Top 10 Lion moves.

Discussion in 'Lion' started by Righteous_Dream, Jun 11, 2012.

  1. Righteous_Dream

    Righteous_Dream Active Member

    Lion in FS has proven to be very exciting to play. He has some great changes so I want to go over some of my favorites.



    Use the num pad on your keyboard to locate direction inputs. 6 being always forward. 4 being back and 5 neutral.
    6p+k+g = Tourousoufu =
    4p+k+g = Tourouteihozen

    1. Tourou Soufu p+k [Guard Break] - It's extremely fast and only people who're actually looking for it will evade. It's +16 on guard which leads to his BnB combo and knocks down on hit. It is a high and can be stepped, but luckily Lion has more options in Tourousoufu for those who're fishing for p+k guard break

    2. 3p+k. Decent range. Only -2 on block. Stuns on hit giving you +12 advantage allowing for some guaranteed dmg. On CH it's +16 meaning you can treat it as a guard break and get a guaranteed combo, or follow up with another 3p+k.

    3. 4p+k. is +2 on block. Can be fully charged and cause stagger. On hit leads to his most deadly combo without wall assistance.

    4. pp2p/pp8p. String is +4 on block. There are other options allowing it to be canceled neutral or canceled into backturned. On hit it knocks down and can combo depending on your opponents character weight.

    5. p,k,p. -3 on block. Can be delayed, but what I love about this move is most people generally try to interrupt the last attack with 2p, but it's a ex high so it will CH those who love abusing that 2p

    6. 6p+g. When your back is to the edge of the ring this grab comes in handy with a guaranteed 8p+k.

    7. 3k. a great poking tool its -7 on block. -6 on block from max distance. -1 on hit and 0 on hit from max distance.

    8. p+k+g and 2p+k+g. P+k+g parries high's and I believe a few mid punches [have to test]. 2p+k+g parries lows [Vulnerable to sweeps? will test]. After a successful parry you can sidestep in either direction and evade your opponents string.

    9. K+G. It's a high full circular kick. While 6k+g is a mid and also tracks both directions it's -13 on block while K+G is -5 on block, or -4 on block from max distance.

    10. 46P+G. Near wall this grab leads to probably his most devastating combo? The grab leaves the opponent in a shakeable stun, but requires a very fast stun shake to avoid the follow up. Not many can break in time to avoid the follow up.

    These were some of my favorites, but didn't really get all the moves I enjoy using. On a side note Lion has very good range on a large variety of his low pokes. 1pp [which is much easier to do in FS. Vanilla had a strange timing on the second attack in 1pp], 41236p, 3/9p+k+g,k, and 1f+k,p.
    Angelo Miguel Moreira likes this.
  2. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Parry (standing)Notes: they work on single arm mid and highs that do not knockdown on normal hit. [​IMG]

    Crouch Parry: low pokes will get parried. Knockdown lows will hit you if I'm not mistaken.
  3. LegendaryHero90

    LegendaryHero90 Well-Known Member

    im surprised you did not mention 6K, 2K or 2KK+G, 4PP (into possible stance on hit), 3K+G at max distance, and 64K+G on opponent's low wakeup. these moves are really good too.
  4. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

  5. thanks for all the help guys and i wil try my best to get all of the moves down
  6. Darksoul173

    Darksoul173 Well-Known Member

    1. 6P
    2. 3K
    3. PKP
    4. 41236P
    5. 46P+K
    6. 6P+K+G
    7. 33P
    8. 2_6P+K
    9. 2_6P+G
    10. 1K

    Ill add my thoughts on each move later and honarable mentions
  7. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Warning: i don't really play with Lion anymore. I just switch to him from time to time when the lag gets to my nerves. So the following list is more of a test, for me, to see if i use more than 10 of his moves nowadays. Turns out i do. I still play the same way i played him in VF5 vanilla though. Only scrubbier, because i've never hit the dojo, once.

