VFDC News Feeds

Discussion in 'Site News, Questions and Feedback' started by Myke, Dec 4, 2004.

  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    If you have a program/client/plugin that understands RSS News Feeds, then you'll be happy to read that VFDC is now providing feeds.

    I've set up two so far, and they are:

    VFDC : Latest Threads
    Description: Shows the latest 10 active threads from all forums
    [​IMG] http://virtuafighter.com/versuscity/ContentIslands/6_rss092.xml

    VFDC : Latest Media Posts
    Description: Shows the latest 10 active posts from the Media forum
    [​IMG] http://virtuafighter.com/versuscity/ContentIslands/5_rss092.xml

    These are updated every hour, so there's no point in setting your program to refresh more regularly than that. General RSS ettiquette is that you shouldn't refresh a feed faster than once per hour anyway, and you want to do the Right Thing, don't you?


    If you're not familiar with RSS feeds then here is a quick summary. Think about the number of web sites you visit regularly to check for latest news, updates, etc. Often times you'll find that the site doesn't have anything interesting, or sometimes you're just too busy you don't have the time to check all your sites, and you can easily lose track.

    Well, imagine a little program that could scoot off for you, visit all your favourite websites, then present a customised list will all the latest info. This little program could reside on your desktop, always visible but not in the way, and the latest headlines to all your favourite sites are there ready, just one click away.

    This is where RSS comes in. It's a standard for web sites to publish information in a particular format. Your program, that understands RSS, simply visits the websites, reads the RSS published information, and presents it to you.


    If you use Opera or Mozilla as your browser, then they already support RSS feeds, so there probably isn't a need to download a separate client. As far as I know, Internet Explorer doesn't have RSS support yet.

    Check out the Google RSS > News Readers repository. There are a lot of readers out there!

    If anybody else is already taking advantage of RSS news feeds, then maybe they can share what they use in this thread.

    Here's an example of what I use.

    News plugin with trillian pro

    Trillian Pro 2.0, which I use for my instant messanging, has a news plugin that understands RSS feeds. Broswers, Mail programs, and specific clients are increasingly supporting RSS news feeds, so you may already have the capability but just aren't aware of it. There are also freeware clients available for download as well.

    Hope you enjoy this new feature of VFDC. If you have any questions or comments, then post here.

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