VF5FS Complete Edition Sale on PSN

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Sep 28, 2014.

By Myke on Sep 28, 2014 at 6:19 AM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    On sale right now in the PlayStation Store is the Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown "Complete Edition". The Complete Edition includes the full Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown game in addition to all of the Character Customization Packs for the ultimate VF experience. Also on sale is Virtua Fighter 2. The sale ends 12am GMT 9 October 2014.

    Tip: @Unicorn


Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Sep 28, 2014.

    1. IcKY99
      Keep in mind people that this VF sale DOES NOT apply to North American PSN Store
      Myke and DK like this.
    2. Nalaztre
    3. dreamcast_fan
      Dammit, got really excited too. Hopefully a NA sale is not far behind.
    4. Coroo
      i think i'm going to join in with the "Nooooo" craze.

      I guess you can say.....

      Sega has...*puts on sunglasses*

      Left Money on the Table (Queues the CSI:Mami's theme)
    5. Combolammas
      The article seems to be missing the price which seems to be 8,99 € (normally 24,99 €).
      The arcticle also has the sales ending month and hour and timezone but the day has been left out. Apparently it's on till next weeks Tuesday (that would be 7.10.).

      p.s. I just copied this stuff from another source so I didn't verify the price and date myself.
    6. Myke
    7. Combolammas
      Your original post, of course :D
      It's a news article on VFDC frontpage, no? Or maybe I'm just using the word article wrong.

      Anyway I just wanted to point out that it does not mention the prices or the ending of the sale. The way it reads there makes me (at least) think it's ending midday tomorrow since it's October tomorrow.
    8. Myke
      No, you used the word article in the correct context, but the last sentence does say:

      The last I checked "9 October 2014" was a date? ;)

      As for the prices, they were intentionally left out because:
      • Not all countries in Europe use the Euro currency, and
      • The sale also applies to countries outside of Europe, such as mine (Australia).
    9. Myke
    10. Combolammas
      You know, I don't even know how I managed it but all this time I thought it mean GMT +9. God I feel stupid...

      Like I said I also didn't check the ending date myself before so I did now and the info I got about next weeks tuesday is probably a mistake and was supposed to be thursday so that 9th would be just right.

      ... carry on

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