Versus City Lion posts, the bells, the bells!!!

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Chanchai, Nov 4, 2000.

  1. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Well, amidst an uneventful night where I am cast into my madness because some punk kids decided to pull my apartment building's fire alarm... and since the on-site manager is not around, the fu(c)#ing fire alarm has been ringing (and it is one of those old fashioned, red circle bell types) for the last 3 hours!!!! "THE BELLS!!! THE BELLS!!!" and believe me, it's loud as hell...

    So I guess somehow that inspired me to put together a document for vfdc after remembering something Myke had mentioned before, as well as something I thought would be neat.

    Thus, I have put together a compilation of what I consider all "relevant" (by my personal perspective anyways) Lion versus-city posts, dating from October 10th, 1999 I think, to November 1st, 2000. It is in word format right now, I'm too lazy to make massive edits to it or anything of the sort. Some posts were changed to "excerpts" to focus on the Lion relevant information. It deals mostly with gameplay, so stuff like my response to "who wins" isn't in there (which the Lion part was a ripoff of Bungle's own response to the VF movie thread). It doesn't have *everything* as there were stuff I thought weren't really necessary to be in there... but it is loaded. Also, you'd be surprised how many people type "millions" and "billions" in their post. Comes out as stuff like "milLions" in the search engine so you get the idea. Next thing you know, when I do this for Pai, I'll discover how much people type in "paid" oh well... it was fun, good read for most of it. Took me quite some time. And well, I'm not claiming it to be perfect, but it should be all good.

    Next project (to eventually be done by me or someone else, and it is easy): Transforming Gathering reports into actual reports (And I am aware this has been done for NYG1).

    Hope you guys enjoy when it gets put up on the site. GE or Myke, I can email it to you guys when you want. You are welcome to edit it. Oh yeah, I don't think it's a big deal, but I omitted the subject lines. Nay-sayers, be quiet...


    Chanchai when he wakes up: "What is this ringing in my ears?"

    ...9 months ago, I thought I was living in a plane for a week (aftermath of neighbor's exploded water-heater left me with a loud industrial fan in my living room with some cleaning chemicals for a week)... it's as if I'm going through an overnight air-raid (and to clarify, it's 4 freakin' firebells going off, all around my apartment in all directions on the X-Y plane--up, down, left, right... I know some systems call that the X-Z plane)...
  2. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Man...I'm soo glad I've moved into a quiet area where it's not affecting my studies...

    except...the first night i moved in here...some homeless girl buzzed my apartment, asking to be let into the building becos she's forgotten her keys....

    So i let her in, thinking what the hell...I'm tired, leave me alone.
    Then it occured to me ' hey if she had no keys, how would she get into her place, and if she had friends here, why buzz me?'
    She tried the same thing two nights later....thank god i wisen up!


    n' misses his gf VERY MUCH/images/icons/frown.gif
  3. nascarbryant

    nascarbryant Well-Known Member

    As someone who knows what exam-stress is like ............i wish you all the best..........and good luck....

    brumm,brumm,brumm,......wish I could be too at the end of my study....
  4. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Versus City Character Posts

    I've seen a draft of what Chanchai has done, and I must say I like it. While it's no fully fledged FAQ, and since most of us are either too lazy/busy to write one (*cough*rich*cough*) :), I think it's a good start at least. This message board is a decent raw resource and ideally people would search through it for character specific information. While I'm not one endorse spoon-feeding (and this idea is almost exactly that), I do think it's a good idea in the event that if we lose the versus city database, we'd still have all the good bits archived away into separate documents. (note to self: the database is due for another backup).

    So, I send this request to anyone who'd like to help add content to this site: search through versus city and extract all the good stuff. Whether it be character, topic, system, gathering specific - it doesn't matter. So long as it's something deemed useful.

    Use this thread to express you intentions to the others so that there's no repeated, or wasted, effort, and even better, you could coordinate yourselves to work more efficiently.

    Chanchai, since you already have a long "to-do" list, and I know how you are with actioning items on that list ;), I suggest you let everyone know what you plan on working on, then a few people can step up and offer their help.

    Let me start (or continue?) the ball rolling by announcing that I'll be working on a Urawamari FAQ. It'll include the Ura FAQ I posted a while back as well as everything else I find in this forum. I'll probably include a link to GE's Ura movie, and I may even cut another movie myself, who knows. I think I can handle this task on my own, but I'd gladly accept any offers of help or secret ura tricks you've been keeping to yourself all this time :) Oh yeah, Shota, do you think you can finish off the final corrections on that Ura FAQ?

