Tournoi Français 22-23 Novembre

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by StarNab, Nov 16, 2008.

  1. StarNab

    StarNab Well-Known Member

    Je fais un peu de publicité au cas où les quelques VFers français (et parisiens en l'occurence) viendraient se perdre dans cette partie du forum.
    Il y'a donc un tournoi multi-jeux ce week-end mais à l'heure où j'écris, il n'y a que 3 malheureux inscrits à la session VF5 : SC4 et SSBB trust la compétition (-____-').
    Donc si le coeur vous en dit, vous avez tous les détails à cette adresse :
  2. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    Hey, just wanted to say that if the announcement wasn't so last minute I would really be interested to enter the tournament, and a number of dutch players with me.
    Would it be possible that you tell us in advance when a next tournament is organised so we can get a group together and join in next time? We have an active dutch thread in the match making section or you could pm me or add me to msn: myvfdcnickname[at] Tnx!
  3. StarNab

    StarNab Well-Known Member

    Well communication around that event WAS the main problem. I heard about it through some XBLFriend last week. I'm not even the organizer of this but I noticed lately that there were very few challengers so I threw that SOS thread. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif
  4. Chibitox

    Chibitox Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    I'll be there ^^.
  5. StarNab

    StarNab Well-Known Member

    Good !

    Anyone is still welcome

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