Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Blondie, Feb 2, 2002.

  1. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    Well guys with the launch of the VF4 on the console around the corner, I figure now could never be a better time to offer such a great deal. Yes, for any worthy comp you'll get Disney Multi-park passes for as many days as you are here. "Free" room and board at either of our Mt. Dora or Orlando locations for a week or so. And "YES" as much VF4 as you can possibly stomach. "The Three" invites you to come down and take advantage of this one time offer. We will start booking after the launch in March. Booking will be delt with strictly through this thread. If you have any personal questions just PM me. Thank you.

    All candidates must qualify the valid comp test.

    1) What Character would you use to fight shinz with?
    2) What is Okizeme?
    3) What inputs would be involved in a modified Double Palm?
    4) What is OS?
    5) And finally, whats your favorite disney them park? =)

    -transportation and food at candidates expense.
    -Lets make VF4 EXPLODE IN THE US. =)
  2. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    This is for real. And also to get my post back to the top. =) thanks.
  3. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

    1. sub-zero
    2. a kind of food
    3. f, d, f, hp
    4. oyster sisters
    5. southern nights or parliament house

    do i qualify??
  4. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    1) Blanka (Ratio 4)
    2) a kind of food
    3) f/d,f/d,b, f+p, or d/b,d/b, b, f+p
    4) Osteopathy
    5) Disney is gay can you get me in IOA instead?
  5. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    UnCauzi discovered Blonde Ones original post before editing......ph34r.

    Originally posted by: Blonde_One

    Well guys with the launch of the VF4 on the console around the corner, I figure now could never be a better time to offer such a great deal, but what the hell! I'm horny and just bought some new pumps. Yes, for any worthy comp you'll get Disney Multi-park passes for as many days as you are here. "Free" room and board at either of our Mt. Dora or Orlando locations for a week or so. And "YES" as much S&M as you can possibly stomach. "The Threesome" invites you to cum and take advantage of this one time offer. We will start booting after the romp in March. Booking will be delt with strictly through this thread. If you have any personal questions just PM me. Tah tah!

    All candidates must qualify the valid comp test.

    1) What Character would you use to fight shinz with?
    2) What is Okizeme?
    3) What inputs would be involved in a modified Double Palm?
    4) What is OS?
    5) Do you suck cock?
    6) Do you have a crotchless "furry" costume?
    7) And finally, whats your favorite disney them park? =)

    -This offer is only available to men.
    -Be sure to bring a red shirt to disney, because I only have
    tickets for those "special days" and we don't want to confuse anyone mmmkay.

    What does this mean? Come to your own conclusions. But I'm sure it would be an assventure of a lifetime.
  6. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    Oh LOOK, the Rockies Regualars Have made a visit to this thread! Hey guys if you've got a problem with me I'll be sure to take it up with you in person the next time we meet. This was a stupid and immature post Unc. Not to mention crossing the line of personal boundaries. I look forward to seeing you in person you pile of shit. You seem to say things that you think and not consider the fact that your going to see me sometime. So when you see me try not to run like the last time we were there. Crossing the line seems to be your specialty so I might try it. And "YES" I'm a flaming Homosexual that only wants to get a hold of big ugly black guys.................................................like yourself. Go find something better to do with your time, pissing me off isn't exactly a good thing to have on your agenda. Next time I'll bring my boyfriend. LOL.
  7. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    Wow I have been threatened, quite refreshing, and by the way I never said "flaming." You don't seem to be to flaming to me, just sort of quiet and brooding homosexual. Can't we all just get along? Sides some of my best associates are homosexuals /versus/images/icons/wink.gif

    Like I knew you were gay, damn incognito gay people. Wish you all were colored bright pink it would be convenient. See when people yell "fucking nigger" I know damn well who they're talking to. My only question is...why are they watching me fucking? And are they taking pictures. And if they are I hope they don't catch my left side, my right side is my favorite.

    So you're gay, which ignorantly makes me assume the other two are too. Which is fine by me, not like you grab at my crotch or anything. (I can see it now, grown men chasing after my genetalia in an arcade as a twisted form of revenge, *hurl* please restrain yourself to bullets and baseball bats instead danke') Just the lack of acknowledging any "homo" related comments in the past, just invites lewd comments + slants toward homo erotica by us ahem "breeders." The disney thing I think gave it away but I think we all knew. Hey just by working there, there's what a 66% chance that you probably would be, but it's okay.

    This is just one more step that was necessary for us to know where you come from. Sure we're not all trying to be best buds, but geezus, I now know you're a homo before I know your first name. That kind of sucks. Normally the surprise is that you're a homo later on, now the surprise will be limited to "My name is Bob." Holy shit BOB! Who would have thought!

    Que sera, so you feel insulted, get over it. Not like you haven't insulted me before. Let's start over, "Hi I'm UnCauzi, regular Rockys player and part time asshole, not to be confused with the full time assholes. Which I'm sure you get along with quite nicely."

    Okay that was fucked up, smile you're on candid camera.

    P.S. Enkindu if I get my brains blown out all over the VF cabinet, you best beat the fucking game in my name with a 100 game win streak and put UnC in the initials. With todays issues of self esteem and insecurity who knows what madness this post will bring. But, I'm bored, and it's a long way to Milwaukee.
  8. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

    this is too funny............and BTW i'm super. i CAN see the resemblance though. is jacky gay too?

    "out of the closet and into the arcade"
  9. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    Jacky is pretty flamboyant. I've also heard a lot of people say "jackys ghey" but I don't know if they mean in that way.
  10. MiKeY

    MiKeY Active Member

    Listen UnCauzi... You can have your Stupid Low punches and you can have your Useless Camera for whatever Strange and obsered Movies you may be shooting, But you CANNOT have a say in what sexuality my brother is... I know he's Straight and I have no idea if Jacky is or not, but why should a video game character be of your concern anyways?

