VF5 Graphics at Game Watch Impress

Discussion in 'General' started by nobody, Oct 25, 2006.

  1. nobody

    nobody Well-Known Member

  2. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Thanks for that! I'd love for someone to translate that though /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif

    Stone Dural looks interesting -- I wonder if she comes with the appropriate stone hitting sound effect.
  3. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    Games are not supposed to look that good...

  4. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Sebo said:

    Games are not supposed to look that good...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Luckily the characters still look like they're floating above the ground, so there's that.

  5. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Images at the site are probably the best I've seen taken from VF5. I'm guessing they are probably direct capture with no loss in quality.

    One of my favs:


    There's also a translation at http://www.beyond3d.com/forum/showthread.php?t=35008&highlight=lindbergh

    [ QUOTE ]
    + rendered in 1280x768 @ 60fps (the arcade panel is 1366x768 so there are black bars)

    + The development had begun before NVIDIA provided OpenGL perf analyzer, so they developed an in-house tool to maintain 60fps. (vertex in the picture includes that of self-shadow) The bottleneck was not in the AGP bus but in the pixel load.

    + OpenGL2.0 w/ ARB assembler for shader programming. NVIDIA extensions are employed too. (Not all LINDBERGH games are like this, HOD4 is GLSL, VT3 is Cg. So they apparently had some difficulties to transfer VF5's shader code to PS3, but in the case of VT3 it was easier)

    + 1 character = 40K polys, background = 100K - 300K (VF4: 12K and 50K)

    + Basic shadow is done by depth shadow (1024x1024 map) with a screen-coordinate-based mask for anti-aliasing against shadows, though this method can't hide shadow aliasing in up-close shots. NVIDIA shadow (Hardware Percentage Closer Filter) is employed. Adaptive multisampling is a bit too expensive to maintain 60fps because of load fluctuation. VF4 was stencil shadow volume.

    + Shadows on the ground are silhouette projective texture mapping. Far backgrounds have prebaked shadows. Some close backgrounds such as columns in buildings have real shadows generated with depth shadow.

    + Skin, hair, clothes are made with diffuse, specular, and normal maps. Some parts such as Akira's wear has special shaders. Pai's dress is normal mapped with an environmental map mask with diffuse and specular adjusted.

    + Skin has no special shaders such as SSS. Like other parts it is made by adjusting parameters in basic shaders. Female characters have special lighting to reduce shadows.

    + The backlight expression is simple blending of the edge color and the light color when the light comes out of edges. Some irregular cases are corrected by adjusting parameters.

    + There are 4 versions of Dural and 2 among them have special shaders. The one has diffraction simulation by vertex shaders to procedurally generate the rainbow coloring. The other is the refraction version of the first one.

    + VTF (Vertex Texture Fetching) in the NVIDIA GPU is used very widely for VF5. Apparently this function is essential for VF5 since it's very preferable that GPU can do all basic geometry.

    + For water wave simulation, VS reads a FP32 texture height map by VTF, then does displacement mapping to transform vertices on the water. With this FP32 wave height map converted into a normal map, PS does shadow processing. Muddy water is drawn by PS using velocity/power information in FP32 wave height map. Thanks to VTF, VS can detect the collision of water splashes and it's used to generate ripples when each water splash hits the water.

    + The snowfield also uses VTF. Shadows in the snow show pseudo-subsurface-scattering by the texture-space blur.

    + Fog is also produced by VTF. Fog density is represented by a FP32 texture. So fog reacts to characters' movement.

    + The render target buffer is FP16-64. Textures in environmental maps and reflection maps are in the ARGB integer format + luminance information packed in alpha when required. Apparently FP16-64 texture fetch is slow because of filtering and not suitable for 60fps right now.

    + VTF appears in the tone mapping process too. Making an HDR frame into a 1x1 pixel texture, VS reads it by VTF and the vertex pipeline calculates average luminance.

    + An in-house engine does physics simulation. It only processes local collision such as hair and clothes. Character-to-character collision is not suitable for simulation because of the nature of the VF franchise. (VF3 did Inverse Kinematics but it was removed in VF4)

    [/ QUOTE ]
  6. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

  7. Bu_Jessoom

    Bu_Jessoom Well-Known Member

    The pics do look nice but we have to remember that PS (and Xbox) game screens have almost always been touched up before being released resulting in cleaner screens than what you would get for real.
  8. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    GodEater said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Sebo said:

    Games are not supposed to look that good...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Luckily the characters still look like they're floating above the ground, so there's that.


    [/ QUOTE ]

  9. foda500

    foda500 Member

    Looks incredible

    A pic taken straight from the TV(Ps3 version)

  10. Cephiros_VII

    Cephiros_VII Well-Known Member

    OMG!! Looks GREAT!

    ...but you need a good TV set too...

    EMAGDNIM Active Member

    That PS3 shot looks great...
  12. Cephiros_VII

    Cephiros_VII Well-Known Member

    But some old bug still needs to be repaired...
  13. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    [ QUOTE ]
    Cephiros_VII said:

    But some old bug still needs to be repaired...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Is Pai frozen in that position, or is it just a mid animation snapshot? If it's the latter I wouldn't care since that sort of clipping has always been around and if it's brief enough, it's virtually impossible to notice in real time with the naked eye.

    The clipping that I do notice, which still pisses me off each time I see it, occurs in various throw animations, particularly with Wolf and Jeff. I saw a clip where Wolf did the KS throw against another Wolf and it looked absolutely ridiculous! The Wolf being thrown had both arms forward protruding through the other Wolf's shoulders, and not locking under his arms where they should be.

    AM2 should have went the extra mile to fix the special animations due to the size differences they introduced.
  14. nobody

    nobody Well-Known Member

    You'd think that, with the smallest roster of the major fighters, it'd be feasible to tweak throw animations on a per-character or at least per-body-type basis. They're obviously not willing to go the whole IK route anymore, but not doing anything just looks terrible.
    VF5 can look amazing, but when it doesn't it's glaringly bad.
  15. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    AM2 should have went the extra mile to fix the special animations due to the size differences they introduced.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ugh hear hear. I've been hoping, pining for an update to that. I'm not sure if it's rather complicated or not though - I'm not on AM2's programming team.
  16. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    I doubt it's complicated at all; it's just making new animations. But it's probably seen as 'extra' stuff that doesn't affect the game by the AM2 devs.
  17. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    it's new animations, but each character would need that many more animations for every other character for the most part....

    Like you said.. it's alot of extra work that doesn't affect gameplay...

    I wish they would fix it.
  18. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    The had special throw animations against Taka back in VF3, so it's not like this is something they've never done before.

    They really need a set of distinct animations for the small, medium and large characters, since their size differences are way more pronounced now.

    Zero-chan or Fishie: next time you get to interview AM2 staff, please ask them why they didn't do a good job on this! And let them know that there are fans out there who aren't impressed. It's like a scratch down the side of your ferrari /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif
  19. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Sega and I arent exactly on speaking terms at the moment.
    But I wil keep it in mind, should happen sooner rather then later anyway.
  20. CarpeNoctumXIII

    CarpeNoctumXIII Well-Known Member

    OMG those look insane. Wonder how bad it'll look on a regular TV, since I'll probably without a nice HDTV for a while after I blow my money on a PS3.

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