Usagi-san the bunny item speaks!

Discussion in 'General' started by ChiefGutti, Mar 14, 2010.

  1. ChiefGutti

    ChiefGutti Well-Known Member

    Hey, junkies!

    As many of you already know, the bunny item, "Usagi-san", when equipped, encourages you after your round wins and losses while watching replays.

    Due to my noobness, I did not realise this until today actually! Could never really figure out who was speaking until I started listening properly.

    Well, anyhow, while viewing some tournament DVDs and searching the net, I found the following quotes:
    (Mind the rough translations)

    After winning a round

    Anata no senaka ni katsugarete shiawase desu
    - I'm glad to be riding your back/shoulders!

    Shouri no megami ga usagi-san desu yo
    - Usagi-san is the Goddess of victory!

    Omedetou gozaimasu, Usagi-san deshita
    - Congratulations from Usagi-san

    Yatta! Tsugi mo kono choushi desu yo
    - Yey! Continue your great performance!

    Kachimashita ne, Ussa!
    - You won, no lie!

    Ii shiai deshita ne
    - A great match there!

    Sugoooi yatta ne
    - Excellent, you did it! or - You did excellent!

    Yarimashita ne
    - You did it

    Omedetou gozaimasu
    - Congratulations

    After losing a round

    Koko kara ikimashou
    - Lets start working! or - Now's the time!

    Usa! Makenaide
    - No way! Don't lose!

    Shoubu wa kore kara desu
    - The fight starts now!

    Mada mada kore kara desu
    - The match is still on!

    Usagi-san ga tsuitemasu yo
    - Usagi-san is with you!

    Ussa! Mada mada
    - No way! Still not finished!

    Ussa! Tsugi ga arimasu
    - No way! Still more to go!

    Mada bankai dekimasu
    - You can still get back into the game!

    Ganbatte kudasai ne
    - Please keep on going!

    After the match is finished

    Tsugi no shiai mo, kono choushi desu yo
    - Continue this great performance on your next match

    The bunny item speaks to the characters wearing them while you watch the replays, without commenting I believe.
    As I mentioned above, mind the translations made and please add to the quotes if others are discovered!

    Anyhow, enjoy!

    Pai~Chun likes this.
  2. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    Post of the year, TBFH, thx Gutti [​IMG]
  3. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Hahaha, wow, that's strangely kind of awesome [​IMG]

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