    So here goes, written in an appropriate tongue-in-cheek style, the scrub's top ten list to Lion's moves:

    [P] string: everyone mentions p,k,p vs sideturned. Which is pretty dope. But the "will i delay or will i stop the string" game after p,k still works for me. Also p,p,p+k seems somewhat faster in this version? I keep nailing people with it. Also p,p,RANDOM INPUT!+p is fun, sometimes i end up sideturned, sometimes the opponent is somehow slammed to the ground. Fun times!

    [6][P] string: Hey, the "guess if i'm going to finish the p string" game was fun, wasn't it? Let's play another game! I do f+p, you block! Will i do the followup? Nope, i didn't. Let's play the game again! Here's another elbow, will i do the followup? Nope, i did [1][K] and now you techrolled. I'll be frank with you, i don't know any other moves yet, so let's just play the elbow game again! I elbow and you guess, will i do the followup? I did! And you blocked? But you missed the punishment because you were too surprised? Oh, too bad. Let's play again! Oh, i know the move has real applications like poking & hitchecking or punishing lows. But i like this game better ;)

    [1][K]: Still seems to be the fastest low to knock down on NH in the game. Pretty hard to block on reaction if you ask me. And it floats on CH in this version? So i don't even have to learn FC df+p floats!? Awesome! All work and no play make Lion a dull boy.

    [4][4][K][P][+][K]: I told you, i don't like the hitcheck game! Ok, ok, i'll practice it, right after i finish doing my p,k,p combo. What do you mean there are more damaging combos? This one still takes 1/3 of their lifebar anyway!

    [1][P]: Dunno why no one mentions this one. It's still pretty hitbox-less if you ask me. Gets me out of a lot of tough spots, yes sir. The good old "have the opponent guess if i will evade or abare with a magic move" game :) Although low punch is nice too, particularly now that it's 12f.

    [8][P][+][K]: Tracks to my stomach. And it lets me play the okizeme game! That's, like, my favourite game! There's also [3][K] but i tend to reserve that for sideturned situations. I like the sideturned game too!

    [4][1][2][3][6][P]: Tracks to my back. Gotta have one of those too. I'll be honest with you, when i learned Lion's old b+k was gone i was bitter at first - but then this new move allows me to play the sideturned game, which is pretty fun too! :D

    [2][K][+][G]: Because some days i don't want to guess which way you'll evade.

    [6][K][+][G]: Because some days i NEITHER want to guess which way you'll evade NOR if you're going to block low. It's not like you can punish me with anything worse than p,k if you block this at a distance, right?

    [6][6][P]: Speaking of distance, here's one of the new games brought to the table: you try to space me and i arrow punch you to the face like Lei Fei! Only i don't have to be in a stance!

    And that's it. I don't even use other moves nowadays. Well, ok, i mentioned a couple of them already, like df+k or FC df+p or low punch. I also use random TRSF or b,b,df+p or b+p,p or b,f+k+g or u+k,k from time to time. Hell, now that i think of it, the "guess if i'm going to finish the u+k,k string" game is pretty fun too :cool:

    But, hey, that's already ten, so why bother? Have fun playing the Lion game everyone!
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2014
    PoisonKid13 likes this.
  8. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    I know your list was tongue-in-cheek, but I'll post at least some quick thoughts on the moves ^_^

    [P] string: Good old reliable, because it's your punisher when opponent is -11 ~ -12 or if you're sure they're open but not sure how open (like after evading an attack with enough animations in it). The delay game is fun, but dangerous to do--everything beyond PK is pretty risky. The risk is only mitigated if you're successfully pressuring the opponent and reduced their sharp response. Otherwise, going for PKP can lead to them ducking the P and launching you (to be honest, they can even duck the K and launch you but let's assume the P was guaranteed to begin with). Mix in PK(G) flowchart though, and that might allow at least stance changing. Again, up to how successful you are at keeping your opponent under pressure. And as you mentioned, PKP against sideturn is great! Also fun against Taka in general if P MCs or mCs.

