VF4 Evolution in UK

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by steve_dynamic, Jul 24, 2002.

  1. steve_dynamic

    steve_dynamic Well-Known Member

    The Dynamic League crew will be playing Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution on Thursday (tomorrow) Its a no camera affair unfortunately, but we'll be treated to breaks, lunches, video presentations and evaluations from Sega themselves! And all in a fancy hotel!

  2. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    you guys can sneak in a camera, come on.

    take thorough notes.
  3. steve_dynamic

    steve_dynamic Well-Known Member

    I'll try to... that's if we're not busy playing on VF4 Evo!
  4. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    hi, I just wanted to know the purpose of your post. just curious /versus/images/icons/wink.gif
  5. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    It's called "rubbing it in". Look at all my other Evolution posts.

    You guys in America get kewl shit like TV worth watching (didn't say it was good), all the movies first, and apartments bigger than a closet.... we get EVO. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  6. ono

    ono Well-Known Member

    I'd say in a sense, it all evens out. Although i hear that the t.v over there is alot of crazy stuff (porn on public channels).
  7. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    It's not porn... unfortunately, although you might catch some tit on an offbeat station after 23:00. Believe me -- all the porn in the world couldn't make up for the attrocities on what our Japanese friends call television. Although they do make up for it in their video games. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  8. 3of19

    3of19 Well-Known Member

    Wow! Sega is actually bringing Evo to Europe /versus/images/icons/blush.gif ?
    That's too cool. Be sure to ask them about release dates and eventual test locations. Also be sure to make it clear that we REALLY want VF.net outside Japan.
    Seems like I'm going to London again earlier than I first planned (wanted to go for ST:Nemesis around Christmas).

    On a side note, you can watch hardcore porn for free here in Copenhagen on a local channel saturday night. Lot's of tit'npussy for those who care. Too bad they don't show gay porn as well /versus/images/icons/mad.gif
  9. steve_dynamic

    steve_dynamic Well-Known Member

    Played VF4 Evo now... A lot of shit has changed.

    1) Stages have been redone. They look more detailed, remodeled (Pai's stage for example) and some of the stages like the rooftop have corners cut out of them, so there is a major possibility that you will ring out in unbreakable fence stages... I'm sure that's all been covers by other posts...

    2) The two new characters... Goh plays like Akira but slower. Brad plays very much like Vanessa.

    3) New animations on some moves (again Pai's throws) and new moves to make the characters flow much better than the original.

    4) There will be no VF.net option in VF4 Evo. for Europe.

    5) Character set ups have changed, so you play people like Jacky first while people like Lion you play last in the stage structure.

    Playing Evo means not being able to move back to the original. there's so much stuff on there to learn again, that it pisses on the current versions (both arcade and PS2). I see Evo coming to allformats, although I didn't ask since it was an arcade showing.

    Other games were Initial D, a battle driving game with a VF.net style card. I have a copy of the card from Sega themselves and is the ONLY one owned by the public in Europe.

    Virtua Striker 2002 is good, but still has that stupid key press delay. But flows well. Strangely, there was no Japan team in the test version. and LOADS of spelling mistakes (eg. Austila)

    There's a surfing game I can't remember the name of and its really good. Sort of Tony Hawks on water.

    Apart from that, had a wicked lunch with the best cheesecake ever! And I won a Angelica Rugrats Doll from those crane machines in the show!!!

    Also went to a Nintendo party afterwards and played Mario Sunshine, Metriod Prime, Zelda, Timesplitters 2, Eternal Darkness, Starfox Adventures, Resident Evil and had free drinks!

    The day went pretty well!
  10. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    I like Virtua Striker 2002, but I find it much harder to score on than 2001. Oh, well. Funny they didn't have Japan's team in there. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    You're right about Brad. He plays like Vanessa, and it seems a lot of his punches take priority over the opponent. I really hate the noise he makes when he punches -- sounds like someone stepping on an airbag.

    It actually doesn't take as long as you'd think to get used to the new stuff... it takes longer to get used to the stuff that's missing. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  11. 3of19

    3of19 Well-Known Member

    Sega really knows how to screw up.
    Cards for the Initial D game but not for VF4 Evo? Bah.
    Ah well, at least it's coming over at all...
  12. Electro_Jacky

    Electro_Jacky Well-Known Member

    This lack of VF.net is really shit i don't care if no more than 10 people over here are going to invest in cards i want Vf.net. The only way these Sega bosses are going to listen is by taking them hostage and having our demands of vf.net met then they'll know were serious about VF /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif

    Optimus Prime: One shall stand, one shall fall.
    Megatron: Why throw away your life so recklessly?
    Optimus Prime: That's a question you should ask yourself, Megatron.
  13. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    ah well,,,we've had initial D since it was released..the card system made it over as well...

    But realistically speaking...you can play VF without the vf.net system...but u must have the card to play initial D.
    Otherwise, the game becomes quite boring and borderline 'impossible' to beat bunta.

    just a word of warning though...

    A VF.net card can be used 500 times.

    A Initial D Id card can only be used 50 times.

    I was totally freaked out when I first found out abt it.
  14. steve_dynamic

    steve_dynamic Well-Known Member

    A Initial D Id card can only be used 50 times??

    Wow that's bad.. Oh well. The VF.net cards are suppose to be thicker than the Initial D, Club Kart cards aren't they?

    There are several reasons why Sega aren't bringing it our here:

    1) Many arcade vendors won't buy a specific VF.net machine for VF4 since it'll be way too expensive for them..

    2) Where do you actually get the cards from

    3) How is the mobile infrustruture gonna work over here in Europe. In Japan, i-mode is technically more advance than WAP and isn't as secure as i-mode either since you actually buy items from your mobile phone by placing the VF.net into it. (Or so I heard)... VF.net is actually bigger than it seems.

    4) Licencing. Those Initial D card readers need to be put thru the same proceedures. Reasons why, I don't know.

    Of course, these points are just my opinion, so i could be wrong...
  15. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
    The VF.net cards are suppose to be thicker than the Initial D, Club Kart cards aren't they?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yah...the vf.net card are prolly just as thick as ur credit cards...where else the initial D card is kinda light...uhmmm well, let's just say u can bend it.

    Frankly, I'm very surprised that Sega didn't inform u guys abt the lifespan of the initial D card.


    I can tell u where to purchase the initial D cards from. U get them from the cabinet itself~

    insert XX amount of money into the cabinet...request a card...put in ur name etc etc etc....select ur car...select ur settings..and tata! Out comes ur very own personal car with everything intact.

    (I must repeat..for the love of god, DO NOT LOSE this card...once u start modifying ur car...you'll realise why I keep repeating this uhmm..'warning')
  16. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Well, the cards are exactly credit card size. Sega produces them and sells them for about 300 yen to each game center, which in turn sells them for 500 yen.

    iMode & J-Sky are way more advanced than WAP, but there is a PC-version. HOWEVER, US & UK'ers are likely going to fuss with the fee each month. We're not used to paying for stuff like that, whereas Japanese wouldn't think twice -- I think that's main problem.

    According to a friend of mine whose buddy works for Sega, Americas reputation for ripping and cheating is also another major concern. They didn't want people copying the cards, as afterall, it's just a chip inside the card holding the data.
  17. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    then there's americans shoving chewing gum deeeep into the reader.

    I wish I could say it was only little kids who did that.

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