VF4 Players in St. Louis?

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Killbomb, Feb 4, 2002.

  1. Killbomb

    Killbomb Well-Known Member

    Anyone out there in STL that plays VF4? I know it's not in any arcades here but it would be nice to get some competition going now that it's on PS2.
  2. Shou

    Shou Well-Known Member

    There's a group of us that has played the arcade version which was purchased for private use since its release in November. We just switched to the PS2 version so there is some competition out here.

    I've heard that some of the local high level Tekken players are also exploring VF4 so STL may have a VF scene someday soon.
  3. Killbomb

    Killbomb Well-Known Member

    Cool...I'm familiar with most of the high-level Tekken players around here. It'd be interesting to see how they adapt to VF. If you guys have any open get togethers, post here if you would. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  4. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Hey Killbomb, I'm up for some vf4 this weekend. Are you familar with the Game Trader? Maybe we could meet there if you are free this weekend? I really hope this is the begining of many more people to enter the world of vf! C'mon St. Louis, I know there is more of you out there!
  5. Memphman

    Memphman New Member

    Hey wuz up there are a few of us here in STL that play VF4 A lot of us who played Tekken have now changed over. But I am up for some matches anytime this weekend my number is 653-0267 Mark
  6. x0r

    x0r Member

    MEMPHMAN FUCKIN SUCKS HE CANT SPEAK ENGLISH CUZ HE IS A KLINGON. memphman you fuckin suck donkey sweaty balls i will own you in this game also even tho i dont own it. i will own everyone except eric. PEACE hahahahaa
  7. Killbomb

    Killbomb Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I'm free on Saturday if you guys want to get something going. There's only one Game Trader right? The one in Hawk's Nest off 94 is the one I know of.
    Memphman: Hey Mark, what's up...it's Mountain Dew Bill. I've kind of retired from Tekken but looking to build up some interest in VF4. I'd bet that Chris will play and probably Billy from Philly. Try to get in touch with them and then post back here for a possible hook up Saturday.
  8. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    I'm up for Friday and Saturday. I'll try to get a hold of you Memphman this evening. Killbomb=Bill Washington?? Anyway, looking forward to this weekend guys if your up for it? My place is small, but it could serve as a good place for a first gathering? I have ver.B and C here too.
  9. Killbomb

    Killbomb Well-Known Member

    No, we used to call Bill Washington "Grizzly Bill". LOL There were too many Bills to keep track of so each of us had a nickname. /versus/images/icons/wink.gif
    Anyways, I've got plans for tonight but I'm free all day tomorrow after 1 or so. I can bring my Japanese PS2 along if need be. If you get in touch with Memphman, see if he can get any of the Tekken crew to join in. It'll be nice to have gatherings for another game besides Tekken all the time. Well, post back here and I can PM you my cell number.
  10. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Here is my number if any of you are interested this weekend. 603-9275 (Tim).
  11. Killbomb

    Killbomb Well-Known Member

    Kaminari: I sent you a PM with my number. Give me a ring tonight or tomorrow with a good time to meet.
  12. Killbomb

    Killbomb Well-Known Member

    Ok...looks like we're shooting for tomorrow afternoon sometime. Anyone else that wants to play give Tim a call. I plan on getting schooled due to my rusty skills though. LOL
  13. Memphman

    Memphman New Member

    Yeah I know that some more of us do play VF4. Myself, Julian, Dre, Courtney, and Patrick. All of us are starting to play this instead of Tekken. VF4 is so much deeper then Tekken. I didnt get in from school lastnight untill 10:30 but I am free all day today and most of tomorrow and sometimes my place is good and I stay in North County.
  14. Killbomb

    Killbomb Well-Known Member

    Mark: Tim is supposed to call me later on and then we'll probably give you a call. I don't know how many people he can have over at his place right now though. What part of North County are you in? I could probably come by and pick some people up if need be.
  15. Killbomb

    Killbomb Well-Known Member

    Good games last night Tim, Eric and Alfred. I definitely learned a few things from you guys. Mark, if you guys get together for VF4 give me a ring. I left my cell number on your answering machine. It'll be interesting,to say the least,to see how Julian plays VF. LOL
  16. Killbomb

    Killbomb Well-Known Member

    Kaminari: You (or anyone else for that matter) up for some VF4 this weekend? Been itching to try a few new things out on human competition. Hehe. Well, give me a ring or post back if you're available.
  17. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Sorry, I have tons of work this week (O.T.) and should be free next week. I'll give you a call next week to find out your schedule.
  18. Killbomb

    Killbomb Well-Known Member

    Sorry if I missed any of your calls lately. I saw some new numbers on my caller ID and thought it may have been you calling from home or something. Just leave me a message if I don't pick up so I'll know it's you and can get back with you. Anyway, I'm free Wednesday till about 7, Thursday after 8 and all day Friday & Saturday. Let me know if any of those times work for you.
  19. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    I'm finally free to hook up this weekend for some vf4. I'll give you a call later today. I hope there is more people out there that want to give vf4 a try. The main point of me posting here is to find out who exsists in St. Louis and wants to find other vf4 players. Don't be shy, POST!!! Otherwise, I don't know if you exsist at all??? It really dosen't matter what level your playing at right now, because were down to have a good time. Elitest mentality please stay away.
  20. Killbomb

    Killbomb Well-Known Member

    Where are the other STL players that started the "STL Garbage" thread? I know everybody didn't go back to Tekken already. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif Tim, I'll be out for a bit this afternoon but you should be able to get in touch with me on my cell.

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