No other 3D fighting arcade game comes close to the quality, balance, finesse, and beauty of Virtua Fighter. Virtua Fighter has achieved the status of martial art and fighting sport. It is the viceroy of 3D arcade fighters second to none.

    As long as there is still one VF master, the virtua fighter scene is alive. Until the last VF punch is thrown, the VF scene is alive. Until the last VF evade and throw escape is performed the VF scene is alive. Until there are none that understand the VF OM and DM the VF scene is alive. Until there is no one left to tell the story of the great VF masters; VF is alive.

    Even now Last Monk trains, waits and watches.
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2016
  2. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    fun read
    Stl_Tim and Ellis like this.
  3. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    After I read that, I was waiting for the opening scene to follow. It's a shame that sega doesn't encompass the exact feeling towards its audience with what you so clearly portrayed.

    Glad to see someone else keeping the torch lit.
    Thank you
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2016
    Ares-olimpico likes this.

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