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Tournament console standard: 360 or PS3

Discussion in 'Console' started by Dan, Oct 14, 2007.

  1. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    Okay so with the 360 coming out here comes a question for a gatherings and tournaments to come.

    What console should be the standard for tournaments? PS3 or Xbox 360?

    PS3 is clearly looking outdated but it would be rather cold-hearted to throw all the dedicated players that are still on it and the rather sexy Virtua High Grade Sticks out in the cold.

    Xbox 360 has online play, movable profiles (soooo nice), the latest version C and more. It's definately better but it will be a while before the player base is built up and everyone has their set ups.

    My take: I think we should play the PS3 in tournaments a little longer till december when most people can probably get a hold of a 360 and the player base for the 360 goes up. This also gives time for PS3 players to either mod their VHGS or simply trade them in. This is just my opinion though.
  2. Low_Sweep

    Low_Sweep Well-Known Member

    You know i was just thinking about that too and you pretty much took the words out of my mouth. I think we should ride the rest of the year out playing on the ps3 to allow everyone to gradually change over to the most updated version on the 360. I don't have a problem since i own both systems but i know those people who only own ps3's will feel like they got screwed at a tournament because they don't have a conveter, or their converter is lagging during a match. Im sure by next year most tournament partcipants will have made the swith to the 360 but changing it now would probably hurt most people more than it will help. just my 2 cents.
  3. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    I think it depends on what people are happy with. However, its probably best to start with the latest version.
  4. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    Yeah I agree. Although potentially we might irritate the new 360 players, I'm hoping that 360 players won't mind playing either stick (which PS3 has a superior stick) or ps3 pad or sharing ps2>ps3 converter (since honestly the 360 pad is just as bad as the PS3 pad, and probably worse than the ps2 pad).

    By christmas season or maybe later the 360 player base will be far higher and a more reasonable amount of PS3 players should be able to get on board.
  5. FallingEdge

    FallingEdge Well-Known Member

    This shouldn't even be a question, it's gotta be the 360 version. I do understand the issue of PS3 and 360 and sticks, but you got to play with the latest version. 360 and version C all the way.
  6. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    360 from Oct 30th on out. Most VF5 PS3 owners are hardcore VFers anyways. So I'm sure they rather play on the latest version.

    Reasons to 360
    Ver C
    Memory Card Custom
    Online should bring a bigger scene

    Reasons to stay PS3
    VSHG sticks.....yep thats it

    The EX stick isn't that bad and if your picky just mod it. Even though I have a feeling Hori will announce a 360 VSHG once they get closer to the release date in Japan.
  7. DubC

    DubC Well-Known Member

    I doubt it, since on the website it shows the crappy hori stick. They would never advertise a third party stick if they wanted to make money on their own SEGA stick. I think they just didn't want to pay licensing to MS and get poor returns since it probably won't sell well in Japan (and they don't know plenty of us here would want to import it). I think the only reason they are even releasing it in Japan is so that Japan isn't in an uproar that we have online play, but they have to throw away 40+ dollars a week in the arcade playing.
  8. Wow sounds like the PS3 stick was the best from what everyone is saying. I just got the EX2 hori stick.., is that the same that youve used? You just were saying EX so Im not sure.., the EX2 reminds me of the VF3 arcade stick on the cabinet. I didnt wanna spend all the money on the ps3 one knowing what they were doing with the 360 one [thanks to my boys @ the big S]. Anywho, I understand what yall are saying about the PS3 version, but why keep playing ver.B? Especially with all the nice-nice+. Anyhow, Im trying to decide on whether or not to take back the EX2 stick now that Ive seen the official EX2 stick thats out in DEC with the japanese cover graphics or no. What do you guys think? Im prolly gonna have my boy in tokyo get and send it to me.., Im thinkin group buy.., anyone interested? lemme know ~Q
  9. 001

    001 Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    it looks to have the same hori joystick with matsushita microswitches but with just a different graphic. it even has the same color balltop color, button color, and button assignment layout.

    if you have an ex2 already, you can just swap out the art with a new mame marqee, printed paper laminated art, or whatever else you can think of if you just want to change the art. just desolder the buttons off and peel the old art off and stick/glue your new one on. something like this. http://i108.photobucket.com/albums/n5/akuma001/PICT0377.jpg

    as far as what version to play we have to wait for version c to even come out before anyone can even think of making a decision. for all we know it may not even be a faithful port and can have some game breaking glitch that makes it not even tourney worthy.
  10. EscapingJail

    EscapingJail Active Member

    Unlike PS3 games get patched alot on the 360.
  11. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I think we should move toward the updated ver C. I understand sticks and all are a pain but we're all hardcore about this right? We want to play and put effort into the most recent version of the game do we not?
  12. Throwmasta

    Throwmasta Well-Known Member

    Anyone aware of any good converters? My MAS is wired for PS2, and I would definitely want to use it on the 360; if I'm going to take the jump...
  13. GameOver

    GameOver Well-Known Member

    What if PS3 gets the Ver. C patch sometime in the coming months? Would that cause a split in the community?
  14. EscapingJail

    EscapingJail Active Member

    Who's going to wait for something that isn't announced and doesn't look like it will happen?
  15. DubC

    DubC Well-Known Member

    Also, you can't take profiles around in PS3 version. Being able to save costumes and button config would make tourneys run much smoother. Besides, SEGA said they would not be patching the PS3 version. It sold like crap, so why should they waste the time. What is there to wait for?
  16. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    a) for enough people to actually buy an xbox and VF5 for it
    b) for the surge of newbies trying out the VF5 Demo to die down
  17. DubC

    DubC Well-Known Member

    The point is for the newbies to buy the game from the demo, so that the community can grow. The community right now is still a fledgling in terms of numbers.
  18. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    and still why would they patch a game that didn't sell that well when the xbox 360 version is going to sell well here in usa?
  19. XenoVagrant

    XenoVagrant Active Member

    The X360 version wont become standard unless all pad players find a way to play the friggin game.
    The official pad is awful, the XFPS is not lag-free (at least that's what they say at shoryuken.com) and I am still wondering if I should get a hori stick or wait for an adapter.

    P.S. I am not stick player. I d like to play with a stick but the learning curve is a bit high imo.
  20. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    Keep in mind opinions might change in the coming months. If enough people flood the 360 VF5 will be able to swap that for the outdated PS3 for tournaments like VTYME and maybe even NEC. But for now I think PS3 is good for maybe 1 or 2 months max.

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