vf 3 was the greatest game of all

Discussion in 'General' started by k1ck_b0y_face, Feb 8, 2007.

  1. k1ck_b0y_face

    k1ck_b0y_face Member

    vf 4 and 4 evo are very good games. they took the bar to the next level for grafix but vf 3tb was a such a giant leap foward. the escape button was fantastic it allowed a player to move in any direction instantly just as a real fighter would. vf 3 was the only game in the series to allow the charater to interact with the background. heavyweight charaters would sink portions of shuns raft, water would even show through. there were stairs, sand dunes, snow, water, even clifs. players had to adjust there strategy accordingly. vf 3 was the real deal true 3D gaming like no other to date. imho vf4/evo just follows up on vf2 and now 5 has impoved grafix and new chraters and moves but its really just vf 4. i am still excited but i wish the developers stayed on the vf 3, four button course.
  2. YagamiKun

    YagamiKun Member

    ? I ju....no, wait. not worth it.
  3. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    You could at least say that you love tekken. Then I could just say that tekken sucks and VF rulez, and be done with it. But noooooo, you have to make problems /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif

    Yeah, VF3 was good, okay. If you want to play it instead of 4,Evo,FT, or VF5, then go ahead.
    The leap was huge, 'cause there were many things to correct, now it's really good, could be better, but not in the same way.
    You say that four button configuration is better, I say the other one is better, so whatever, depends on the opinion, but please, do not do one thing. Don't sat that a player could move in any direction instantly just like a real fighter would if you've never fought in a real fight, 'cause that's just bullshit, trust me.

    I just wanted to post my point of view, you can of course completely disagree, and I hope you don't feel offended by my words. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  4. k1ck_b0y_face

    k1ck_b0y_face Member

    Griever, you name suits you well. I have been boxing since I was 7 years old. I have had my share of scraps in and out of the ring. I know a lot about lateral movement and foot work. Your comment (if you've never fought in a real fight) is bs. vf3 was and is the closest to the real thing in the vf series to date as for as foot work and movement is concerned aside from the other pluses I have already mentioned. I still enjoy vf 4 and look forward to vf 5.

    I am not offended by your words; just try not to assume details about people you have never met. it’s better to just ask questions. If you have ever been in a real fight and have foot work issues perhaps its time for a style change. Or better yet just watch you tongue around those that are better fighters than you are if you can. trust me, peace.
  5. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    I think we need a new martial arts thread. It's been too long without one.
  6. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    Don't like a game as much as me? Well, I've been a boxer my whole life!
  7. Zero

    Zero Well-Known Member

    Zero backdashes then punishes any whiff attack. Work in every 2D, 3D and real life fight.
  8. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    Well.... I totally agree on footwork. I just thought that by closest to the real fight you also meant the stupid looking (for me) walking around like a retard, that characters in VF3 did.
    It's just really hard to describe movement in a fight when we talk about VF.
    There is footwork, dashin, backdashing, crouchdashing, jumping, walking around, evading, etc.
    Some of it will happen only in a game, some of it will be good in a real fight.
    I'm sorry, my main mistake was that I didn't specify what I had in mind.
    But i still think that: movement(overall)=YES, walking around a'la VF3=USELESS
  9. k1ck_b0y_face

    k1ck_b0y_face Member

    vf3 has a dash in all directions, if you use the 4th (escape) button. i still have my dreamcast /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  10. Trojan X

    Trojan X Well-Known Member

    Well there is nothing wrong with what k1ck_b0y_face said and to be honest I do understand him/her. There were many elements that I wished that were in VF4 + Evo that were in VF3 but I won't go down that debatable road again. Been there done that nothing changed move along.
  11. vfcypriot

    vfcypriot Well-Known Member

    hi men i have all vf series but vf3 it miss from my collection and i want it.is very lovely game.but i disagree with you.vf4evo its so real and complex and vf5 its so goddess.we cant saying vf3 its better than vf4 and evo AND VF5.for God the game technology today do it miracles. but i have to say that the vf3 have the most beautiful backrounds of all fighting games. sorry men for my bad english. sorry my friend trojan this post is for kick boy face.

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