VF 4/Evo Sound Question

Discussion in 'General' started by DepressedHippie, Jul 3, 2018.

  1. DepressedHippie

    DepressedHippie Active Member

    Odd question, I know, but does anyone know if you can turn the music off in Virtua FIghter 4/ Evo? I want to pick up the audio quotes without music for a video and just want to know if that is possible before buying the game, Thanks.
  2. oneida

    oneida Long Arm of the Lau Silver Supporter

    4 EVO:
    there are separate bgm and sound effect volume sliders.

    and, I'm so glad you asked this because i never knew that this game also has a sound test on the same screen with 54 different songs on it. holy shit!

    also for some reason i had my audio set to mono.
  3. DepressedHippie

    DepressedHippie Active Member

    Thanks for the speedy reply.
  4. DepressedHippie

    DepressedHippie Active Member

    If anyone wants to be super cool (and lets face it who dosn't want to be super cool in summer?) and post up the win and loss quotes for the characters without music on YouTube before I go buy EVO on Ebay I would be in your debt....like $9.50 in your debt but in your debt non the less.
  5. oneida

    oneida Long Arm of the Lau Silver Supporter

    if you like FGs, EVO is more valuable than $9.50. one of the best home ports ever made
    Tricky likes this.

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