Discussion in 'Quest, Kumite and Items' started by cka, Apr 15, 2002.

  1. cka

    cka Active Member

    Re: CONFIRMED Methods for LEI FEI'S Items

    Awesome. I just started a Lei Fei game tonight, too... timing for both myself and this thread couldn't have been better. :p

    (edit: I also have steel bracelets, I won them from a Kumite Lei Fei.)
  2. MsWayneWayne

    MsWayneWayne Active Member

    02/04/16 UPDATE
    Steel Bracelet CONFIRMED

    02/04/17 UPDATE
    Dragon Greaves CORRECTED

    02/04/25 UPDATE
    Jade Bracelet CONFIRMED
    Wyvern Greaves CONFIRMED
    Jade Beads FOUND


    These are verified methods of earning most of Lei Fei's Items. Unlisted items have not been confirmed as of yet. If you have any contributions, please reply to this topic.

    **Default character appearances for most of Lei Fei's items is necessary. Do not equip any additional items other than the ones mentioned. Try not to win with Ring Outs or Time Outs unless stated. (100 streak item does not apply.)

    Also, you don't have to win the match to get an item. (ie. If you want to get the Meditative Greaves, you can just keep getting hit by Sarah's Gatling Kick Beat until you lose. You'll get it anyway.)

    All these methods can be done in VERSUS Mode.



    Western Travel Hat (1P & 2P look different)
    Achieve 2 consecutive Ring Out victories.

    Cap of Life
    Perform Senshippo (P+K while in Hai Shiki Stance) for 8 consecutive rounds. You MUST charge the move.

    Cloud Circlet (1P Only)
    Win 20 consecutive matches with the Beads equipped.

    Blue Heaven Cap
    Achieve an excellent victory with the Beads equipped.

    Brown Silk Hat
    Won only through Kumite Mode. Opponent unconfirmed.


    Talisman Necklace (1P)
    Escape Throws frequently. Won with the Silver Collar. *See LeiNote2.

    Silver Collar (2P)
    Escape Throws frequently. Won with the Talisman Necklace. *See LeiNote2.

    Fragrant Wood Tags
    Win a match within 10 seconds.

    Silver Necklace
    Win 1 match with the Beads equipped.

    Jade Beads
    Defeat "Paingiver" in Kumite Mode. (3rd Kyu, 1P outfit)


    Golden Bracelet (1P)
    Perform Evade Attacks frequently. Won with the Brace of Strength. *See LeiNote1.

    Brace of Strength (2P)
    Perform Evade Attacks frequently. Won with the Golden Bracelet. *See LeiNote1.

    Stone Bracelet
    Perform Evade Attacks frequently. You must win 1 excellent round.

    Steel Bracelet
    Get hit by knockdown attacks frequently. (ie. Pai's Kick (K)

    Jade Bracelet
    Perform any single punch technique from Hai Shiki Stance for the entire round with the Beads equipped.

    Bead Bracelet
    Won only through Kumite Mode. Opponent unconfirmed.


    Steel Greaves
    Perform Side Throws frequently.

    Wooden Greaves
    Win 5 consecutive matches.

    Meditative Greaves
    Get hit by Sarah's Gatling Kick Beat several times.

    Black Greaves
    Go into the Dokuritsu Shiki Stance (u + P+K+G) and counter punches for the whole round.

    Basic Greaves
    Perform Counter Attacks frequently.

    Dragon Greaves
    Perform Uryu Banda (b, df + P) for the entire round with the Beads equipped. Make sure that at least 2 hits connect on each attempt: this is a MUST. Simply press guard (G) to go back to his regular stance so that you can perform the move again. This must be done quickly, with no hesitation. If you accidently press the wrong button or perform another move, it might not work. Just keep trying.

    Wyvern Greaves
    Get hit by a Counter Wall Combo. (See CONFIRMED Methods for SARAH'S Items and perform the Counter Combo used to get her Butterfly Choker.)

    Leather Greaves

    Gatorskin Greaves
    Won only through Kumite Mode. Opponent unconfirmed.

    100 WIN ITEM (Ears/Neck)

    Win 100 consecutive matches.