    Shall we can up all that goodness then?

    m y k e
    how ya gonna win when ya ain't right within?
  5. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: Versus City Character Posts

    Hey Myke, I sent you another draft of that compilation yesterday. Did you get it? I emailed it to you but so far haven't seen a response. It was organized into General, Combos, and Uramawari/Okizeme and I did format it a bit to be far cleaner than the first draft I sent you. I sent that yesterday morning actually.

    Let me know if you got it. Are you planning to put it in the Lion section until we end up redesigning VFDC?

    Hmmm, you're covering Uramawari which is wonderful. Your earlier post was excellent. Maybe you can post up the known uramawari you have (again) and see if anyone has any uramawari not mentioned in there. Don't know how many people would contribute, but last time you got quite a bit of input from Shota.

    There were a few posts regarding flowcharts. Altogether, it probably takes up about a page or two. It's not that much so I'll probably bundle that stuff, put it together and maybe we can put it up and have people criticize (by adding their own input) what the result is in its content. The purpose of that document is mostly for the beginner or newbie who comes onto VFDC and has no idea what a flowchart is.

    Are you gonna put the compiled Versus City Posts documents on the Versus City Faq? I mean, link them on the faq? Include a disclaimer to the newbie that if they have a question, try to find it on the documents first (which are conveniently ordered by topic) before deciding to ask. I guess put this in an etiquette section of the faq. That and not to mention that it should be noted that if a question can obviously be found in a movelist (the most simple form of information regarding the game), refrain from asking.

    Anyways, if a project pops up, I'll let everyone know. I do have way too much to do already in addition to all the school work...
  6. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: Versus City Character Posts

    BTW, if we ever redesign the site, we are going to have a section listing the network of VF pages right? Ordered and all, and maybe even connecting the Japanese, Korean, HK, etc... sites that are around and will pop up.

    I think for conversation, VFDC will absolutely be the place for VF. Generally, the communications center. Also, movies of course. Probably our strong point in VF next to versus city.

    I guess Jeff's vision was for this to be THE place for VF. And I think for many (new generation most likely) it will be. But I don't think that excuses a links page. In any case, I think VFDC will be the formal VF spot in the english speaking VF world. VFX sites are bound to be popping up and we can just toss in the sites we discover relating to all things VF and hopefully order them somehow. Anyways, just a thought.
  7. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: Versus City Character Posts

    Hey Myke, I sent you another draft of that compilation yesterday. Did you get it? I emailed it to you but so far haven't seen a response.

    I received that email, however the attachment was empty? I ICQ'd you, requesting you send it again. So yeah, send it again.

    Are you planning to put it in the Lion section until we end up redesigning VFDC?

    Well, yeah, that would be a logical choice for now.

    Are you gonna put the compiled Versus City Posts documents on the Versus City Faq? I mean, link them on the faq?

    I don't think a link to each document appearing in the FAQ would be practical. However, I think a general note should appear (like the disclaimer you mentioned) informing/encouraging the person that within this site exists many resources which they should search through first before enquiring on the board. Versus City will not tolerate lazy newbies.

    m y k e
    how ya gonna win when ya ain't right within?
  8. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: Versus City Character Posts

    So um, how do you do that funky move with Lion where he jumps up onto the guy? I think it's a throw.

    -Chanchai (who was just kidding)
  9. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: Versus City Character Posts

    ha ha, very funny :p there's something to be said about spamming, too ;)

    m y k e
    how ya gonna win when ya ain't right within?
  10. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: Versus City Character Posts

    But think about all the good spam has done for the survivors of war!!!!

    Not to mention the poverty stricken and homeless!!!

    It is at least as much a part of America as Vegemite is to Australia!!!

  11. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: Versus City Character Posts

    Also, you were referring about spamming to me, right? (in the above I just felt like defending "spam" hehehe).

    Can you give me an example, especially in the last 6 months where I have spammed this board? Or are you just referring to me either making silly messages from time to time (usually in periods when the board is sluggish), board questions, or responding to messages the majority of the board wouldn't? Just curious.

    Anyways, here's a definition of spamming/images/icons/smile.gif

    spam (spm)

    Unsolicited e-mail, often of a commercial nature, sent indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups; junk e-mail.

    tr.v. spammed, spam·ming, spams
    To send unsolicited e-mail to.
    To send (a message) indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups.

    Just thought the smilies were directly referring to me/images/icons/smile.gif


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