VF5 at WCG 2009

Discussion in 'General' started by Jeneric, Feb 5, 2009.

  1. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    Lists of included games at WCG 2009 are making the rounds on chinese sites and VF5 is included. Hopefully the official site will update soon so we know for sure.
  2. HokutoNoCat

    HokutoNoCat Well-Known Member

    Woot. DIz iz gud nooz !
  3. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    Oh Fuck! I had so much fun last year. I hope to represent this year as well. This is definitely good news!
  4. HokutoNoCat

    HokutoNoCat Well-Known Member

    Hope we get VF qualifs in France. Some players would be interested. Where do the event take place?
  5. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member


    Honestly I didn't think VF5 had a chance with SC4 and SF4 in contention. Is it possible that WCG would have more than one fighting game?

    Sorta off topic but Evo has listed the games for '09

    3S teams 2vs2

    Spare two minutes and check this out. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/confused.gif


    This was most likely recorded from last year

    I recall hearing at US WCG finals last October that some woman wanted training in VF5.
  6. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    This is damn good news for VF here
  7. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

  8. nikolasbelmont

    nikolasbelmont Well-Known Member

    Mebbe I can try the Finnish qualifiers if there'll be any this year /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  9. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    Wow, if it's true, this is amazing news!

    I suspected it might get included, since it's the only fighting game (besides DOA4, but DOA4's dead), that would promote the xbox. Since VF5 has some exclusive features on the 360, it stands out as a title that you have to get on the 360 to get the 'complete package'. With SC4 and SF4 there's no real difference between the PS3 and 360 versions, so there's not really anything Microsoft would gain from including either one of those titles.

    Even though I'm writing this now, I was really pessimistic about VF5 making it into WCG 2009. Great news to read it's coming back for another year (if these rumors are real, that is, haha).
  10. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    There will as long as VF5 gets chosen in the first place. Ill wait until I see it on main site /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    edit: well, the "your voice is needed to improve wcg"-event is finished at main site now..
  11. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    That is the Video Game Reality Show (like Survivor) that will air on the Sci-Fi Channel. I think the original name was "GameQuest", but i think they were having some legal issues with that name, so it may have changed to "Ultimate Gamer".

    You guys should check it out! I make a small cameo as a "guest celebrity" on episode # 2. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif

    One of the contestants won a physical challenge, and as a result, won the opportunity to train with me in VF for a 1/2 hour - so that he may have an edge against the other contestants when everyone competes in the VF Time Attack (?) mode. Whoever gets furthest against the CPU wins the VF challenge.

    This guy had never played VF before, and the default button mappings on the EX stick were completely off, so it was....interesting, to say the least.

    I'm just glad that they gave VF some exposure, and that i got the chance to look totally geeky on TV. So tight, so nice!
  12. Johoseph

    Johoseph Well-Known Member

    Lau of America
    Wow! That's almost hard to believe. Would've never expected VF to go in a direction like that. Time Atttack Mode /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif . Would think they'd make them compete against each other, thats kinda what video games are all about! That's really cool. Adam the mentor, giving someone tips on beating the competition on a reality tv show.
  13. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    It was so surreal! I mean, I've NEVER touched the CPU mode in VF5, so i was completely at a loss about strategy. I advised him to mash P+K (beat-knuckle) as a key strategy, since he had chosen Jacky as his main. It was so weird, but i did my best to make it look intense for TV! LOL

    One of the cool parts was the place where i stayed. It was this amazing suite in the luxury condo/hotel, which was also where they were shooting the show.

    But the absolute best part about this trip to LA was meeting up with Gerald, Talis, Alex, Brian, and Che (Cappo). On my first night, Gerald, his wife, Talis, Catherine, and I had dinner at this amazing Thai restaurant. Great food, and great conversation - as always!

    After shooting my part of the episode, we played some VF (of course) at the suite where i was staying. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    A great experience.
  14. InstantOverhead

    InstantOverhead Well-Known Member

    They should have made them go up against like Hajin, Chibita, Homestay, Heruru, all the Tougeki/KS/OH winners.
  15. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    I dont understand why that would have been necessary with people that have never played the game. For someone thats never played basketball, theres no need to have them play 1 on 1 with kobe bryant or kevin garnett.
  16. InstantOverhead

    InstantOverhead Well-Known Member

    I was being sarcastic. People who have played fighting games for years rarely win against the best players of each game.
  17. Truesonic2k

    Truesonic2k Well-Known Member

    As far as WCG goes I voted once more just in case. And also I must see this thing Adam is talking about. Maybe it's on youtube already?
  18. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    From what i was told, episode # 2 will air some time in March. As soon as i know for sure, i'll let y'all know.
  19. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    Ah so that's why you made that trip to LA during the holidays. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif
  20. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    lol hehe, well at least you got EX2 sticks... you could have had to deal with box pads ^^ But kind of cute thing, getting VF little more exposure.

    I think a good way to do it would have 2 experts and two beginners. Experts would try to train one beginner each and then beginners, 'pupils', would play against each other. Then the two experts, the 'masters' would play against each other.

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