Umm... I'm making a throw escape list for personal reasons, help pls.

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by Reki, Apr 17, 2003.

  1. Reki

    Reki Well-Known Member

    My community's soo squeamish; they think throws are too cheap and are turning away from VF4E.

    Well what I'm trying to do here is some sort of quicklist to refer for n00bs like us that don't know what throws to expect and what is the escape input and maybe what is the best multi-escape combination vs [insert Virtua Fag here].

    I was about to do this list myself last night by uploading every Evo character movelist in VFDC but I found out that some elements of the lists are still unfinished.

    Anyways, I'll try to start with Jacky since I think he has the shortest throw list in the game therefore least difficult to evaluate.


    [6],[4]+[P]+[G] dmg-60
    [3],[3]+[P]+[G] dmg-65

    best multi-escape input: [3]+[P]+[G], [4]+[P]+[G]


    Oh yeah, what's the damage of his [6],[6]+[P]+[G]? Or better, can the damage be displayed in numbers in the PS2 Evo practice mode so that I can refer there myself?

    Any objections on my eval? Like adding or subtracting a move?
  2. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Coming up with suggested throw escape inputs for every character has its uses, but if the intended audience is for throw-fearing n00bs then I think you may do more harm than good.

    The reason I say this is because the net result of your work will produce almost unique throw escape patterns for every character. For a beginner who's still adjusting to throwing in VF, memorising unique patterns isn't the best way to start IMO.

    I'd say it's best to just advise them with simple escape patterns that will work well against most characters (particularly the characters they face in the real world). Start with simple [P]+[G], direction [P]+[G] and then develop from there. The idea is to introduce it to them slowly, much like the way it's done in the Tutorial Training.
  3. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Your plan is basically to list the throws then list the two best directions for escaping? That's pretty straightforward... copy the throws out of the VFDC command list and you'll get the damages too. For throws in evo that don't have damage listed on VFDC, go into training mode, do the throw, and look at the top left. The number shown there is the damage you just did.

    Off the top of my head:

    Akira, Lau, Pai, Jeffry, Brad - [6][P][G], [3][P][G] escapes.
    Pai has a good [4] throw, Akira and Lau and Jeff have pretty good [2] throws, so you may wish to alter which two directions you escape based on the opponent.

    Wolf, Goh, Lion, Aoi, Vanessa - Have three great directions, generally do [6][P][G],[4][P][G] and bear in mind [3][P][G]. If you know how lion's df+P+G throw works, you can make df+P+G less effective and stick to f and b escapes all the time.

    Jacky, Lei Fei - [3][P][G], [4][P][G] ... pretty much always. Escape for f+P+G when you just know it's coming.

    Kage - [4][P][G], [2][P][G] ... kage's throw game is so good you also have to worry about [6] and [3]. Combine the back escape with whatever your opponent seems to favor as a backup throw... but always get in the b+P+G escape since it's basically the most damaging throw in the game and has huge ring out potential.

    Sarah: [6][P][G], [1][P][G] ... a weird combo. Also has a strong throw in the [4] direction.

    Shun: [P][G], [3][P][G] ... always.

    bottom line for beginners, about half the characters are [6],[3] breaks and the other half are [6],[4] breaks.
  4. Reki

    Reki Well-Known Member

    Myke: Ahh, yes you're right; that's a better idea. It's just that one of our players whore Goh and the others that do less throwing think that Goh needs less skill to win. The players here are not that n00bish, really. They're actually ex-Tekken players; it's just that the most arcades here in the phillippines have this invisible rule that throwing in Tekken is taboo (weird, ne?). I guess it's my responsibility to get the hang of throw escaping in VF4E as an example that grabbing you opponent's nuts the whole time is not = win in most cases in the world of VF if I don't want my community to end up like falling airplane. ugh...

    CreeD: Oh thank you, thank you, thank you. Oh yeah, if I remember there's only a lifebar with no numbers; Is there a way to toggle it to numeric format (PS2 being jp and all).
  5. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    in training mode

    right hand side of the screen shows the life bar

    left hand side of the screen shows damage in numbers

    this is the default setting

    somehow, u completely missed it ^^
  6. Reki

    Reki Well-Known Member

    Really!?! Ugh, I swear I couldn't find one. Arigatou!

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