Tuch_MaBallz list of the best characters in tha game (besides my main)

Discussion in 'General' started by Tuch_MaBallz, Dec 19, 2012.

  1. Tuch_MaBallz

    Tuch_MaBallz Active Member

    Tuch_MaBallz list of the best characters in tha game (besides my main)

    1. akira
    9.brad (my tertiary)
    12.taka (my secondary)

    if i would ahve known that godukandan was rza i wouldnt have kicked him off. (with his mask off im not so sure he is rza though). -he is not bad, why is he still ranked so low thou? he plays you then bullshits around and doesnt come back cuz hes recording the matches he won like a bitch tahts why i kicked him off cuz he asks to be my friend than hates on me like a bitch, bottom line is the last 3 times i played his ass i won, just cuz he records the matches he wins doesnt mean shit (if you are rza though im sorry for calling you a bitch lets be friends again im a huge fan!). secondly, i dunno why martianpulis is running his mouth, that bitch avoids me like the plague, i was one hit away from a triple perfect victory and i cant get him to play me since, ive wasted him over 20 times compared to maybe he beat me once i dunno, and yes you morons i know that gentleman thief and rodnutz are better than me thats what i fucking said last time you dumb shits. btw thanks for clearing up that whole jean counter issue i guess it makes sense.
    ps. who tha fuck do you think showmethahoney is. you think someone who doesnt have a job and plays vf5 all day on ps3 is just gonna disappear, hell no im still playing all tha time. i got up to avenger in less than 2 weeks, and you best believe i was schooling fools in my tier. get up to avenger in two weeks with less than 4,000 batttle points and then we'll talk about how youre better than me you hateful bitches, YOU are the ones making me laugh, especially you martianpulis (i like your character though man and youre name is alright).

    pss. now that im at avenger i wont be playing anyone above sentinel - unless im tuch ma ballz til i get to tha top, talk shit when i have two stormlords you buck-toothed bamas!
  2. G1 TinTin

    G1 TinTin Well-Known Member

    G1 T i n T i n
    I feel so weird after actually reading all of that.

    And you said gokunodan was Rza. Best post ever.
  3. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    I honestly have no idea what any of this is supposed to mean. It may have been written in Chinese - it would have made as much sense.

    Let's see what I can get from it.

    You place the characters in some kind of arbitrary list, but fail to mention what the purpose of the list is. Is it your view on which are the best characters? Is it a list of your skill with each of them? Is it a list of the characters in terms of the skills of the best players using them that you've encountered? I hope to god it's not the first one, because Goh, Jacky and Taka in the bottom would be... I guess it would explain a lot about you.

    Next, you go on a tirade about how you beat some guy and that you're salty when he records the matches he wins. Not really sure why anyone would care, but whatever.

    Then you lay into Martianpulis for... what, exactly? 'Running his mouth'? Isn't that exactly what you're doing here? I guess being a better player than he is makes you verbal diarrhoea somehow acceptable...

    Then you go about inflating your epeen, letting everyone know how amazing you are because of your online rank. Guess what, dipshit? I'm a Avenger with less than 4,000 battle points, I've played less than a thousand games in total, and I got to the grand-final of the VF Circuit for America. Know what that means? Precisely dick. I'm much better than people with higher ranks than I am, and I'm much worse than people with lower ranks than I am. Because I got to the final, does that mean that I'm better than everyone except the one person that finished higher? No, because I lose regularly to people who finished lower than I did (half my bracket is better than I am), and, more importantly online mode is online.

    Also, your name is amazing - you're truly a class-act.
    BlackGeneral likes this.
  4. ExzetyXat1

    ExzetyXat1 Well-Known Member

    You complain that martianpulis ducks you, but you duck all the time.

