VF4 Evolution in Chicago

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Kageh, Jul 30, 2002.

  1. Kageh

    Kageh Active Member

    Interesting bit of news I picked up off another forum:

    "to all Vf4 players:
    vf4 evolution is now at Ford city laters"

    I thought I read somewhere that evo was delayed until August. I guess that means this must be some kind of test version.

    I hear Ford City is the most ghetto mall ever, but I'm still going to check it out. Any other Chicago peeps interested in going with me so we can watch each others backs? /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif
  2. cooks94

    cooks94 Well-Known Member

    i went to ford city about a week ago and i dont think it even has an arcade...... Might have been Chicago ridge mall but i was there yesterday and alladins castle only had tekken 4. i could be wrong though.
  3. Shou

    Shou Well-Known Member

    Harold: Let us know. If it's there, I'll be up to CHI sooner than later. /versus/images/icons/wink.gif
  4. Nutlog

    Nutlog Well-Known Member

    No kiddin...my wife may be pissed, but I'll see about getting some Omaha guys together, as well...
  5. Aoimaster

    Aoimaster Well-Known Member

    What, where the hell is ford city? I have no clue what your talking about, but is there really a VF4 EV there?
  6. Kageh

    Kageh Active Member

    Just got back from Ford City. The mall is close to midway airport about 30 mins from downtown.

    Anyway, they do in fact have vf4 evo. It's American as everything is in English including the movelist and game explanation stuff on the cabinet. But the actual game says "Development Version" during the opening attract sequence, so I'm not sure if it's the final, or just says development because of the English changes.

    The sticks were jacked when I got there, but I talked to the manager and she was really nice about it and fixed them. Some parts were missing, but they work great now.

    I played a little over an hour and used Jacky, Kage, and Akira. I haven't been reading much about the changes to the game, so I was completely surprised at how different Jacky was. I used Kage and was completely pissed off to find out that they removed his FC,df+P chop and replaced it with this complete ass move that only floats on counter hit. It looks like Jacky's FC,df+P upper. Akira seems the same except for the new moves and the shoulder ram does not seem to float as high any more. There's of course other stuff, but I think others have written more complete reports on this board elsewhere.

    I tried the new chars once each, but the CPU was set to stupid hard, so I couldn't really try anything. Goh looks fucking scary. Really pale. He's on kage's stage at night with this freaky music and he looks like some kind of vampire. Brad is gay. Didn't really see a whole lot of new stuff for him. Very similiar to Vannesa at first glance.

    That's pretty much it. Hmm... now I have to decide if it's worth my time to play this game that no one else does or continue to play soul calibur 2. /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif
  7. Shou

    Shou Well-Known Member

    Well, then, I think it's time for the Midwest gathering. Nebraskans? /versus/images/icons/wink.gif
  8. cooks94

    cooks94 Well-Known Member

    Damn i wish i hadnt left chicago so early. I wanna try evo bad. Well to bad for me then huh. time to go cry in the corner of my room....... /versus/images/icons/confused.gif
  9. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage



    You know, show us all the new stuff! Come on! /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  10. T^5

    T^5 Active Member

    NOOOOoooooooo!!!!! don't leave me behind....i want to go and play too......lucky bastards
  11. MADrox

    MADrox Well-Known Member

    unfortuanatley i have to do my spin class first.
    But i am heading there tonight...
    any one want to join???
    you must meet me downtown by 7:15pm
    Damn , now seeing my GF serves much more of a purpose... /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    Aoi master, why don't you hook up with us one day?? Still waiting to check out your moves...

    Ford city is an extreme ghetto place. nick names 'ghetto-city' here, but not as bad as Everblack (evergreen) plaza or the Spic (brick) yard mall, but up there. Just don't see a film there, and yes don't fight anyone there, you may have the mall on you...

    it is located on 79th and cicero . IF you enter the mall from the south east side , there will be a John's Garage Restaurant, you will be closest to the TILT arcade.


  12. MADrox

    MADrox Well-Known Member

    last night met up there with shota, suprised cause he had to drive a long time...
    But it was fun and here are some quick tidbits if you care.


