To (Possibly) Avoid Community Confusion:

Discussion in 'General' started by Ellis, Jan 12, 2016.

  1. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    To avoid community confusion or something:

    As ive been sort of retelling the same thing these past weeks in shoutbox,
    i thought it might be a better way to put it all in words in a post instead,
    Whats been up with my shit and stuffs and whatever.

    "So, Wth is up with PReP?":

    Well, the past months, i finally got started with what is known as "Hormone Replacement Theraphy".
    What this means is that ive been taking estrogen, and will later on also be on anti-testestorone,
    In order to reshape, redo, and balance myself - correcting something ive realised been off with myself.
    While amounts and intensity differs, in case you are wondering WTH, what i feel is closely related
    to what is known as "Gender Dysphoria";

    To put it simple it means that my mind, feelers, thoughts and whatev' hasnt been fully aligned with the
    body and gender i was born with.

    Luckily ive realised this shit can be fixed, and wow, its being fixed!

    Although ive already had crazy, crazy good results already from ~2 months on estrogen
    (things have grown and reshaped, body fat depositions, softness and such),
    I am looking at 2-3-4 years until i can really pass and be seen as i am inside.

    Personally i feel ive had this in me alot, and i have my short 5.2 tallness self on the plus side,
    and the shapes been kiiiinda there, but hormones will make it just so much more neat with time.

    And yes, after 2-3 years i am looking at surgery, hopefully.

    "So, this mean u gonna be "faggot gay" (aso aso)":

    First I don't give a flying fudge about peoples sexual orientation,
    or wth they like or dig in life.

    But also to further avoid confusion, sexual orientation, and gender orientation,
    are not the same thing.

    Personally i am still purring for women/girls, so this has not changed, for me myself, aight? ^^

    "But, so u think ur a women now?, and we need to call u this or that?!":

    While i feel its who i am, and the end goal is to have zero-to-none difference in this,
    I am not going to go from one day to the next, suddenly expecting to be called anything special.
    While id just be happy to be "she" to ya'll, i wont throw any fits whatsoever,
    no matter what you wish to call me - just not sensitive that way
    And i aim to take this chill and ease into it, so its up to ya'll - no stress :)

    (Oh but Yes, i know what name ill prefer whenever its right ^^)

    If its any help, i see myself kinda like more of a tomboy'ish "woman".

    "Pics or it didnt happen bro-hoe-thing!?":

    Well, this is possibly superflous, but considering uve not really seen me,
    to any great capactiy before sans a few profile pics,
    perhaps this might be of help as to "adjust" how i am viewed
    - but i am also aware this can be a little uneeded, but just in case, some piccies,
    And i am not going to make picture posting an all to regular habit:

    *removed months old bleh pic, cus ive progressed ^^*


    ("Oldish" - Before Hormones)

    (~2 years ago - Before hormones) .

    Finally, above all else, Im of course here to Play Damnit VF, write nonsense shoutbox posts trying to be funny,
    - and chill and socialize with ya'll in our VF community.

    Just throw any questions in this thread, i will answer honestly. K?

    Chills /PReP
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2016
    VFhayato, ToyDingo, oneida and 7 others like this.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    I gotta say, this is a big new chapter in your life. I gotta give props and respect.
    oneida, Modelah, Tricky and 4 others like this.
  3. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    Ricky Ortiz of community has arrived! GL Prep.
    leftylizard, IcKY99 and Ellis like this.
  4. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Mad props for doing your thing.
    oneida, Modelah, Stl_Tim and 2 others like this.
  5. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    I know this is not popular opinion, but taking female hormones does not make you a woman. This article sums up how I feel pretty well.

    EDIT: I'm not posting this because I "hate" anyone. I'm posting this because I give a shit about these people.

    @PReP this doesn't change our online comradeship. You're as much a member to me as anyone else. I just can't accept the idea of you being a woman/turning into a woman as accurate.
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2016
  6. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    @Libertine, how about keeping your redneck ignorance to yourself? What is it to you other people do with their lives? I'm sure this person knows about him/herself better than the imagination of your narrow mind.
  7. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Here we go with the ignorance shit, right on fucking cue.

    What is it to me what other people do in their lives? Are you retarded? This is guy is abusing hormones and amputating himself because he thinks it will make him happy. PReP is similar to Bruce Jenner in that he's been attracted to women all his life, but then decides that being a man makes him unhappy. So then he gets this "sex change." Now what? Now he's unhappy again, wishing he were the way he used to be. Did he become happy? No. Is he ever going to be able to revert to his old self? Hell no.

    People with dissociation disorders are delusional about themselves. I've heard of people who were unhappy being human, so they wanted to be an animal. I'm not kidding. Does carving their bodies to give them morphological features of a cat make them a cat? Does painting stripes on them make them a zebra? These people need help. You just disagree with me in terms of the kind of help they need. Indulging them in their mental sickness and causing irreversible changes to their bodies is not what I'd consider help.