    _ are-you-fucking-kidding-me-face.png
    VFnumbers and Tricky like this.
  5. Tuch_MaBallz

    Tuch_MaBallz Active Member

    it says that i left a message with inaapropriate advertiseing or spam - is this inappropraite engouh for you akai - suck my dickhole
  6. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi

    Avenger with less than 4000 pts and in less than 2 weeks ?
    What a joke. Some people became Darkslayer with less than 1500 pts in shorter time. But of course it's because they don't duck...
  7. Tuch_MaBallz

    Tuch_MaBallz Active Member

    lemme respoond to you genzen - i should have put at the top of my post, no one is talking to fuckheads or dooshbags you fucking cuntweazle. why dont you spend less time talking online about a game you fucking loser. congrats for your success in playing the real game or whatever, i only play online cuz as stated by someone earlier i have no life or friends, im airing out grievances with bitches that wanna run their mouth, as far as im concerned with you suck my dick and mind your fucking biz you cock coblling pantywaste. this sight is plush with some good info and maybe some nice peeple but if you dont have anything nice to say to me than suck my dick - ill wait for your response from an online sight about a videogame you fucking loser. but yeah playing in the real circuits would be great though i dont think im good enough for that (im not talking your your fag ass anymore whoreface). ive only played vf5 for 6 months so ive just been practiceing and i still am. lets all try to getr along before they block me and then i leave. i dont give fcuk. but anyone who plays virtua fighter cant be a total toolbag - but apparently some fucking pricks on here are.
  8. Tuch_MaBallz

    Tuch_MaBallz Active Member

    true true i duck like shit when im coming up like i stated earler you cunt. but ive been using other characters - i could easily get up to avenger in 2,500 points. darkslayer in 1500 is very impressive. like i said im not the best, im only in the top 200 best players online. is that clear enough for you cuntfaces
  9. Tuch_MaBallz

    Tuch_MaBallz Active Member

    ps dont start thinkin cuz your bad at a video game and we have computer screens between us your actually a badass, who knows i might jsut end up coming to a tournament you are at one day. then we'll see whose runngin their mouth.
  10. Zekiel

    Zekiel Well-Known Member

    Really? you do realise hes a moderater right? you really wanna get banned when you just joined the site? cmon lol
  11. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    May I point out that you made the first post (twice), and redirect you to the wall-of-text therein? Then may I direct you here: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/hypocrite

    As opposed to the expletive-riddled verbal-assaults you've so aptly constructed in pretty much every post you've made? Again, see: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/hypocrite

    Your command of the English language is fantastic, by the way. Honestly, it takes a special kind of moron to be quite so inept.

    ShinyBrentford and Tricky like this.
  12. BlackGeneral

    BlackGeneral The Emperor of Elbows Bronze Supporter Content Manager Akira

    BeeGee VFDC
    I <3 when Genzen blows up fools on VFDC
    DomAug and Tricky like this.
  13. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    I don't like this. You should probably have some time off.
    ExzetyXat1 likes this.
  14. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    There are 11 characters better than Taka... That is very funny. What's just as funny is that Jacky, one of the characters who is actually stronger than Taka is lower in your opinion. That's just... wow.

    Someone take his shovel away, please, for the love of all that is sane.
    MakiLeSushi likes this.
  15. R_Panda

    R_Panda Well-Known Member

    R Panda
    I'll mm anyone that takes online ranks this seriously for $50 ft10. Come to Sega Cup 2013 or Evo2013. I'll be at both.

    Did you know 'online warrior' has negative connotations?
  16. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    I hope you're not expecting a response any time soon, R_Panda.
    Unicorn and R_Panda like this.
  17. R_Panda

    R_Panda Well-Known Member

    R Panda
    I expect nothing but hot air. I usually just enjoy laughing at them, but honestly, these online warriors make me sick. VF is not true VF online. You can't even begin to approach the levels of gameplay offline permits. And no one who only plays online will get past those skillcaps. I don't care how good your connection is.

    I'm better than anyone that only plays online. I have better competition in more intense environments than online could ever create. How can online prepare you like the stress of a tournament, the feeling of weight and importance one match has over another, the mindgames you have with YOURSELF - online doesn't contain these kind of things. I know I'm better just because of the fact that I go to offline events like Sega Cup and Evo, proving my will to play the best, in person, face to face. I know because I don't travel for prize winnings, or the social scene, or the smell; I travel primarily for the competition. I'm hungrier than these guys, and they aren't really worth the time I wrote writing this diatribe.
    Shag likes this.
  18. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    Flame like there is the end of the world incomming.
    Wait, it is 20.12. 2012, the end actually IS incomming, right? TMB for prophet!

    BTW why SBs cause was not accessed with similar approach?
  19. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    If you have complaints, bring them to the site questions and feedback thread.
  20. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    I was talking about it with both Akai and Myke. I know why SBs is allowed to do what he is doing, but I still can not agree with it nor like it.
    But what I can like is your quick action in TMBs case, thank you for it.

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