VF5 Aoi Thread

Discussion in 'Aoi' started by nin, May 31, 2006.

  1. nin

    nin Well-Known Member

    VF5 AOI

    The following are infomations that I have gathered on internet for VF5 AOI, mainly are from www.vfbbs.com

    They might not be 100% accurate since the game is still in testing stage.

    New moves Changes of old moves

    [4][P][K]Full circular Mid?

    [K][P][K]The move showed in official site, seems like a mid kick

    [2][3][P]+[K][P]A mid~high canned combo, can be G cancelled. Will knock down on normal hit and combos above recovery hit. ( but doesnt connect any more in the new location test)

    [6][4][P]+[K]Mid Punch and goes into backturn position, will float on counter hit

    [6][4][P]+[K][P]High P

    [6][6][K] floats on norml hit, heavy weight punch counterable on guard

    [4][K] high K?? stumbles

    New Moves in back turned position

    BT[2][K]low kick, similar to front facing 2K

    BT[2][K][P]high P , like the normal 2KP

    BT[2][K][P][P]mid punch

    BT[P]+[K]high P string starter

    BT[P]+[K][P]high P 2nd hit of the string

    BT[P]+[K][P][P]highP, 3rd hit of string

    BT[P]+[K][P][4][P]mid punch, looks like [6][4][P]+[K]

    BT[P]+[K][P][4][P][P]high punch, looks like the second hit of [6][4][P]+[K][P]

    In YY stance[4] a new movement aoi gets out from the YY stance by doing a back spin

    [4][2][P]+[G] new throw..not confirmed yet

    [6][4][P]+[G] new throw can be tech rolled

    Changes of old moves

    YY stance Seems slower to start up, but people on vfbbs said it is the same as FT in the current location test

    [3][P] low throw is not guaranteed on counter hit anymore, not sure about stnading punch follow up yet

    [4][P]goes into back turn position, and it will push the opponent away by a little bit on either hit or guard.

    [6][P][P]2 hit had become a high hit, but it will still floats the opponent if the first hit is a stagger hit.

    [6][K] motion change.

    while standing[P]+[K] command changed to [2][3][P]+[K]no more stumble on counter hit, but you get a stagger hit instead

    [3]or[9][P]+[K]will goes into BT when G cancelled

    [3]or[9][P]+[K] [4]will goes to BT after the back spin

    [6][P]+[K]motion change, became a high hit!!

    [6][P]+[K][P]seems to combo on recovery counter now

    [K]+[G]will turn your opponent sideway on hit


    [3][3][P]+[K]~ [P] ~[2][3][P]+[K][P]~ light down attack/ okizeme on light to middle weight

    [6][4][P]+[K] ~[2][P]~[2][3][P]+[K][P]~ light down attack/ okizeme on light to middle weight



    [6][4][P]+[K]~[2][K][P]~[K][K]~light down attack
  2. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Nin this is great thanks for the work, I'm sure all the Aoi players out there appreciate it!
  3. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    yeah thanks Nin for the translation,
    Elbow changed to high!! Her poke game is going to be different now : / but new strings = /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif inashi stance into backstep sounds too good too lol

    INCIDENT Well-Known Member

    Great stuff so far! Interesting BT moveset she's got now along more ways to go BT. Too cool.
  5. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    Thanks, this is pretty cool. Hopefully any Seattle arcades(or there any, lol) will get the import for this game.
  6. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi

    [6][P]+[K] and second part of [6][P],[P] becoming high is bad news for me.... /versus/images/graemlins/crazy.gif /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif

    I hope there will be some usefool set up/tools after her BT position, even if I can't see what ...

    btw thanks for the news
  7. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    massively edited after Nobody's post:
    Uhm, Aoi seems to be able to block light down attacks.

    She could already?

    Ai ai ai... Checked the movelists... indeed... OMG!

    For frag's sake... I even played with her for half a year or so. (Dropped her after I figured out she's really not my thing.)

    Nobody I ever faced uses Aoi, and the AI doesn't seem to use the move either. Dang, this is so weird.
  8. nobody

    nobody Well-Known Member

    She's always been able to do that.
  9. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Hey Aoi fans I recommend this clip just in case you missed it at HK-VF TV:


    It nicely showcases some of Aoi's new moves, combos, and what kind of mind games she can play.
  10. tianyuan2k2

    tianyuan2k2 Well-Known Member

    Bad news for Aoi, Arcadia 75 says, "stand [P] was light weight class is now heavy class."

    If I didnt read it wrong, Aoi's [6][4][P] sabaki kicks, then [P] > Hit Throw follow up. If [6][4][P] > [P] > Hit Throw all hit, it takes 30% of life gauge. So it's recommended against characters that kick a lot like Sarah and Kage.

    Basic combo pick up:
    1. [4][3][P]+[K] counter hit > [2][K][P][P]
    ^ stable combo after crumble, against light weight, you can do [2][K][P] > [P][P][P][K]

    2. [6][6][K] or [2_][3][P]+[K] > [6][K][K]
    ^ Delay attack after ???(opp falls on the ground maybe?)