    Piggy Mask

    Elephant Mask

    ORB ITEM (Head - 2P only)

    Orb Item

    *LeiNote1: The game counts the Golden Bracelet and the Brace of Strength as one item.

    *LeiNote2: The game counts the Talisman Necklace and the Silver Collar as one item.


    Thanks to Yupa and HunterRose for the Pics which really helped a lot.
    Thanks to Mojito for his method for obtaining the Cap of Life.


    Credits go to the following Japanese Sites:

    And the Online Translators (although I had to go through a lot to decypher the english translations).

  3. Mojito

    Mojito New Member

    Re: CONFIRMED Methods for LEI FEI'S Items

    For the Jade Bracelet, with the Beads equipped perform the d/f + k attack on a grounded opponent multiple times during a round. I'm almost positive, but not totally that the leather greaves are acquired when the rank of 5th Dan is reached. Finally, the Cloud Circlet is 1p exclusive in case anyone cares.
  4. MsWayneWayne

    MsWayneWayne Active Member

    Re: CONFIRMED Methods for LEI FEI'S Items

    I've tested that method for the Jade Bracelet and it doesn't work for me. I tried doing that down attack for the entire round and nothing. I did it for three rounds consecutively and nothing. For some reason, I got it the match after doing the down attack for three consecutive rounds, but I didn't perform the down attack at all in that match. I decided to try it again, but it never worked again after that, though. So things are still unclear to me on how to obtain the Jade Bracelet.
  5. skuall

    skuall Member

    yo MsWayne, please post the confirmed methods for Lion's items when you have the time.
    thanks for the good work
  6. Kale

    Kale Active Member

    if you have problems getting the beads 100 win streak item, there is a way to cheese out the computer. Put yourself into the tiger stance and use the p attack which is a sabaki for pretty much anything high or mid. The computer almost always falls for it, like 95% of the time.
  7. MsWayneWayne

    MsWayneWayne Active Member

    Actually, you don't have to attempt to get the 100 win item in Kumite Mode. You can if you enjoy the challenge though. You can do it in versus mode. Just make sure that when on your winning streak, you don't exit to the Main Menu or the Character Select Screen as this will disrupt your winning streak. Just select "Try Again" after the match. To make it easier, set the game to 1 round, 160 HP for 2P side, 15 seconds on the clock and a ring without any walls (just make sure you don't accidentally walk out...to avoid this, naturally you should choose a stage with walls).

    To skuall: I am actually working on verifying Lion's items right now. Expect it at the earliest tomorrow night or at the lastest on Wednesday.
  8. Tymbomb321

    Tymbomb321 Member

    Hey MsWayneWayne

    Can you try to do something for me.

    Can you post which items can and cannot be obtained in VS> mode for Lei.

    I'd really appreciate it.

  9. Tymbomb321

    Tymbomb321 Member

    In response to my reply I HAVE tried most of those methods in VS. mode but they wont work.
  10. MsWayneWayne

    MsWayneWayne Active Member

    I really don't have any advice as I've tested all of these methods in VS. Mode several times...

    The only items unavailable in vs mode are listed as "only available through Kumite Mode".

    Which items are you having trouble with? I'll try to help you out.

    Try adjusting your settings to 1 round, 60 seconds, 160 Life for Both characters.

    When "frequently" is stated, try doing the move at least 3-5 times.
    To ensure you get the item, just do the move for the entire round.

    When doing evade attacks, you don't have to evade an actual attack, just do the evade attack by itself (u,u or d,d P+K+G).
    For winning streaks, do not exit to the main menu or character select screen, just select "try again" on the post battle screen.
    Other than that, I don't really know what other advice I can give.