    [6][P] string: If you play offline, learning to hit-check the followup is fun and doable! If not, I just don't recommend going for the followup because it has more risk than it rewards unless the reward is a ringout (in which case the risk and reward are equal if you're near the ringout zone too because the opponent can sidestep you matador style and cause you to ring yourself out). Do I still do the followup against people I think are going to mash a response to elbow? Yeah, here and there. You'll see me doing that on video. But i still highly advocate that 6P(G) flowchart is generally always better. Again, unless you can hit-check the followup. However, here's an awesome scrub combo! 6PP (opponent does not tech) --> dash 2P --> 6PP :p Double the pleasure, ore than double the fun!

    [1][K]: I used to love this move, I abused it too much, and then I die to it whenever opponents like to evade. And in FS, a lot of opponents LOVE TO EVADE because evade-cancelling is so good in this game. As a result, this moves risk goes up damn high because opponents can usually do as much damage or more than your 1K combo. I personally think the best use for this move is against high attacks (especially in strings) that can be seen and responded too, aggressive whiff punishing. 43P is good for this too if you have the time.

    [4][4][K][P][+][K]: This move is still so good. While it seems to have slighly shorter range in FS than in Vanilla, that's kind of made up for by the increased speed of backdash (though risk is enhanced by the added weakness of backdash). You might not hit-check, but you really should learn to whiff-check to make this move awesome. It still has small evasive properties against high attacks too. However, against sharp offline opponents, the risk is there as missing any part of this attack can lead to your doom (if opponent ducks and launches you). Great move, learn to either set it up and read, or learn to whiff-check and apply and you will get a lot of mileage out of this move.

    [1][P]: I don't use this move much, but I do use it and it is useful. My main use for this move, especially if opponent is very low on life, is when opponent is overusing string or stance pressure. It's not perfect, but it can frustrate a Sarah obsessed with Flamingo, for example. The hitbox property of this move makes it a good disruptor. The lack of damage or advantage makes this move only a disruptor or at best, a knockout punch (or two).

    [8][P][+][K]: Underappreciated, good move. Very fast, half-circular. Can also mess up a lot of opening attack options. Easy whiff punishment, movement stopper, and when your back is turned it's an excellent get away move. This move is excellent utlity and every Lion should play around with its applications.

    [4][1][2][3][6][P]: Excellent move and everyone knows why. It forces sideturn, it's not too slow (even at 21 frames, being a low half-circular is disruptive against most VF defenses), and it is half-circular (in Lion's unpopular evade direction even). The -16 risk is appropriate for this move, because this move provides great potential reward.

    [2][K][+][G]: Excellent and classic Lion move that is often overlooked (I even overlooked it for a long time). Why is this move so good? Fast, full circular, reset. You can put a stop to a lot of things and reset the tempo with this move. You also force the opponent to think twice about pretty much all option selects. It comes at great risk, but the reward for using this move properly is a good choke-hold on your opponent's defense.

    [6][K][+][G]: This move gets free passes because in most cases, the opponent needs to hold 6 while doing a Px response to punish this move on block. Because of that, most people do not punish Lion for using this move. This move is still really good, especially to seal someone into a ringout (in which case, dash into guard might be opponent's best defense to reduce how much they get pushed back towards ringout).

    [6][6][P]: Excellent move from range, good reason you see Japanese players use it. The best whiff punish if the opponent used something slow. Punishes Jacky's kickflip and with an easy input (66____P). And you can even set this move up with 44P+K(G) Major Counter. However, like other moves of its type like Lei Fei's dart punch, you really need to have clear intentions and reasons for using this move, throwing it out might work against inexperienced players, but the move is easy to punish on evade. If it is blocked, just remember that you're in Nitaku.

    Hope you enjoy my quick thoughts on the moves you listed out tongue-in-cheek. I could probably go on and on for each move actually, but I'll refrain lol. That said, I like that you mentioned 8K in your closing paragraph, it's still good (but not for the followup, single 8K is really really good). Another awesome move for lion that only gets better as you get better with Lion is 46K ^_^
    Stl_Tim and erdraug like this.

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