VF4 and VF5 scene in Japan?

Discussion in 'General' started by TechRomancer, Nov 3, 2008.

  1. TechRomancer

    TechRomancer Well-Known Member

    So, anyone happen to know the VF scene in Japan? I was thinking that since VF5 is out (well, been out) that VF4FT was completely forgotten about, but it seems quite a few players over there still indulge in it. Indeed, many VF uploaders on youtube still upload VF4 tourney matches and like in spades so I guess people still play it.

    What is the verdict? Do people still play a lot of VF4? Is it going strong, starting to die down, or what? Do any of the more notable players like Chibita or Oshu Akira still play it?

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