    I like her a lot more now than in VF4. To me she seemed a bit slow and stiff in 4, but in evo she’s has a little more fluidity to her. Well at least to my taste. As far as new moves: a quick front kick (k), she now has an akira type elbow. There are a few others that came out accidentally , but will report later. Didn’t try any of her new throws.


    Same as in 4. Changed the moves on me but is o.k. Have to look at a move list cause ff+p isn’t the same, bd/f+p is different. He has a new throw seen in the intro looks’ like the rock’s choke slam. You can delay the kick after d+p+g also.


    Didn’t use him, but shota seemed to like this new throw he has b,d/f+p+g. kind of breaks your guard and then does a double head on punch to push you down. Looks weird in the gameplay, but in the replays looks very cool. Shota tried out some stuff but , he’d be better to elaborate on him.


    The same.


    The intro was in two parts. You’d see a brief red back ground with black character shapes of one of the new characters. Then to a quick 2 move intro with the character. Then similar to the vf4 intro, you get different battles between half the characters. It would show their new moves and/or kata’s.
    Story Wise:
    Brad is shown facing off against dural, Gho is shown facing off against Akira at the ending of the intros. So new hero/enemy. Both these characters, though seem to be tekken rehashes.
    I liked the intro a lot, the forms look very fluid. Lions scene is much more artsy looking, before the throws and a few pecks looked like he knew mantis style, but in the intro he looks pretty kung-fu’ish.


    After beating dural, the final credits are shown as you pan to a wooden office desk. On top you see your final moves of each match in VF1 character models with lights shiining on each character from underneath. Pretty funny seeing old lau character with new moves.

    That’s pretty much it for now.


  13. cooks94

    cooks94 Well-Known Member

    Did any of you pick Goh or Brad??
  14. Kageh

    Kageh Active Member

    Well shit. Call me the next time you fuckers decide to go out there. /versus/images/icons/frown.gif

    Don't have to waste money playing each other, I'd be curious just to test and see all the new stuff.
  15. MADrox

    MADrox Well-Known Member

    played with brad/gho all tonight.
    Brad seems pretty cool. I can tell he'll be a leifei/pai newbie pick because ppp is pretty easy to do.
    one thing is he does low block, but the majority of his low attacks are from a full standing stance. not like everyone else that goes down to kick, he just does low roundhouses and stuff. the cool thing I liked about him, haven't figured it yet, he does this slipping and dodging. You can do pp then slip and dodge(move your head and shoulders around to fake your gonna punch and make the sss ssss sound) then go for throw or other attack.
    Gho on the other hand seems you have to be pretty patient. I tried some throws adn stuff but seemed like akira when you first tried him out for the first time. doesn't seem to have many fancy combos till you figure him out later. does a cool judo low throw (d/f+p+g) where he guillatines your head then wraps himself behind you to snap neck. looks like he has a lot of chaining thows. Other than that i'd best say he plays like akira at first.

    KageH, weren't you watching goldmember???
    Anyway , how about this weekend? sat seems best since they close at either 7 or 8pm , sun they close at 6pm.

  16. cooks94

    cooks94 Well-Known Member

    So it looks like Goh is played like an Akira/wolf char with hard combo's and guarding then going for some high damage throws. Brad seems to be played like Lion/Aoi with a bunch of low attacks and g-cancel-ish attacks. Am i right or did i just unload a bunch of BS? /versus/images/icons/grin.gif
  17. Guest

    Guest Guest

    When I to chicago a few weeks ago and i think i saw it in a arcade.
  18. MADrox

    MADrox Well-Known Member

    correct on the gho part.
    Brad, not many low attacks i see. Just mentioned that he doesn't crouch to do low attacks, punch only, so seeing his attacks coming is a bit confusing at first. just have to get used to him. but yes plays like the 2 characters you mentioned.

  19. Aoimaster

    Aoimaster Well-Known Member

    Guys, I just got back from jap nation, soo ford city it is huh? Lets hit it up, When and what time? /versus/images/icons/blush.gif
  20. MADrox

    MADrox Well-Known Member

    looks like I'll be there this sat around 2pm til 5pm.
    sunday , 2pm till close.
    you available tonight???
    i'll be there after work.
    email me, i've PM 'ed you with my info so call me if you;d like to meet up.


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