    I hope this helps.
  11. Powda

    Powda Active Member

    I want to thank you. It must be a lot of work finding out how to get each item for the fighters. i really appreciate the time you have spent on it.
    i have 1 quick question,
    24. Dragon Greaves: Perform Uryu Banda (b, df + P) for the entire round. Make sure that at least 2 hits connect on each attempt. Simply press guard (G) to go back to his regular stance so that you can perform the move again.
    i cant get it to work for the life of me. i use VS. mode and the Uryu Banda the entire match, i also make sure it hits at least twice but nothing. do ya have any advice??
  12. MsWayneWayne

    MsWayneWayne Active Member

    The Dragon Greave has been CORRECTED above. I forgot to mention you need the Beads for it.
  13. Tymbomb321

    Tymbomb321 Member

    Hi it's me again

    The items im having trouble with are as follows

    Black Greaves
    Stone Bracelet
    Steel Bracelet
    Cap of life
    and the Dragon Greaves
    I dont know what the problem is but I have tried to get them since I posted the reply and they still will not work thank you for your help Tymbomb321
  14. MsWayneWayne

    MsWayneWayne Active Member

    Okay here goes:

    Black Greaves:
    Go into the Dokuritsu Shiki Stance (u + P+K+G) and counter punches for the whole round.
    Okay, this takes a few steps.
    1) Use VS Mode
    2) Go into Dokuritsu Shiki Stance (u + P+K+G)
    3) Have the 2P character take a punch at Lei-Fei. He should automatically counter the punch.
    4) Go back into Dokuritsu Shiki Stance
    5) Have the 2P punch...
    6) Lather, rinse, and repeat...8).

    Stone Bracelet: Perform Evade Attacks frequently. You must win 1 excellent round.

    1) Set the Game to 2 rounds.
    2) For both rounds, just do the evade attack (u,u or d,d + P+K+G). You don't even have to evade an actual attack, just keep performing the move. Also, after Lei-Fei performs the evade attack, he goes into Dokuritsu Shiki Stance. Press Guard, so that you can go back into his Normal Stance, then perform the evade attack again.

    Steel Bracelet: Get hit by knockdown attacks frequently.
    This one's pretty simple.

    1) Choose Pai as the 2P character as her knockdown move is simple.
    2) For the entire round just use Pai's Kick (K) on Lei. Let him fall to the ground. When he gets up, kick him again. Repeat this until your Lei Fei is defeated.
    3) This does give you one loss, though. If you want, you can go ahead and beat Pai instead of having Lei lose.

    Cap of Life: Perform Senshippo (P+K while in Hai Shiki Stance) for 8 consecutive rounds. You MUST charge the move.

    1) Go into Hai Shiki Stance (d + P+K+G)
    2) Perform Senshippo (P+K) - hold down P+K to charge to move.
    3) Do this for 8 consecutive rounds.
    4) Do NOT go to Main Menu or Character Select, just select Try Again.

    Dragon Greaves: Perform Uryu Banda (b, df + P) for the entire round with the Beads equipped. Make sure that at least 2 hits connect on each attempt: this is a MUST. Simply press guard (G) to go back to his regular stance so that you can perform the move again. This must be done quickly, with no hesitation. If you accidently press the wrong button or perform another move, it might not work. Just keep trying.

    1) Make sure you have the Beads equipped.
    2) Perform Urya Banda (b, df + P)
    3) Press Guard to go back into normal Stance
    4) Repeat.

    This must be done really fast.
    Make sure two hits are registered on each attempt.
    I believe that if you screw up and perform a different move, you won't get the Dragon Greaves.

    I really hope this helps you.
    If you need any more assistance, please ask.
  15. Tymbomb321

    Tymbomb321 Member

    Thanks very much I will try these in a little while.

    I appreciate your help
  16. Fly_Lei_Fei

    Fly_Lei_Fei Member

    I've been looking for this info. Which items require a certine rank? I heard something about needing to be at least 2nd Dan. Is this true? Thanks MsWayneWayne! >-)
  17. MsWayneWayne

    MsWayneWayne Active Member

    No, all of these items listed I won even before I hit 1st Dan. I believe the only items you need a certain rank for are the Curse Items which can only be gotten once you reach 2nd Dan.
  18. kidler

    kidler Member

    I never knew you had to be second dan for the dunce items.I will try the current methods of getting them now since I thought you only had to be at the first dan.
    thank you
  19. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    I translated a list and posted it not too long ago. Has some stuff that's unconfirmed here.... now where did I put that damn URL. /versus/images/icons/frown.gif
  20. Jebus

    Jebus Active Member

    Doesn't anyone know how to get the dunce items ??? /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

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