VF2 Saturn Dural

Discussion in 'The Vault' started by shinoco, Aug 8, 2010.

  1. shinoco

    shinoco New Member

    How to get Dural on Saturn? I accidentally asked in the VF5 section, and despite saying I tried what net sites say I got the same info as what net sites say, which is D U R A+L after highlighting Akira. I have tried this with like 90 different rhythms and timing and it never works.

    Is there a pre-requisite such as completing a certain amount of times with or not with certain characters?

    More info please.
  2. Waldsonglym

    Waldsonglym New Member

    The code is right. I play as Dural whenever I want.

    But, it isn't the R & L buttons, it's the Left and Right on D-pad. Player 2 must do D U L A+R highlighting Lion.

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