    You're no different from all the other clowns in today's demonic media who will accuse others of hatred and ignorance for disagreeing with their fascist social outlooks. PReP has an opinion of what's right for him. I have a different opinion. I don't accuse him of being narrow-minded for disagreeing with him. Why do you? It's because you are a mindless coward who just wants to throw labels around because you don't want to do any actual thinking on the matter. You just can't stand the fact that I dissent from popular opinion. I've dealt with your kind before.

    Me: "I think that people who undergo sex changes are actually doing themselves harm."

    Retard: "You're a cissist!"

    Me: "How am I being hateful for expressing concern? Last I checked, I wasn't bringing out pitchforks and torches to come after this guy."

    Idiot: "Uh... I called you a cissist! Aren't you supposed to be pwned?"

    It's also funny that you should call me a redneck, and using it in a disparaging manner. Maybe you're ignorant towards them.

    P.S., Yeehaw, bitch.
    Jason Elbow and leftylizard like this.
  8. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    It's all PReP's fault for making this thread! LOL.
    Ellis likes this.
  9. Mold_Monkey93

    Mold_Monkey93 Well-Known Member

    Caitlin Jenner gave you guys a different levels of cojenes. That's cool, no hating here. Though if this makes you feel any better, if I rolled that way, I definitely be flattered . I got a lot of family like this, and comfortable enough with my sexuality, as you seem here. To joke in a such manner. Others might make a lil comment about such things negatively. Like Lib said(Before the other blasphemy that is) we still a community and we all grown here. So props to you man for putting it out there. Still editing as I didn't realize what the fuck this dude lib came from left field and shag from right. I suppose we aren't all grown here. Lib, I have met you, you a cool dude, not a dbag like online, perhaps some traits kinda stem but you like everyone else, trying to breathe and survive on this earth. Shag is legit sauce too, has a Lil party animal side to him too, but we all agree we aren't bad people. This shit got outta hand simply BC mofos can type all they want and sometimes you put shit on text w\o fully thinking or perhaps worded wrong . It's ambiguous. If prep isn't offended, I suppose that's all that matters
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2016
    Ellis likes this.
  10. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Didn't you read the "LOL" in my post? You just posted two paragraphs of bullshit... for nothing!

    This "argument" is over.
  11. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    Lib isn't mad because people aren't agreeing with him, nor is it because of his stance on the matter... After seeing these body shots he wants in that ass, but PReP is only into woman! I'm sorry but it's time to move on.

    Or maybe the thought of playing SWB has driven him insane because I sure know it has for me. What an atrocious POS game, even for free I'm struggling to stomach the idea of playing it.
    BlueLink, Ellis, DurViener and 2 others like this.
  12. Mold_Monkey93

    Mold_Monkey93 Well-Known Member

    Text is ambiguous, my point exactly.
    Ellis likes this.
  13. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Mold_Monkey93 and Kamais_Ookin like this.
  14. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    I have no idea what language this is, but I'm glad you said it.

    Freedom of speech GO GO GO!
    Kamais_Ookin likes this.
  15. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    And sure enough, this guy deletes all of his posts in this thread. Didn't you learn from Flash? This shit is logged.

    Now you're crying worse than the pansies in Massachusetts did when John Kerry lost the election. :(

  16. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    LOL. How the hell am I supposed to show you where you said that when you go about deleting your posts like a pussy? You said I was judging him, when it was clear that I was judging a decision that he made.

    Yeah, I know it's his life. Since it's his life, I have concern for it. Am I not allowed to express my thoughts on what could negatively and severely affect him? He's not hurting anyone? What about people he could be influencing to make the same bad decision? I guess I'm not supposed to think his smoking habits are retarded, since it's not hurting me.

    What do I care in terms of what makes him happy? If you read what I said, I said that this decision could ultimately not make him happy. LOL. Even if it does, however you want to conceptualize males/females, it doesn't change their ontology. It's impossible to truly change from one sex to another. It will never be a complete change, so he's not actually accomplishing what he wants, and neither will anyone else who follows his example.

    Now continue being mad because I disagree with you. We're all still a community in the end! (y)
  17. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    The only thing narrow around here is your tiny Yellow urethra. GGs.

    EDIT: Added quote in case he decides to delete his posts again.
  18. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    This can be answered easily. I gave my PERSPECTIVE on the matter. I believe I'm absolutely right on this matter, but if you can show me where I'm ignorant instead of simply making assertions, then that's only good for me. I can learn something.

    You're retarded for saying that. When did I express a desire to harm PReP in any way? Fucking clown.

    Now I think I understand the problem. You are desperate to get a sex change yourself, because you think it fits that prepubescent voice of yours better. I think you're sick, but I don't have the power to stop you. It's alright, I don't hate you.

    P.S., SWB is shit. Get on a real game.
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2016
  19. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

  20. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    @Libertine, please confirm finish build of 3 year old PC = Powerful Congressman with pics ASAP.

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