VF3tb World Cup 2014

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Aug 18, 2014.

By Myke on Aug 18, 2014 at 4:12 AM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    17 years since VF3tb's launch in September 1997. 13 years since it's run ended in August, 2001. Summer, 2014 will see the world's best player crowned from a specially selected star-studded line up of 48 legends in an invitational world tournament, and streamed worldwide on Ustream.


    Match type: VF3tb 48 player single player tournament. Random stage select.
    (3本設定)- san-bon settei (Unsure if this means first to 3 or best of 3)

    Date: September 14, 2014 (Sunday)
    Stream start: 19:30~22:30
    Venue: Undisclosed location in Tokyo*
    Commentator: Isamu Yamagishi
    Stream: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/vf3tb-17th
    Organizer: Gorilla Kagesuke and co.


    Supported by TOKYOHEAD RE:MASTERED(bootleg! books)

    *This event is an invitational tournament, and is not open to the public.

    Featured Players:
    • Chibita
    • Masuku Do Hijitetsu
    • Tokyo Megane
    • Za Gerira
    • SHU
    • Gorilla Kagesuke
    • Hakushon Lau Maō
    • Gamecenter Arashi
    • Gorō 2000-sai
    • Edmond Taka-Arashi
    • Aopai
    • Hainin
    • Yami Yodare
    • PK Akira
    • Aniaki
    • Kurita (VF3 official national tournament title-holder)
    • Ōsu Akira (VF3 official national tournament runner-up and best 4)
    • Hanabi Lau
    • Mochi A (DOA4 World Champion)

    29 more players to be announced shortly.

    Original link: http://otg768.wix.com/vf3tb-17th
    Tip: @Sudden_Death
    Translation: @Modelah
    Dhezz, EvenPit, Tumbling Dice and 8 others like this.


Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Aug 18, 2014.

    1. Pai~Chun
      Brilliant. About time this highly innovative (and still stunning looking) game came back into the spotlight. Can't wait to watch!
    2. DK
      Kyasao better get an invite you know, being VF3 tetsujin and all. :)
      Tumbling Dice likes this.
    3. Devdan
      Weird. Does VF3 secretly still have a scene? Where do they even play, it's not in any arcades anymore, and I heard the home version was bad.
    4. Pai~Chun
      Devdan, you can't be serious? This is a Japanese tournament for a Japanese game. Most arcade games ever (certainly big profile ones like this once was) still have some sort of presence in amusement halls there, all on the original hardware.

      It's a tragedy and a travesty that pure VF3 arcade has barely been seen in the West past the '90s. I remember a ten-pin bowling alley about 40 mins across town had it where I grew up. How times have changed.

      Here's some classic UK based VF3 action - check out that massive minty cab!

      This chap was recently playing in New York on stream! No doubt a good chunk of the JP players on the list for this upcoming event probably also go back to this era, when polygon 3D gaming was seriously being pushed by SEGA/AM2.
      EvenPit and Riskbreak like this.
    5. Devdan
      I spent a bunch of months in Tokyo, and went to dozens of arcades and never saw a single pre-FS Virtua Fighter game. Pretty much every arcade had a ST or 3S setup, but older versions of VF were nowhere to be found. I don't doubt the possibility that older VF machines exist somewhere, but as I understand it Tokyo is pretty much the biggest place for arcades in general, so I'd think there would be ONE old VF somewhere. I think I saw an old TTT somewhere, and TRY had a Soul Calibur III, but outdated 3D fighters seem much rarer than 2D.
      Riskbreak and Myke like this.
    6. Myke
      Based on my experiences in Tokyo over previous years, I would have to concur with Devdan.

      That being said, I'm looking forward to watching this event and tripping down memory lane!
      Pai~Chun likes this.
    7. Sudden_Death
    8. EmpNovA
      Some games rotate out the old versions when a new one premiers. When VF5 came out almost every arcade in Japan removed VF4FT. You could get VF4FT boards for dirt cheap. When Tekken 6 came out there was a huge sale of T5DR machines. ST, 3S, and SFIV weren't meant to replace each other. Sega launches each new VF with the intention of replacing the previous iteration completely. Overnight almost all arcades transitioned from VF4FT to VF5.

