Throw Setups

Discussion in 'Wolf' started by FRANKONTHEROCKS, Jul 25, 2012.



    I'm having trouble doing the Burning hammer reliably but thats not the issue here. What are some good throw setups you guys use to strike fear into your opponents?
  2. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    Usually you wanna throw your opponent in the following scenarios:

    - Opponent's rising up
    - opponent doding
    - opponent turtling in the guard state.

    Hovewer, since he BH is the most damaging throw and due to the fact isn't really fast as throw, you shouldn't rely too much on it. Be careful.
  3. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    Remember that the core mixup in VF is "throw or mid". So, the whole idea of landing throws successfully, is anytime you have your opponent scared that you could counter-hit them with a mid if they attacked, then you throw instead when they try to block.

    A couple easy times to start learning to do this:

    Opponent low punches too much - use a mid as soon as you block their low punch as normal, and once they realize they need to block the mid, throw them instead.

    Opponent is blocking entire strings - The simple example is people who just hold block all the way through your PPP, or PK, or P6P or any other simple punch string. Once they're used to just standing around in high guard, just input P(G)>Throw instead. Even if you just do neutral throw, you've turned a failed attempt to do ~20 damage that would have left you at disadvantage into 40 damage + knockdown.

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