VF4 stuff from Shota

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by ice-9, May 14, 2001.

  1. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    hey guys, back from the gathering. with all this talk about vf4 i thought i`d pass along some info that shota gave me.

    - throws have execution time. basically what this means is that throws are no longer instantaenous and are catch throws like in tekken and soul cal. a lot of wolf and jeffry players are complaining though, with segal (a famous wolf player)being the main voice. i`m personally a little wary of such a change..it`ll change the dynamics considerably.

    - low punches can be blocked high. yup, that`s right. this will make vf4 a primarily standing game (i.e. more middle/throw type stuff instead of crouch dash punch rushes)...like tekken?

    - note that for past vfs they were slated to be released in time for the summer. but each time they were delayed until august/sept release. so there`s precedence in sega emphasizing quality over timely profits...hopefully this will continue.

    - i`m not sure about the recent tests, but the older builds of the game were primarily for graphic demonstration only. the frame stats for many of the moves were not finalized or even in the game so there were many gameplay gltches (i.e. stuff you can abuse, like non-counterable attacks and stuff). if a playable vf4 doesn`t make e3, this is probably the reason why--sega wouldn`t want to give off the wrong impression to easily impressionable journalists. my speculation only, of course.

    hmm, can`t remember what else was said...
  2. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    hmmm.... completely catch throws.... definitely like Tekken as far as I can tell. Man, that's really gonna change things, I'm curious about what the result will be for that. At least throws aren't escaped by hitting just P or K now, right? Well, hope so anyways... Interesting... But I feel that if this is completely true up to the final version, I will miss the threat of instantaneous throws. Guess the common arcade goer won't complain that the concept of throwing in VF will be lost on him anymore. Will this emphasize stagger-->throw? I'm guessing so.

    Low punches are basically mid attacks I take it, except they can also be blocked low. I shouldn't be surprised about this, but I guess I am. Sort of like Street Fighter, definitely like Tekken Tag I take it (Tekken series typically had low punches being low until Tekken Tag I think, also I think you can throw people out of low punches--I'm probably wrong but I'll let a TTT player clarify). I can't personally say this is a bad idea, I actually thought it helped out Tekken... We'll see how it works out in VF4, though at least people can't complain about the sort of low pokes that true low punches carried--but I guess Lion will still have his annoying ability to poke low/versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    Speculations are fine, but a lot of journalists make some scary or whacked speculations... especially when they figured that "every time you get hit, the shaking stick symbol pops up..." go fig. Speaking of which, have fun cleaning their clocks Ice/versus/images/icons/tongue.gif hehehe, if you get the chance of course.


    <P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by Chanchai on 05/14/01 06:34 PM (server time).</FONT></P>
  3. uk_kid

    uk_kid Well-Known Member

    er....game of VF3tb anyone?
  4. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    shota did not say as much, but i assumed low punches could be blocked high or low. really, if it hit middle...........

    oh yeah, shota did mention that a lot of this stuff was when the game was at 40%. what`s the latest build? i`ve read 70%, but i don`t know if this is accurate.
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    vf4 sounds horrible. if i wanted to play tekken or fv i would. this isn't evolution, it's capitulation to the watered down, lowest common denominator desires and expectations of the retarded gaming masses.

    : but each time they were delayed until august/sept release.

    only for vf3. vf1 came out november 93. vf2 december 94. vf3 august 96. tb sept 97.

    : so there`s precedence in sega emphasizing quality over timely profits...

    uhhuh. yeah like how it took sega five revisions of vf3 to get it right. A,B,C,D,tb.
  6. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Ah thanks, yeah, I realized my error in saying "middle." I meant TTT style low P like you meant. My bad (if it truly is middle---NOOOOOOO!!!!).

    Now my concern is whether or not low throws will be catch throws also. If low throws are catch throws, are they going to be limited as they are in Tekken? (Maybe I have the wrong impression of low throws in tekken, but my understanding is that they aren't implemented well). Or... are there going to be various staggers or stuns (like Tekken I guess)? Oh well, can always catch a horribly low recovering whiff.

    I hope Wolf and Jeffry aren't too horribly slow to throw out a mid attack (doubt Jeffry will ever be that slow)/versus/images/icons/tongue.gif

  7. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    :: but each time they were delayed until august/sept release.

    : only for vf3. vf1 came out november 93. vf2 december 94. vf3 august 96. tb sept 97.

    oops, thanks for the correction. but the impt idea is that all of them were scheduled for summer release but were delayed each time.
  8. Cause

    Cause Well-Known Member

    Only one low throw in Tekken, King has it. Low punches aren't really used in Tekken like VF incidentaly.

    - The VF Student -
  9. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    I think I agree with you completely...

    "Victory can be anticipated, but not assured" Sun-Tzu
  10. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    I remember that in the interview with Katagiri, he said a lot of people complained about 3's difficulty level. I think many of us took this to mean complaints from hardcore VF'ers that they liked the learning curve in 2 better, that it had a longer life in terms of finding depth, and that many hardcore guys considered 3 too "easy" relative to the unforgiving nature etc. of 2.

    But I feel he meant the opposite, that people who were trying to pick it up found it too complex, even though their intention was to make it easier.

    Yu said at AOU they wanted to strip away the extra layer of complexity; which others have since termed as "getting back to the "roots"" or "sequel to 2, not 3". Now we can see it.

    no undulaion
    are we even going to have classic "ring out" without having to smash a wall?
    loss of taka
    low punches guarded standing
    square rings
    throws whose execution is so long to allow VISUAL throw escaping (I know TTT players who can do this, making throws almost useless)
    no e-button

    Maybe someone at AM2 will listen to Segirl.

    It's sad to hear that every time something new about the game surfaces, it just seems more and more like they're sitting there with a TTT board saying, "oh yeah, we have to change this, too"...

    Still, we have to wait and see; I keep going back and forth about whether it seems cool or not.

  11. Finsane

    Finsane Member

    Blocking low attacks by crouching is ridiculous when talking about realism, but I agree that it's hard to imagine a better system for good gameplay.

  12. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    To me, this is like taking the game of chess and giving each piece the same properties.....

    "Victory can be anticipated, but not assured" Sun-Tzu

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