    I dont know where you get off on saying my brothers gay, there is a certain thing called Sarcasm that im sure even YOUR vocabulary could understand. I sometimes question whether i should go to rocky's with my brother just so i can waste $.50 on showing how stupid you look, just rapidly low poking the whole round and then tell you " I JUST GOT 52 LOW POKES OFF ON YOU! BEAT THAT!" because thats what runs through my head every time i think of your "Reseting" move.

    Oh! and one more thing. It would only seem right to believe that YOU are the gay one seeing as though you were the one who seemed to be so fond of all the examples you so kindly shared with each and every one of us such as "Gay Guys chasing you at Rocky's", Only a fag would think of something like that. So get the Fuck out of this thread and leave my brother alone.
  11. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    I'm just stating popular opinion at Rockys and his sarcasm was lost since many people think that "they" are. He just sort of said "Why yes I am." So on one side I have people saying "I think they're gay" and on another I have Blonde_One writing "Yes I am gay."

    So either he was kidding or he's not telling your family something. I could care less. Good thing you've got his back.

    Brotherly love......*snicker*
  12. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    Are you this stupid Sean? I think you are. In fact I knew it before I ever said anything to you. It's why I always left you alone. I should have never tried to be friendly. Wish I hadn't. BO was mocking you. Maybe you know it. Maybe you don't. You're a moron either way.

    Where does this extreme homophobia come from? Honestly it's all you seem to think about. Were you abused as a child? Sorry dude, being quiet doesn't mean I'm gay. It means I don't like you. Which is what you've known all along and really been afraid of. Try to get over it. You're a piece of shit and I called you on it. Everytime you open your nasty mouth you prove me right.

    Now you don't really care about VF. You've said it before. You have no plans on getting good. Why did you start this again? You could go back to SRK and talk all you like about me...no prob. Why did you bring this back here?

    You don't have to answer me but, I'm sure you will. As it seems you have nothing better to do.

    I guess you just like advertising that you're a moron. Keep it up. I'm sure people are getting a laugh out of it.

    What if I was gay? What difference would that have made to begin with? I'd still be a person. You motherfucking load of slime. I'd still own you at VF. Being gay would have nothing to do with VF. Or this forum. Go blow that out your ass.
  13. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    You don't like me /versus/images/icons/frown.gif

    I thought we were buds wtf?

    And yes I am hardcore afraid of some guy who I see about once a week not liking me. Not that he plans on beating me down in real life or in a video game, I'm afraid because he sits there and says NOTHING while losing to me repeatedly in a game I don't take seriously. The silence, oh my god the silence when will it STOP! NooOOOooOOoo. The brutal sound of tokens raining into the coin slot over and over as you lose again and again is maddening....okay, okay, actually it's quite satisfying....especially after hearing you say you own me in VF4. Keep practicing eventually it will come true and you can pat yourself on the back.....and your pal on the ass.
  14. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    You better play next time jackass. Where do you come up with this BS? I'll talk to ya the whole damn fight.

    You seem to take it a lot more seriously than I do. You post twice as much at least, you practically live at rockys, and you're hellbent on saying you're better at the game. So what are you talking about? You just want an excuse for when you lose. Can't you even be big enough to try? FU buddy. You're a joke.

    'I'm gonna @#$% you till you love me faggot'
  15. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

    Brotherly love......*snicker*

    oh my..........lol. i love this drama. we'll see who the better man is at OD i guess......until then......
    ( * ) love.......
  16. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    Yes, the drama unfolds. Okay I give in, you're better than me IMF, seriously I stand no chance. In fact I know that all those other times I played you and beat you with low punch tactics you were just going easy on me. Yes, that's the ticket. You let me win so much, that you were compelled to post on it and bitch for 4-5 more posts afterwards. I should just concede to your greatness, and recognize you as the superior gamer. Either that....or I can call you for the shit-talking bullshit artist that you are. Next time I see you, I may play you, or I might not. You see it's all about what I want to do, haven't you realized that yet? I "better" do nothing as far as you're concerned. I wonder why people assume that I want to play them? Especially snores like this Iron Monkey Fist. My word.
  17. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    OK, if you don't take any pride in your game than why do you defend it like it's your mom's honer?

    Remember buddy you came into this perfectly good thread and started throwing rocks. Not me.

    I'll play your sorry ass anytime you feel like putting your coins in the machine.

    Until then are we done with the name calling?
  18. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    Here's the deal with me, I take pride in the wins I do get, but I don't take pride in winning. If I took pride in winning a lot then I would definately take precautions to keep winning. Ie, watching VF4 movies from Japan or actually paying attention to the strategy forums. What I don't like is when someone turns around and says I suck or that they beat me all the time when they do not. Or that my tactics are useless when obviously they are not. Sure there are better ways to play but in the meantime I don't see any of you properly utilizing the advanced tactics, but then you'll turn around and rag on my gameplay for no apparent reason. I just find it funny when you try to discredit me when you do not have a positive win/loss ratio against me.

    And remember, whole reason why the last thread took a quick turn for the worse was because of you IMF and your elitist bitching about me using the low punch out of nowhere.
    You threw the first rock, I'm just throwing it back. Frankly I thought that last thread was taking a turn for the better until you shit in it. I just had some mexican food and I thought I'd return the favor is all.
  19. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    Does that even make sense?

    OK, so you like to take the easy way out. Fine.

    Are we done?
  20. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    It never began.

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