    3. [3][3][P]+[K] > [P][P][6][P][P]
    ^ All character stable combo. If you want to get initiative after combo, use [P] >[6][K][K] instead.
  11. takumi21

    takumi21 Member

    After seeing some clips:

    [3][P] MC seems still allow a free low throw attempt

    second hit of [6][4][P]+[K],[P] seems a mid hit in fact

    Is her [P] really a heavy punch class?
    She was hit by Jacky's [2][P] then he follows by his [6][P] and Aoi could interupt him with her [P]

    Guaranteed follow ups after parry/sabaki?:

    punch parry: [6][4][P]+[K],[P] guaranteed?
    [4][K]+[G] sabaki: BT [P]+[K],[P],[P] guaranteed?
    [6][4][P] sabaki: free [4][6][P]~[P]+[G]
  12. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    One of my posts was deleted when the server had problems.

    I had corrected tianyuan2k2's translation about Aoi concerning her guaranteed combos.

    [6][4][P] on successful sabaki has a guaranteed second [P] followup. Which you can follow up with [4][6][P][P]+[G] hit throw. It's about 1/3rd life like tianyuan2k2 said.
  13. takumi21

    takumi21 Member

    Yes, but I haven't seen the second [P] follow up, that's why I wondered if without this second punch, you could still have a [4][6][P]~[P]+[G] guaranteed?
    The clip I refer to is:

    And after [3][3][P]+[G] thow and [2_][6][P]+[G], a [8][K]+[G] seems unescapable...great addition! /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

  14. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Is her [P] really a heavy punch class?
    She was hit by Jacky's then he follows by his and Aoi could interupt him with her [P]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm not sure what you're trying to say here unfortunately. Are you saying that on a successful lp from Jacky he was/wasn't interrupted by Aoi's standing [P]? If she couldn't it's really just standard advantage - Aoi can't punch her way out of that. If it did interrupt I'm curious to ask if the Jacky player delayed at all before following up with 6[P] or if it's new frame advantage on lp.

    Pardon my ignorance on not having seen the clip. I've been away from home the past few days with only access to my PC at work.
  15. Supid

    Supid Well-Known Member

    Something just occurred to me when I thought about VF4 Aoi's ability to reverse High-Mid single non-joint attacks when back-turned.

    Assume VF5 Aoi retains reversal ability when back-turned, does she gain reversal ability when side-turned? I don't know if anyone talked about this ...
  16. takumi21

    takumi21 Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Jerky said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Is her [P] really a heavy punch class?
    She was hit by Jacky's then he follows by his and Aoi could interupt him with her [P]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm not sure what you're trying to say here unfortunately. Are you saying that on a successful lp from Jacky he was/wasn't interrupted by Aoi's standing [P]? If she couldn't it's really just standard advantage - Aoi can't punch her way out of that. If it did interrupt I'm curious to ask if the Jacky player delayed at all before following up with 6[P] or if it's new frame advantage on lp.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    yes, she interrupts him
    According to FT frame data, if Aoi has 11 frames [P], her [P] and Jacky's [6][P] should share hit
    I think the Jacky player has delayed his attack, or maybe a new advantage on lp.

    But I hope her [P] is still 11 frames..
    God I already think the lost of her mid [6][P]+[K](why have they made this high???? /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif /versus/images/graemlins/tear.gif) can't be compensated by any of her new moves / BT stance tools /versus/images/graemlins/tear.gif /versus/images/graemlins/tear.gif
  17. nin

    nin Well-Known Member

    Her punch is really 13 frames in VF5, no doubt about it now. Also just to clear the confusion on the [6][4][P] hit throw. The command is : [6][4][P] ~[P]~[P]+[G]
    It only comes out when the first hit is a sabaki hit, also the motion of the second hit and the hit throw is exactly the same as her [4][6][P]~[P]+[G]

    Also here are the Revision 1 changes

    [6][4][P]+[K] [P] can be delayed now but lower float on hit. some of those stagger combos dont work now.

    [1][P] samll advantage on normal hit, low throw guarantee on counter hit now.

    BT [P]+[K][P][4][P] doesnt float on normal hit

    BT [P]+[K][P][4][P][P] can delay the last [P] now

    [8] [K]+[G] damage reduced

    [4][K]+[G] leg crubles on sabaki hit now, same as FT

    Supid: there is no side reversal or inashi for AOI in VF5...
  18. majinai

    majinai Member

    Now that my favorite poking 6P and 6P+K move is now high, any idea on which good move to use to poke mid?

    As long as her 43P+K and 2K+G stays intact the changes to her is pretty okay.
  19. takumi21

    takumi21 Member

    [6][P] is still mid

    [6][P]+[K] becoming high and a 13 frames [P] make me sad /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif /versus/images/graemlins/tear.gif
    IMO, her good poking game has been weakened now, some of her good cancels moves lead to a useless BT or become high, and since throw become slower
    It affects her a lot, give us back our FT Aoi /versus/images/graemlins/tear.gif

    Maybe we has just to change our play now...
    I think oabout some average tools to replace her mid [6][P]+[K]:
    more [3][K], [6][6]+[P] and more [6][6][P]+[K]
  20. majinai

    majinai Member

    Thanks for the clarfication. And about P becomes 13 frames - can standing P (still) interrupt throws? And how many frames is her 2P (heard it's been nerfed for most/all characters)?

    It's been a while since I play VF (more than a year, sadly) but I think her 3K and 66P is throw punishable on block in VF4 FT. I used to key in the throw escapes after doing those moves.

    Think the 6P mixups, 43P+K, 66P+KP, and 2K+G will still be her bread-and-butter in VF5, or at least mine.

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