VF5FS Hit Sparks?

Discussion in 'General' started by Eternal, Jul 22, 2011.

  1. Eternal

    Eternal Member

    In this video there is hit a lot of hit sparks http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=7Y6DSAWkmbE

    Have hit sparks always been in vf5? also the yellow light that appears on a counter hit seem brighter.. Now I've only been playing vf5 for a few weeks so maybe I didn't notice the hit sparks..

    I got into this game for the realism so these things turn me off..But I will still play vffs if it comes on console because the gameplay looks so good.

    So have the hit sparks always been there? And what do you guys think about them..
  2. Tiripsem

    Tiripsem Well-Known Member

    They are there to help you. Although, you said it yourself that sometimes you don't notice it. So if they are brighter, easier game for you.
  3. Eternal

    Eternal Member

    what do they help me do?
  4. Tiripsem

    Tiripsem Well-Known Member

    They are there so you can hit check (see if you can continue to attack.) It lets you know if there's a CH, or MC, etc...
  5. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    yeah for visual cues.
  6. Eternal

    Eternal Member

    the character model flying into the air or reacting when punched isn't enough?
  7. Eternal

    Eternal Member

    Ok so i played a bit of vf5 today and noticed that when you hit someone there is a flash of yellow...I still dont see any hit sparks tho..
  8. Tiripsem

    Tiripsem Well-Known Member

    The difference between a CH and MC is indistinguishable without it until they are in the air. Without this you would have to see how high they float to start a combo which at that point it's to late to start it.
  9. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Not all CH attacks produce a knockdown (launch, crumple, etc). For example, your viable options after a [P] or [2][P] CH are different than for NH (normal hit), but unless you're skilled in hit-checking in using the visual cues the game provides (yellow flash), then you wouldn't be able to take advantage of this.

    I'm not sure what "sparks" you keep referring to but I suspect you're talking about the "splashes of sweat" effect seen during CHs. This effect was only introduced VF5 FS, so that's why you don't see it when you're playing vanilla on console.

    Tiripsem, are you referring to MC as "minor" counter in this context? It's a little confusing since the uppercase MC is known as the major counter (or CH). Can I suggest you use RC or RCH (recovery counter hit) instead?
  10. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    For some unknown reason I NEVER see them, nor can I hardly when I even try to. I had played VF4 and EVO for years until one day ETPharaoh mentioned them and I was like, WHAT??!! And even after that it took me multiple tries to even see them. And when in battle, I never, ever, notice them, EVER!

    I'm not color blind and have great attention to detail, but like I said, for some unknown reason I just don't see them. =(
  11. Eternal

    Eternal Member

    Tiripsem and Myke, thanks for clearing up some uses for the yellow flash.. Also I noticed theres a blue flash, whats that for?

    Tiripsem, yeah looks like the sparks I see is just sweat, sometimes the yellow or blue flash mixed with sweat kinda look like sparks tho [​IMG]

    JHow77, I dont notice it either lol...When I'm in the zone I dont see any flashes.
  12. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Very understandable why you can't see them...
  13. Eternal

    Eternal Member

    Something I was thinking about regarding the usefulness and necessity of flashes on a CH.. Are flashes really needed if most of the hits you'll land on the opponent will be a CH, how often is the opponent just Normal? Other then Jackys Pak Sao,I'm not sure if whiffed reversals and throw attempts are a CH..

    If the opponent is fuzzy guarding the chances of hitting them while Normal are even smaller and more of the hits you'll get on the opponent would be when they let there guard down to attack you and get hit allowing you to commit to the CH only combo.

    Correct me if I'm wrong.
  14. Tiripsem

    Tiripsem Well-Known Member

    Sorry, I meant minor counter.
  15. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Brother its one of those things that you will just know. major counter with Midkicks sideturned likes to side crumpled Punches and mid punches don't crumple but allow to you land all of your stringed attacks (Atleast a majority of quick strings.) Pay attention and you will see.
  16. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    . Its important to look at flashes because it chnges what defensive or offensive actions to take. Ex if i hit u with a 2p lowpunch im at +4, u can fuzzy g, eteg, abare etc. If u do abare for example lets say with a low punch ur low punch will come out in 16 frames. So i can ch u with a 16 frame move. Ex 3k with goh. 1 frame makes a huge diff. My 17 frame knee will take away half ur life. It seems hard to check but in vf it all seems tough unless u practise. It took me awhile to, at higher levels vf is a spacing game or numbers game up close imo. - agree that flashes r not realistic howevr to me what makes vf exciting are calculating numbers and reading the opponent for me. U will hit nh alot more than u think with just two ppl spacing and trying to attk. Imo i see more nh than ch. If i play someone who doesnt see flashes its not really all that fun becus its just spacing and creating whiffs or becus he doesnt know the current situation of nh or ch ill be able to ch hit them more cus they will be more vulnerable to attack in disadv more. Another ex would be at + 7 u cant fuzzy and if u do abare pretty much evryone with a good ch move will take away lots of life. Eil ch starts at 15 goh 16 17 etc, so knowing the numbers can make u play safer as well.it takes awhile took me a good couple months to see the flashes too.but vf seems like a lifelong journey evryone seems to be practising on things to get better, combos, spacing, learning frames, foot checking op cl, etc etc it will all help u in ur vf journey there lots to take in. But once u start appling and understanding and the more indepth understanding u get it will be much more fun.alot of ppl get turned off by maybe the difficulty or how much info there is, but its easy, incase u have questions the community here is great and knowledgable. Ps i stiLl ask alot of questions too. Sorry for typo and gramar i wrote this on cell
  17. Eternal

    Eternal Member

    Mackfactor, what you said makes sense..I'm going to start working with the flashes and learn how to use it to my advantage..Thanks for the in depth post.
  18. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Side CH = blue flash. Again, it's a different colour because the frame difference after a Side CH is different to that of a frontal/normal CH.

    Don't be too concerned if you can't see or notice the colour of the hit flash during play. Obviously, people have gotten by without even noticing them, and continue to do so, much like foot stance.

    But, it's something that if you put the effort in to learn, then you'll pick it up eventually and be the better off for it if you know how to apply the knowledge.

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