VF5? Bugger that. I want Fighters Megamix 2 with Namco involved!

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by steve_dynamic, Jul 26, 2002.

  1. steve_dynamic

    steve_dynamic Well-Known Member

    It can happen. They've already made a game together (Vampire Night), so i won't be surprised if there is a sequel to Fighters Megamix.
  2. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    FFM2 is one of those "sequels I never want to happen", along with NiGHTS 2 (but for different reasons entirely).
    The first FMM was a mess. A fun, fanservicey mess, but an unbalanced, unpolished, buggy as hell mess nonetheless. Mixing in characters from gameplay engines completely removed from the basic VF/FV style would be even worse.
  3. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Man, have a little faith...I think Sega's programmers are smart enough to learn from their mistakes....I think it could be done well.
  4. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    But do they consider Fighters Megamix a mistake?
  5. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    guess it depends on sales. That's the bottom line, I don't think they were worried about maintaining the purity of the vf line..
    It's been a while tho hasn't it? Even by sega's standards? I'd have thunk it'd be out and done by now.
  6. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Touche....I don't think they do, though I do not know how well, or poorly, it sold. I know I had fun playing around with it and I did not regret purchasing it.
  7. grynn

    grynn Well-Known Member

    I really liked FMM, it was a really fun game, upolished but fun. Playing with the daytona car eas a first /versus/images/icons/grin.gif

    But I would never like to see an FMM with Namco...
    I don't see how Sega and Namco can define a system that would work with both their styles...
    I would never want to see a VF character moving with Tekken animation for exemple /versus/images/icons/confused.gif
    And Tekken characters are not suitable for VF gameplay...
    I know these aren't the only games made by these 2 compagnies but that's what everybody would expect from a game made by Sega and Namco: a Tekken vs VF with some bonus characters from other games...
  8. grynn

    grynn Well-Known Member

    Anyway if a FMM2 vas released by Sega, I wouldn't hesitate to buy it /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  9. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    hmm, i think judging from the superme evolution of each fighting game system, i think it would be even harder to keep fans happy than the first instalment. i mean the actually fighting system of the game will be messed big time!!

    i think if it were one of those clash game thingies i'd like it to take a nintendo approch to create a whole new battle game like super smash brothers style .. i could really see a VF2 style akira to appear in such a game since it has enormous floating jumps & power smashes.. /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif

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