VF4 EVO in Singapore?!?!?

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Rolander, Mar 30, 2003.

  1. Rolander

    Rolander Member


    I'm not an active VF4er, used to be a scrub player for fun though I learned Kage and Pai basics quite ok on Version B over the last year. (Thanks to the Kage FAQ author! Great FAQ!) FeiXAQ and Alan Tan know me from Virtual On.

    On Sunday night, I went for a little VFing at Jurong Point. There are 2 arcades there near to each other on level 3. Ver B has been in the large one for quite some time but the only serious players I found there were probably Jurong residents.

    Anyway I went to the smaller arcade to look around and though I was casually browsing, I seem to be seeing a familiar blue jumpsuit costume ... (Pai alert!). Got closer and I saw EVO (stuck around long enough to view the EVO attract sequence)!

    There were 2 sets of versus machines there. I dunno the price cos the counter is closed as it was near closing time, but ... I like to ask: Will business pick up in that arcade? /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    I know nothing about EVO and I'm broke anyway but maybe I get to see the experts trashing up the sticks ... heheheh /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  2. feii

    feii Well-Known Member

    no one plays at the arcades nowadays cause everyone is paranoid of SARS
    maybe when everything is over then we'll start to see more ppl at the arcades playing VF
  3. Rolander

    Rolander Member

    Fair enough, meanwhile I went ahead to play a coupla games there at 40-50 cents per game. Warning; the Ist P machine nearer to the entrance has a faulty G button; I couldn't guard or throw. If I wasn't using Kage and his Jumonji stance I probably got kicked out within the first few rounds. The 1st P further inside is ok; I haven't tried the controls of the 2nd P of either ...

    Lemme know when you guys are going down in force, I wanna watch /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif

    I want Kage's old DPK, Pai's DDT and Whirling War Sparrow back (at least her stumbling trip is still around)! I miss Jacky's knee but went furtherst with Jacky on account of his SS attacks and auto inashi
  4. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    i just found out
    one guy in HK went to arcade to play the entire arvo

    then he contracted SARS.

    god damn!

    I hope they find a damn cure soon!
  5. feii

    feii Well-Known Member

    hell yea......
    scary man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    this is making everyone paranoid....
    now go out also scared liaoz...somemore arcades crowded
  6. jt1akira

    jt1akira Well-Known Member

    really can get infected with sars in arcade??woahh...so dangerous...lucky for me I recovered this morning when I woke up...just caught a normal flu tat time I suppose...no high fever or anything....thank god...hehee...betta avoid arcade altogether...go out onli under absolute neccessary....hehee...hope the cure will be out soon...claiming so many lives already /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif
  7. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    errr sorry
    i didn;t meant to create a scare among u guys.

    over 1600 ppl around the globe contracted sars
    59 death

    the ratio is quite small.

    the good news is...sars is not one of those 'oh lord i am beyond cure' illness.

    there have been ppl who have recovered from it.

    so, yeah less arcade



    it helps!

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