      You won't find many non VF5FS machines that play a VF game on them in Japan (unless it's a pachinko machine with a VF theme). I'm sure that all of the VF3 machines they are practicing on and will use for this tournament were specifically brought out for this event. It also means that they have to swap the panels because VF5FS cabinets likely have only three buttons and VF3 needs the fourth 'evade' button. Most of the VF5FS machines on older Blast/Astro model cabinets I've seen didn't have plugs in the fourth-sixth holes but instead had only three button panels.

      There is at least one Club Sega where they have (had?) a special VF History section with one or two machines running every version of VF. So 1 for VF1, VF2, VF3, VF4, VF4EVO, and so on.
      Riskbreak and Pai~Chun like this.
    9. SUGATA
      Much more appreciated to see VF3tb than VF2 in PS Store... VF3tb was the true source for today 3D gameplay VF. And untill now VF3tb has unique exclusive features like angled surfaces, 1st person view (for fun)... really want to play it especially online.
      VF3tb made more reolution in genre than VF2, so i dont understand why SEGA still not re-released this game in remastered view with online features.
      Tumbling Dice and Pai~Chun like this.
    10. Unicorn
      They may be playing it on dreamcast at their homes/game centers maybe..?
    11. Pai~Chun
      I suspect some of them will have their own kits, either running off superguns or an old versus city cab if they have a bigger place. Shame no 3D stuff left from the '90s in their arcades. It surprises me what 2D stuff is still up and running on immaculate machines from around the same era, i.e. much of the CPSII stuff, and STG classics from Cave and Raizing et al.

      Plenty of combos and match-ups to see on VF3, plus the terrain factor. Cast was pretty much perfect. The introduction of Aoi arguably gave the whole game another new dimension, plus the sound and visuals were incredibly fluid and funky. Hopefully after this Cup goes down, whatever's left of SEGA will then give this the premium port treatment to XBLA, just like VF2 received a while back.
    12. Manjoume
      Followed on Ustream. I have never played VF3 in any form (not even DC) so this should be good!!
      Tumbling Dice likes this.
    13. Tumbling Dice
      Tumbling Dice
      I'm absolutely thrilled to see this; VF3 is one of my favorite games of all time. Home version isn't too bad at all, just a bit disappointing graphically. I definitely understand the replacement of prior iterations with every new installment, but I personally see every VF as an amazing game in its own right just like with the aforementioned SF titles. Each has their own quirks and very memorable moments and all of them are fun and fresh to play interchangeably at any time. That's just my opinion, though, and the arcade operators' revenue would likely be much lower if I was in charge! Either way, I'm definitely looking forward to the stream; thanks for sharing. :)

      Seeing new VF3 play is so awesome; I still remember watching older Beat Tribes. A YouTube member named Takeshimono3 has a lot of them up if anyone's interested! Hopefully he/she doesn't mind if I mention the channel here. Thanks for posting that link!
      Riskbreak and BLACKSTAR like this.
    14. oneida
      Rodnutz and cobratron like this.
    15. Dennis0201
      THIS IS DAMN VF!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Chefboy_OB, cobratron and Pai~Chun like this.
    16. Myke
      Hey oneida, did you by any chance use YouTube's "stabilisation" wizard on the video? I find that it tends to think VF footage is "shaky" and suggests that it can improve it for you, but the end result is a wobbly, motion-sickness inducing mess! As such, I'm find it difficult to watch the first 5 minutes :confused:
    17. oneida
      nope! that's just what the stream looked like unfortunately :(
      GodEater and Myke like this.
    18. GodEater
      Thanks for the upload Oneida. Really makes me want to pull out the boards and sticks but then I'd be playing against the CPU :(
      oneida likes this.
    19. Sebo
      Oh shit, a VF game worth playing.

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