VF and mr.Miyamoto

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by nascarbryant, Nov 3, 2000.

  1. nascarbryant

    nascarbryant Well-Known Member

    Today I read an interview with Shigeru Miyamoto(Mr.Gameplay himself)........well, he was talking about a lot of things, but what really hits me...............when he was asked in which game he would have liked to be involved during it's development ........he anwsered........'Virtua Fighter'........incredible i think there can't be a bigger compliment for a Game..................this mister brought us such games like(Mario,Zelda,F-Zero,Exitebike,Wave Race,Donkey Kong and was involved in almost every big project at nintendo(exept of course-poke*%&*)....i respect this man a lot because this mister knows a lot about gameplay and inovation.......and he doesn't throw sequels on the market one year after the other......)

    P.S he also said that he is curently playing samba de amigo(Sonic Team-yuji Naka) with his family.....he finds that game fantastic...................hey Nintendo and Sega why you don't join forces and start kick the ass of sony....

    brumm,brumm,brumm,........it's all about gameplay folks

    <P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by nascarbryant on 11/3/00 06:53 PM.</FONT></P>
  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    did he expand on that or say anything else about VF?
    (and of topic but): did he say what games hes working on now?
    i think it would be awesome if miyamoto ever made a fighting game.
  3. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Just curious... did he work on Smash Brothers?
  4. uk_kid

    uk_kid Well-Known Member

    i've read the miyamoto interview too. although he said he would like to have made virtua fighter, i got a sense of sour grapes from mr mario himself. he made it sound as though he was gonna invent a virtua fighter type game about ten years ago, but sega virtually beat him to the post. he actually said that he doesn't wish that he could have worked on vf - he said he was going to create a similar game at around the same time, although, strangely, he said his idea wasn't necessarily going to be a fighting game(!)
  5. nascarbryant

    nascarbryant Well-Known Member

    But............I still have an older Interview were he says that VF is one of his favourite games(not meaning just interesting tecnicaly......you see that entusiasm during the SNES-period , they tried desperatly to make a poligon fighter with their FX chip;cooperation with agronaut.........but the project failed to pass the quality ensureance)..............that interview was 3-4 years ago(during the VF2 period)..............

    brumm,brumm,brumm,..................yu how long we have to wait,¨.........damned VFX-webpage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Not that it was that deep or anything... but I honestly actually enjoyed FX Fighter. It felt like you were stuck on a script, but it had some fun to it... at least for me. Some really "unique" types of moves in that game... really weird system. It was the game that was to be used on the FX chip and then later just put on PC.
  7. nascarbryant

    nascarbryant Well-Known Member

    No way he did! The game was produced by Hudson Soft if I remember right..............this game was nothing special(exept the multiplayer fun)............one thing you can be sure if Myiamoto is deeply involved in a project then something great comes out..............nothing like that..

    P.S Probably he was only lightly involved in that project as adviosor....

    brumm,brumm,brumm,............how there can be a Nintendo console whitout a Metroid-game or a Punch out game,Fire Emblem........bullshit
  8. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Wow - talk about a fantasy - Miyamoto and Yu working on a game together - just think....and talk about a perfect advertisement for sega - if they could just televise that interview...

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