Use the Calendar!

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Myke, Jul 25, 2006.

  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    The Calendar is now opened to all registered members.

    What this means is that you can now add events to the Calendar for all to see. The current Calendar month is always visible on the site's home page, and also accessible via the Forums navigation bar.

    How to add events
    There are two ways to add events to the Calendar.

    1. Go to the Calendar and click on the "Add a new event" link towards the bottom (it's a bit difficuly to see due to the colours). From there you'll see a form where you can enter the Event's title, comments, date, whether it's recurring monthly/anually and if it's private (only you see it) or public (everyone sees it).

    2. When making new threads, or editing the first post of a thread, you can list the post as a Calendar event. There will be an extra check-box below the message edit window to enable this feature. By default the thread will be public and non-recurring, so you'll only need to speficy the date this event occurs on.

    Using the 2nd method above is what I have been doing in the past with Tournaments and Gatherings by editing people's threads and listing them on the Calendar. I suspect this will be the most common method for adding events, and now you're able to do it yourself.

    I trust that this feature will not get abused. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

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